I feel awful!

I have recently decided that enough is enough and i now need to lose the weight. Im just underr 14 stone and 5ft 1 so as you can imagine im OBESE!!

I joined the local gym so i can go to gym, swimming classse etc.
Well i went to the gym yesterday and i feel awful.

I cant even go on the eliptical trainer for 5 mins im that unhealthy. I feel awful.

I love swimming but i feel like tis not doing enough to shift the weight even though i plan on going 3 x a week for an hour each time.

Has anyone else had this and how did you over come it? Im thinking about going back and doing my 30 day shred dvd because even though i couldnt do it all the first time i felt like i had a workout?


  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    You don't say how long it's been since you started trying hard to lose, but it sounds a little like you're not seeing immediate improvements and losing morale because of it.

    If your activity is as limited as you say, then that's probably the main problem. Don't push yourself too hard, but keep at it. Make sure you give your body a break, and within a few weeks you'll start to build some muscle which will help burn the fat off as your capacity to exercise improves.

    An example from my recent experience: A few months ago I started cycling to work 3 times a week, which is 10 miles each way. The first day I tried, I managed 3-4 miles in 40 mins, and gave up, feeling absolutely shattered, like I could barely stand. A week later, I made it all the way, in 80 mins, still feeling wretched at the end. By the time I was knocked off my bike a month ago, I was doing the journey in 50 mins at a fairly steady pace. Now I'm not suggesting that you'll get the same results, but I could easily have given up in that first week, when I couldn't make it all the way, and people at work were criticising me for not keeping going, but by keeping at it, I improved, slowly at first, and that did a lot to kickstart my weight loss (also from 14 stone, incidentally).

    You can do it, and it's frustrating, but if you want it, you will do it, just keep at it.

    Also, I'm assuming you're operating at a net calorie deficit?

    If I'm way off the mark, I apologise, but without being able to see your diary/activity, I don't have much detail to go on.
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    Oh, and swimming is a great way to get started, because although it supports your body, that allows you to go for longer than if you tried running, for instance, which will yield much better results in the long run.
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    Swimming is really good exercise! Just do it all at your own pace. Dont feel like you have to start with an hour. Start with 20 to30min. Three times a week and go from there.
  • bdtyson77302
    bdtyson77302 Posts: 86 Member
    :( Don't feel awful. I think the gym is hellish! Don't do anything that makes you feel bad about yourself! I do have to say that swimming is probably the best way to get started. If you don't want to do the elliptical or treadmill then get a fitness tape for home use and build up that stamina! Get some free weights and do some squats (strengthens your core, legs, bottom, and arms!) You do what you can...five minutes of exercise is still great!! At least you are moving...and before you know it, you will be at thirty minutes a day and beyond! Good luck!! :)
  • UKChloeT
    All exercise is brilliant and swimming is a great one because the water supports your body and you're less likely to strain yourself, meaning you can go more often because you don't feel too achey the following day!
    Rather than going for an hour, try to set yourself a distance target, say 20 lengths, and see how fast you can do it in. Then challenge yourself to beat that time each week. Once it gets easy, start upping the distance!!
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Please don't feel awful. Although I am a lot older than you I started at a similar weight with a similar target and I now only have 3lbs to go. It has taken 18 months but I am nearly there.

    I have done most of this by calorie counting. I swim or go to the gym once a week and I do an aquafit class, that's all. The aqua is great fun....all women and most of them with a fair few pounds to lose.

    If you would like some moral support (I am in the UK) then send me a friend request.

