Mermaid or whale ?



  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    What I liked about that post is not so much the way it criticizes clichés (the post in itself seems a bit of a cliché sometimes hehe), rather the question it arises : what Does “Being Healthy” truly means ?

    The best thing in your life that would ever happen to you is the day you become aware of the importance of having a healthy body; however, in many cases, there seems to be an ambiguity between looking healthy and actually being healthy.
    Thoughts ?
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    How can we cut down the cord of extremes that our society maintains? The girl wrote that because of the ad she saw on a gym.
    That's the underlying problem, maintaining false associations on changes to adopt. What being healthy means ?

    They could start by getting rid of the term "plus-size model". It is an Oxymoron, created by morons! They take a healthy size 8/10 and call her plus size. What does that say to the 'below average' weight, healthy, fit woman who is a size 8? It tells her that she is STILL not good enough.

    We as a society could also support more women's sports. No one rushes home from church on Sunday afternoon to watch women's basketball. I never see women's sports advertised on network TV, except during the Olympics, or perhaps Wimbledon finals. But never prime time like the men's sports are.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    When are they going to apply bull**** dichotomies and judgement based on appearance not health or function to men? Can you imagine the men's response if the picture of the whale was Jared Allen or some pro-bowl lineman versus a punter as the ideal? That's essentially what the bull**** beauty ideal does to women. And fck that gym for perpetuating it rather than health as an ideal goal.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    When are they going to apply bull**** dichotomies and judgement based on appearance not health or function to men? Can you imagine the men's response if the picture of the whale was Jared Allen or some pro-bowl lineman versus a punter as the ideal? That's essentially what the bull**** beauty ideal does to women. And fck that gym for perpetuating it rather than health as an ideal goal.

    Women do it to themselves and this culture of 'The average woman is a UK16 so it's okay to be fat' is just as damaging. I'm quite sure that obesity is MUCH more prevalent than anorexia or any other eating disorder.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I hate that you have to choose between Media pushed anorexic thin and over weight curvy beautiful. There is a happy medium people. It's called healthy. Thin and curvy(not fat) can both fall into the healthy range. Negative body image is just as harmful to skinny girls as it is to over weight girls. If you are tired of being berated for being overweight then get to work and get healthy, (not necessarily skinny) rather than try to bully the other end of the spectrum while justifying a lifestyle that leads to diabetes, heart disease, joint fatigue and a hole slew of other ailments that come along with eating poorly and not exercising.

    Mermaid or whale ? How about happy, healthy human being.

    Absolutely, I 150% agree. I loathe the "real women have curves" b*ll****. Real women have vaginas. The end.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I hate that you have to choose between Media pushed anorexic thin and over weight curvy beautiful. There is a happy medium people. It's called healthy. Thin and curvy(not fat) can both fall into the healthy range. Negative body image is just as harmful to skinny girls as it is to over weight girls. If you are tired of being berated for being overweight then get to work and get healthy, (not necessarily skinny) rather than try to bully the other end of the spectrum while justifying a lifestyle that leads to diabetes, heart disease, joint fatigue and a hole slew of other ailments that come along with eating poorly and not exercising.

    Mermaid or whale ? How about happy, healthy human being.

    Absolutely, I 150% agree. I loathe the "real women have curves" b*ll****. Real women have vaginas. The end.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Women do it to themselves and this culture of 'The average woman is a UK16 so it's okay to be fat' is just as damaging. I'm quite sure that obesity is MUCH more prevalent than anorexia or any other eating disorder.

    No kidding! Everyone in the US says size 14 is average, so if you're average, no problem. Well, I would have to be in the obese category to be a size 14. I don't want to be "average" if "average" is unhealthy.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member

    Women do it to themselves and this culture of 'The average woman is a UK16 so it's okay to be fat' is just as damaging. I'm quite sure that obesity is MUCH more prevalent than anorexia or any other eating disorder.

    No kidding! Everyone in the US says size 14 is average, so if you're average, no problem. Well, I would have to be in the obese category to be a size 14. I don't want to be "average" if "average" is unhealthy.

    Same here, I'd rather be healthy! All this 'vanity sizing', 'real women have curves', 'God loved me so much he decided to supersize me' BS is just designed to make it okay to be lazy and obese. I'm all for people accepting themselves but I'm not for anyone settling for less or being encouraged to settle!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member

    Women do it to themselves and this culture of 'The average woman is a UK16 so it's okay to be fat' is just as damaging. I'm quite sure that obesity is MUCH more prevalent than anorexia or any other eating disorder.

    No kidding! Everyone in the US says size 14 is average, so if you're average, no problem. Well, I would have to be in the obese category to be a size 14. I don't want to be "average" if "average" is unhealthy.

    I was obese at a 14. Blerg. This stuff makes me a little stabby, seriously.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Women do it to themselves and this culture of 'The average woman is a UK16 so it's okay to be fat' is just as damaging. I'm quite sure that obesity is MUCH more prevalent than anorexia or any other eating disorder.

    No kidding! Everyone in the US says size 14 is average, so if you're average, no problem. Well, I would have to be in the obese category to be a size 14. I don't want to be "average" if "average" is unhealthy.

    Same here, I'd rather be healthy! All this 'vanity sizing', 'real women have curves', 'God loved me so much he decided to supersize me' BS is just designed to make it okay to be lazy and obese. I'm all for people accepting themselves but I'm not for anyone settling for less or being encouraged to settle!

