Hey folks!

Thought I would officially introduce myself. About 6 years ago I was 160 lbs., in a job that I loathed and I had relatively little going on socially in my life. I started going to the gym and getting my eating in shape. Having a job I hated made going to workout easy for me. Sometimes I would go in the morning before work and then, get so stressed out and angry at work that I would find myself going to the gym after work too (sometimes without even remembering that I had already been). The weight came off and I got down to about 130.

Then, I started graduate school. My life got a lot busier and started to feel guilty for wanting to spend hours at the gym every day. Basically, life got in the way--same old excuse. I haven't gained back all of the weight, but for the past several years I've been wavering around 140 (give or take a few pounds). I've still stayed fairly active (even did two sprint triathlons!) but I've just never been as happy with my body as I was at 130.

I'd like to get back down to that and then some. Even at 130, I still wasn't in the kind I really wanted to be in. I had muscles, but they were still covered by a bit of fat. I'd like to get to the point of having a bit of real definition (even when I'm not flexing with all my might in front of the mirror).

I'm also trying to build my exercise into my life in a way that doesn't require an hour or two at the gym every night because I know that that isn't the most realistic for me. I've been doing circuit workouts using mostly bodyweight exercises (inspired by http://bodyrock.tv) and I also walk 1.5 miles to and from work nearly every day (unless I'm working from home). I think I really need to start getting serious in the kitchen and getting realistic about the amount that I'm eating. Which is why I'm here!

Thanks for listening and hi!