Newly weds!


Just wondering if there are any newly weds out there?

I worked my butt off for my wedding a few weeks ago and didn't loose nearly as much weight as I wanted. Since then i was ill and feeling quite sorry for myself so I ate quite a lot of junk, am actually afraid to weigh myself now!

My lovely new hubby has promised me a second honeymoon if I can get to the point where I would be happy to wear a bikini. He thinks I should be happy to wear one now but tankini's all the way for me at the mo. He tells me I'm beautiful and don't need to loose any weight but he doesn't know that I weigh approx 15 stone, wearing the right clothes cover a multitude of sins :o(

Anyways I haven't been logging in a while and am just trying to get back into it today, If anyone wouldn't mind giving me a good kick in the *kitten* please add me xx


  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    I am a newly wed as well! We just had a ceremony and reception for our family and friends earlier this month, but we had a JOP in September. We've been married almost three months. I know where you are coming from though, I was upset because I wanted to lose about 15 pounds before our wedding this month, I lost inches but not weight. After all the activitites and fun that came in a few weeks with having good friends and family come into town, my diet and exercise was put on the back burner. I finally weighed myself and I had gained 7 pounds. I was not happy, and very down on myself. But I have been back on track eating wise and walking each day, and I am trying to decide which exercise program to pick up next week full force. I've already lost a couple of those extra pounds, because of lot of what is gained in a short period is water weight!

    Don't beat yourself up, you've got this. We are already friends so we can continue to motivate each other. My husband and I are taking our honeymoon in April, so my goal is to definitely lose at least 20 pounds, which would allow me to feel comfortable in a swimsuit, not quit bikini material, but close. Also, I don't want to set unrealistic goals for myself, because that is how I set myself up for failure. So in four months, I'd like to lose 20 pounds, but more importantly, I want to be closer to being healthier and as fit as I can be.