not losing...



  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    you can go in and add sodium to watch. soup/bacon/ sodium. just a thought. 1500 is best.
  • Mylolamia
    Mylolamia Posts: 88 Member
    I would say that you need to watch your sodium. Try to limit packaged and frozen foods. Such as soups, pizzas and macarronies. I try to limited processed foods in my diet. I know it is difficult, but these foods can limit your weight loss due to sodium and other ingredients. Add in more fruits and veggies.

    I have to agree with the above. Your exercise is are doing plenty. But even though you are not showing sodium, I can tell from your diary you are over the top. Try and cut down on those foods and you might notice a big difference.
  • Mylolamia
    Mylolamia Posts: 88 Member
    Also, just saw you are not logging water and no vegetables.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    It's been a week. Give it time.

    weight loss is not linear

    Yep :smile:

    After stories reading about people losing 60 pounds in 5 months, I was PUMPED that would be the case for me. Alas, everyone's body is different. I've lost about 15 pounds in 2 months, which is great also! Progress is progress. Hopefully other people can give you good advice from looking at your food diary. I tend to shy away from doing that:blushing:
  • SStrauss79
    SStrauss79 Posts: 124 Member
    Seem's like you are eating a lot of sodium...cheese and processed food. You also may not be eating enough. Perhaps through a large salad in there with lots of toppings and protein from fresh sources vs. pre packaged.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    What I do when that happens is to go lean for three days. For three days I only eat foods that are easily measured for correct calories. I also weigh and measure my portions. It is so easy for me to be to generous with that half cup measurement. I have also tried eating nothing but raw fruit and veggies for a couple days to see if I can surprise my body and get that weight loss on the scale.

    Best to you on your journey.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    After a quick glance at your food log I can say that I would gain insane weight with that much refined sugar. You eat a lot of candy, refined flour, soda, and stuff.

    Go clean. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins.