What foods can help keep smoking and sweets off my mind?

I have recently quit smoking (and this time for reals!!!), and I am starting to develope a sweet tooth because of it. I want to avoid gaining weight because of it, so (aside from fruits) what foods are there that will aid in kicking both habbits? I have tried to use excersise as a replacement but honestly more than often it leaves me hungry and reaching for a smoke!!


  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    What truly helped me was LOTS of gum chewing and walking. It really really sucks at first but slowly it will get easier and better! All the best to you!
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    what really helped me was snaking on baby carrots and ice cubes :)
  • thornedlily77
    thornedlily77 Posts: 29 Member
    Have you tried those "smokeless electronic cigarrettes" yet? a friend at work uses it so she doesn't take as many smoke breaks & likes them (she still smokes at home, jsut takes a drag now & then at work).

    I think they can help you quit too????? But of course go with whatever your doctor says on that one.

    Good luck!
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    Try making some sweet snacks or meals. They may not be the healthiest option in the world, but it's a shot. I put some sliced carrots in a pan the other day with some maple syrup and brown sugar. Oh, and banana bread/muffins. Yum.
  • lovingmethin
    lovingmethin Posts: 47 Member
    What really helped me to quit smoking was Allen Carr's book The Easy Way to Quit for Women. I've quit multiple times in life and I have also feaned for a cigarette, until I read his book. (3 days after I quit smoking, I wish I would have read it before I quit!!) I would think, "oh, I need a cigarette. Wait, nevermind, I don't smoke anymore". AND that was it. I just had to retrain myself from the habit of smoking (hand to mouth) but I had no desire to actually smoke. I chewed lots of gum and started reading self help books on addictive personalities. lol.

    Good luck to you!!
  • iSurvive
    I was on a diet when I quit smoking as well and it was hard but lots of walking and chew gum was how I managed it as well. of course it was summer that helped. Well and I am sure my diet coke habit increased a bit!

    ETA: I also read in a self help book (couldn't tell you what one. I worked in a book store so I use to just browse) about quitting smoking that smokers are always just trying to get back to the state that non smokers are at (or something to that effect, this was five years ago) and it really struck a cord with me.