Some people will believe anything



  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    I have a friend whose food conspiracy paranoia is growing increasingly fervent on Facebook. She also never hesitates to try and sell her miracle weight-loss shakes. I have her muted so I don't have to read it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'd also like to emphasize the part of what I quoted that claims antibiotics directly lead to cancer. Yes, they have side effects. Yes, they should be used only when needed.

    But the conclusion that using them at all will cause you to get cancer? That's my BIGGEST problem with the post and it absolutely is telling people not to use them at all. What other conclusion could you draw from that???
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    What causes you to dismiss your friend's post as a scare tactic? Do you have some good solid information to refute any *specific* points in her post? If so, please share them with us. Genuinely curious.

    (I'm another nurse--intensive care--who chooses to not use antibiotics for myself or my family unless we are knocking on death's door. So far, we've been able to take care of illnesses and infections without them for many years now...and have avoided the side effects like diarrhea and yeast infections that goes along with their use.)
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    What causes you to dismiss your friend's post as a scare tactic? Do you have some good solid information to refute any *specific* points in her post? If so, please share them with us. Genuinely curious.

    (I'm another nurse--intensive care--who chooses to not use antibiotics for myself or my family unless we are knocking on death's door. So far, we've been able to take care of illnesses and infections without them for many years now...and have avoided the side effects like diarrhea and yeast infections that goes along with their use.)

    As the OP stated, it's the direct link to cancer that's mostly in dispute. In this case the onus is on the FB friend who states that abx causes cancer to provide good solid information.

    As well, my family doesn't use a lot of antibiotics but don't wait until we're in death's door to seek appropriate medical attention.
    I also work in the health care field and have see people with chronic hearing loss from untreated ear infections and with chronic kidney disease from untreated strep and bladder infections.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I also work in the health care field and have see people with chronic hearing loss from untreated ear infections and with chronic kidney disease from untreated strep and bladder infections.

    My grandfather has deafness from that. They didn't have the option when he was little and he's had to wear hearing aids most of his life.

    As for the side effects, while they certainly happen, no one in my family has every experienced them. So it's not like every single person who takes an antibiotic ends up with daihrrea and yeast infections. I'm 36 and have never had a yeast infection.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Antibiotics are of the devil. I say we outlaw them all we were doing so much better during medievil times when are immune systems were tougher having to fend off that measly little bacteria that caused the Black Death. Septic blood caused from a toe infection sminfection tis but a flesh wound! I promise that anything that sounds like scarey latin I will not use anymore. Yay all natural!
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I think anti biotics, like other medications such as immunizations, are necessary. Are there down sides? Of course, but would you rather have a bacterial infection that messes you up long term and could turn bad, or take anti biotics and have to watch your immune system more closely for a week? The problem isn't the medication, it's the over use of medication.

    For example, I've been allergic to the cillin based drugs forever. I almost died when I was 2 and took it. I had chronic ear infections that were leading to a point where, if left untreated, I would suffer hearing loss. Every time I got an ear infection it was important to treat. I was on the sulfer drugs for years. Last year I had a bug bite that got infected with all kinds of nasty (I worked in a gym where I was exposed to lots of disease) and had to be treated. I've developed an allergy to sulfer drugs now because I've been taking them for 20 years. I've never had an issue with my immune system as a result, I rarely get sick, and have no other health problems. But seriously, every time I've been on anti biotics it wasn't an option to not take them.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    LOL that was funny in an ironic way...

    Some one on here said they avoid antibiotics like the plague, and of course we all know millions of us do not die from bubonic plague because of antibiotics. LOL that was just silly made me laugh.

    *Damn spelling
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    First of all, it's been all over the news in the past few years about the OVERUSE of antibiotics and the strains of bacteria becoming more resistant to them. This is happening because it has become more common for doctors to prescribe antibiotics when none are needed. I can't tell you how many times I've been to a regular medical doctor for me or one of my children and they couldn't tell me what the problem was but wrote a prescription anyway. I now to go to a holistic doctor which has helped me much better than the traditional medical establishment. Doctors now adays aren't trained to find the root of the problem, only to treat the symptoms.

    Second, if her post bothered you so much (which honestly, I agree with most of what she said) then why don't you tell her instead of putting it all over MFP for the rest of us to read and talk about behind her back. Some FB friend you are!
  • Liadora11
    So we are talking about whether it was morally right of her to post her comment, rather than whether her information was correct?

    I would say yes, it's her FB so she can post what she likes. She didn't break any rules, she just shared what she believes to be true whilst plugging her new business. (and who wouldn't try and plug their own budding bussiness at any opportunity anyway!)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So we are talking about whether it was morally right of her to post her comment, rather than whether her information was correct?

    I would say yes, it's her FB so she can post what she likes. She didn't break any rules, she just shared what she believes to be true whilst plugging her new business. (and who wouldn't try and plug their own budding bussiness at any opportunity anyway!)

    I never said she couldn't or shouldn't post it. But based on this and other things she's posting, her only clients will be people who believe everything they read on the Internet.