    If I can do this, you can!
  • skypie02
    It will take you just a bit to get back into shape. You are in the right place! I found I was pushed the most by going with a friend, we only attended group excercise classes because you tend to be motivated harder in comparison to trying to do something at home. I am a licensed Zumba Instructor now, and even as a fitness instructor I find myself "cheating" by not working so hard at home rather than if I am in front of my class or if I am attending some other sort of group excercise program. Most gyms have a schedule of classes and usually have 1 to 3 a day different times to target a variety of schedules. You need a plan. Going into the gym by yourself when you are already discouraged gives you more of a chance to get frustrated or feel out of place and leave. It is hard I know! I was mainly concerned with people thinking why cant this young overweight girl keep up with the class or why is that fatty here? In reality no one thinks that, and as a group fitness instructor no one is watching you either they are to busy trying to watch the teacher themselves they arent paying attention to what anyone else is doing. If you cant do all the moves first starting out do what you can and walk in place is what I tell my students. You are still getting your heart rate up even if you have to have a couple of minute break, and you will find accomplishment in seeing how much more your body can do each class! Try a buddy system you could help motivate eachother to workout and the main thing is to have a plan. My friend that I worked out with moved far away and she gained 7 pounds and I lost 10 pounds, sometimes it is just the initial motivation you need help with depending on your personality, the man in the picture with you is that your husband? Make it a hobby to go to the gym together and be healthy together this could help with diet at home as well! Until the last 2 to 3 weeks (finals and exams and research papers due for school no excuse i know ;) ) lol I was attending a group class every single day. I find I burn the most calories, push myself harder (but only you know your limits and you will have to work up to when you are back in shape dont push yourself to hard because this can force you away from excercising as well), and feel better about myself because I am not trying to guess what I should do each day, and I am encouraged more because for most of the classes I went to it was full of women who had the same goals as me on wanting to be a healthy active person, and so we all helped and pushed eachother. The main thing is going to be to find something that you enjoy. I do not enjoy running and would rather literally be punched in the face than go run 5 miles (mud runs are a totally different story lol) When I found Zumba I was in love with the music, dancing, and atmosphere. This could be the case with you with Turbo Kick or a water Aerobics class (you said they had a pool and this can be better for joints and not as hard as a 45 minute cardio class just starting out). Find you nich, your plan, and stick with it. You have already went through the hardest part and that is deciding that you want to change to be a healthier you, and you joined a gym which is hard for alot of people to do! Feel free to add me but I have full faith you can accomplish your goals! You are definitely on the right track!
  • skypie02
    Congrats to the woman with only 3 pounds to go great job! How encouraging!!
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    It is super important to track EVEYTHING you eat everyday! If you eat less than you DID and workout more than you did you are going to lose weight. You won't show losing on the scale right away, but you will notice that your clothes are fitting you better!!

    It also is important to go into the workouts gradually. You don't want to get so sore that you stop working out.
    Along with calorie count. Eat at least 80 grams of protien each day. protein helpd=s burn fay, big time

    Also add me to your friend list so we can talk now and then and you can let know how you are doing!

    Basil A stone is 14 lbs right?
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    I started at just over 13 stone, I am a little taller than you but I too was classed as obese. It hurt me to walk any distance, at any pace. The most important thing is to log everything you eat and just do what you can exercise wise. The weight will come off. Good luck, keep positive and don't expect immediate results.
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    A stone is 14 lbs right?
  • Brian_VA
    Brian_VA Posts: 125
    When you begin an exercise program the most important thing is to not overdo it, and that at each session you do a little more. Set short term goals and meet them. In the long run it won't matter if you do 20 minutes or 30 minutes on an exercise bike if a month from now you're able to do 60 minutes, and a month after that you're biking outside for 2.5 hours. The key is to establish the good habit of exercising regularly.

    At the beginning you will not be burning tremendous numbers of calories. But the more you do, the more you can do, and the more calories you will burn. For example when I first started exercising I could only go about 20 minutes and burned 200 cal. Today I can run for 1 to 2 hours and burn up to 1500 cal in one session. It's an investment in time and effort to build up your exercise endurance. But it really pays off in helping with weight loss and weight management!
  • Gunsentry
    Gunsentry Posts: 121 Member
    I cant even go on the eliptical trainer for 5 mins im that unhealthy. I feel awful.

    I love swimming but i feel like tis not doing enough to shift the weight even though i plan on going 3 x a week for an hour each time.

    Sounds like me 14 months ago.

    What I did was go on eliptical for as long as Iould and take note of how long, hope off and go swimming till you had enough.

    Record your gym session.

    Congrats you just set yourself a personal best for beat next time.

    Okay next time your in the gym go beat your record by whatever time you can do, second or minutes and record, did you beat your last time? Yes congrats again new personal record to beat next time or no you go back and match or beat next session.

    Its all about progression you will get better, fitter and slimmer just set your personal goals and try to equal or better each time.

    Record so you can see your progress.

    I went from managing only 2 minutes on the eliptical when I started to a full 45 min session at highest setting.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    If you had trouble with the 30 Day Shred just make sure that you are not doing it on a hard floor or barefoot and think about getting some knee supports because it can be hard on your knees if you're carrying a bit of weight. But stick with it, I guarantee that 5 days into it you'll see your stamina improve...That's 5 days only 20 mins a day, give it a go! I'm not saying it's the best workout out there but it might give you a chance to see that you can do more than you think you can! Good luck!
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    I am pretty much exactly the same- the exercise will get easier and you will be surprised with that you can actually do. Feel free to add me if you want- 5 foot tall and just under 14 stone as well :smile:
  • Elma1975
    It is always hard to start. I walked and swam. I tried 30day shred but it was too hard for my knees. I have been on this journey since may and lost the same amount of weight as you. I have been stuck at the same weight for 3 months. I know this is difficult, just don´t give up and keep trying, it will get easier with time
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    add some strenght training to your routine so you are losing primarily fat when you lose weight, not LBM
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I have recently decided that enough is enough and i now need to lose the weight. Im just underr 14 stone and 5ft 1 so as you can imagine im OBESE!!

    I joined the local gym so i can go to gym, swimming classse etc.
    Well i went to the gym yesterday and i feel awful.

    I cant even go on the eliptical trainer for 5 mins im that unhealthy. I feel awful.

    I love swimming but i feel like tis not doing enough to shift the weight even though i plan on going 3 x a week for an hour each time.

    Has anyone else had this and how did you over come it? Im thinking about going back and doing my 30 day shred dvd because even though i couldnt do it all the first time i felt like i had a workout?

    honey, you need to quit beating yourself up. I am almost 38 years old, a smidge taller than you, and I started out at nearly 16 stone!

    The first month or so it was a struggle to do 30 minutes on the treadmill, no matter how slow! I would literally be stumbling and dripping sweat.

    by the 4th month or so staff was starting to notice that I was there often, and that I was working hard...I also noticed that I didn't sweat nearly as much on the treadmill--and I could do an HOUR.

    by the 8th month or so, I had lost 2 stone and found muscles I didn't know I had! The trainer knows my schedule, and chats with me daily. I am currently exactly the same weight as you!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    As great as work outs are (I'm something of a junkie) they really should be on the back burner at this point in your weight loss. MFP is designed so that you can lose weight without working out. Exercise and activity can be used to wrangle some extra calories to make staying within your goal easier. So for now, make building up your workout focus. Walk 5 min on the tread mill, hop on to the elliptical for 1-2 min, then go back to walking. Build up until you are active for 30 min straight. Then work to being able to do the elliptical 30 min straight (same principle goes for swimming -- which burns a TON of cals btw).

    Build it up- everything in steps.
  • missferoux
    missferoux Posts: 118 Member
    first off, try not to beat yourself up. I decided one day to start running. I downloaded the C25K programme. The first one was run for 3 mins. I managed 1m 22s. I was devastated but kept trying. That was towards the end of August. Since End of November I can now run 4 miles / 6.5km!!!

    I would suggest setting a reasonable target - walking on a slight incline or elliptical trainer for 5 full mins each. do that each time for a week. Then, the next week, up the limit to 6 mins each. Do that for a full week. And so on and so on. thats the way the C25K works - just slowly build it up. i will guarantee within a month you'll have doubled what you can do now xx