    It's also a personal pet peeve that "curvy" now means "overweight."

    I could weigh 80 pounds and because of my body type, I would be curvy.
  • perfecting_emptiness
    I hate that you have to choose between Media pushed anorexic thin and over weight curvy beautiful. There is a happy medium people. It's called healthy. Thin and curvy(not fat) can both fall into the healthy range. Negative body image is just as harmful to skinny girls as it is to over weight girls. If you are tired of being berated for being overweight then get to work and get healthy, (not necessarily skinny) rather than try to bully the other end of the spectrum while justifying a lifestyle that leads to diabetes, heart disease, joint fatigue and a hole slew of other ailments that come along with eating poorly and not exercising.

    Mermaid or whale ? How about happy, healthy human being.

    Absolutely, I 150% agree. I loathe the "real women have curves" b*ll****. Real women have vaginas. The end.

    Yes! :drinker:
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member

    Women do it to themselves and this culture of 'The average woman is a UK16 so it's okay to be fat' is just as damaging. I'm quite sure that obesity is MUCH more prevalent than anorexia or any other eating disorder.

    No kidding! Everyone in the US says size 14 is average, so if you're average, no problem. Well, I would have to be in the obese category to be a size 14. I don't want to be "average" if "average" is unhealthy.

    Same here, I'd rather be healthy! All this 'vanity sizing', 'real women have curves', 'God loved me so much he decided to supersize me' BS is just designed to make it okay to be lazy and obese. I'm all for people accepting themselves but I'm not for anyone settling for less or being encouraged to settle!

    It's also a personal pet peeve that "curvy" now means "overweight."

    I could weigh 80 pounds and because of my body type, I would be curvy.

    Yep, there's a huge difference between 'curves' and 'rolls'.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    It's the notion that thin people don't eat ice cream with their kids, go out to dinner with their husbands, etc etc that irritates me. Like I'm just sitting in a dark room with my head on the table and my stomach growling, dying to be "thin". FRIGGIN' PLEASE.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    This is another horsesh!t 'it's okay to be fat' message that fat women like to perpetuate... Oh being fat is so much fun! What about being healthy? Throw away the potted philosophies and embrace your health, yes it might be hard work - certainly harder than sitting around eating ice cream with your kids but it's worth it.


    The woman in that picutre looks overweight.

    Yes, she is beautiful, and curvey, yadda yadda yadda.

    Personally, I am going for Athletic, healthy, and slim. My natural curves will then show VS my fat rolls.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    It's the notion that thin people don't eat ice cream with their kids, go out to dinner with their husbands, etc etc that irritates me. Like I'm just sitting in a dark room with my head on the table and my stomach growling, dying to be "thin". FRIGGIN' PLEASE.

    Oh but didn't you know thin/fit people are miserable, hungry, angry creatures living in a constant state of deprivation...oh and men don't find them attractive either!!!
    The lies people tell themselves because if they told people how liberating it is to be healthy and unburdened by self-consciousness and insecurity they might have to actually own up to the fact that obesity isn't this 'jolly' thing they pretend it is!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    This is another horsesh!t 'it's okay to be fat' message that fat women like to perpetuate... Oh being fat is so much fun! What about being healthy? Throw away the potted philosophies and embrace your health, yes it might be hard work - certainly harder than sitting around eating ice cream with your kids but it's worth it.


    The woman in that picutre looks overweight.

    Yes, she is beautiful, and curvey, yadda yadda yadda.

    Personally, I am going for Athletic, healthy, and slim. My natural curves will then show VS my fat rolls.

    Because she is... very overweight. She has a beautiful face (those lips, my god!) and fab hair but yeah, she's very heavy and if she's happy that way, great.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    It's the notion that thin people don't eat ice cream with their kids, go out to dinner with their husbands, etc etc that irritates me. Like I'm just sitting in a dark room with my head on the table and my stomach growling, dying to be "thin". FRIGGIN' PLEASE.

    Oh but didn't you know thin/fit people are miserable, hungry, angry creatures living in a constant state of deprivation...oh and men don't find them attractive either!!!
    The lies people tell themselves because if they told people how liberating it is to be healthy and unburdened by self-consciousness and insecurity they might have to actually own up to the fact that obesity isn't this 'jolly' thing they pretend it is!

    lol. Duck, I'm about to flip a table.
  • tom_olech
    tom_olech Posts: 139 Member
    I dont understand why this model's face looks so thin compare to the rest of her body....
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I want to be a porpoise.. oooh or a megaladon (since mermaids count) because that sh*ts cool... wait, what?
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    It's the notion that thin people don't eat ice cream with their kids, go out to dinner with their husbands, etc etc that irritates me. Like I'm just sitting in a dark room with my head on the table and my stomach growling, dying to be "thin". FRIGGIN' PLEASE.

    Oh but didn't you know thin/fit people are miserable, hungry, angry creatures living in a constant state of deprivation...oh and men don't find them attractive either!!!
    The lies people tell themselves because if they told people how liberating it is to be healthy and unburdened by self-consciousness and insecurity they might have to actually own up to the fact that obesity isn't this 'jolly' thing they pretend it is!

    lol. Duck, I'm about to flip a table.

    Flip it!!! Then let's go raid an ice-cream stand and a taco cart!!!!!
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