Help please?

So, here's my deal. Over the summer, I was doing an awesome job at keeping up my weight loss, and was dropping very well. I started at 270, and dropped down to 248. My first goal is 220, and then finally 190.

I think I'm back to 265-270 again, and I'm too scared to actually check.

The "reason" for this is due to the fact that I came back to college and took on a challenging semester.

Since I was being lazy and trying to just crash and take breaks rather than cooking food properly, I wound up eating out a lot, and I got back into drinking soda.

Could anybody help me find that mindset again? I know that I need to take the steps and whatnot myself, but I'm really having a hard time finding that motivation.

I'd really appreciate any possible help!



  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
    I am so confused by posts like these. You work your *kitten* off to get to your goal and then you let it slip away...

    You need to motivate yourself bro. No one else can get you in the right mindset. You need to do this for YOURSELF.

    Go hammmmmm bro.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I am so confused by posts like these. You work your *kitten* off to get to your goal and then you let it slip away...

    You need to motivate yourself bro. No one else can get you in the right mindset. You need to do this for YOURSELF.

    Go hammmmmm bro.

  • taekwonkenpo
    You did it once. Now do it again, and this time make it a true, forever, life style change.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I am so confused by posts like these. You work your *kitten* off to get to your goal and then you let it slip away...

    You need to motivate yourself bro. No one else can get you in the right mindset. You need to do this for YOURSELF.

    Go hammmmmm bro.

    I third are the only one that can get you back to that mindset again. Step on the scale even though you don't want to but that might be enough of an eye opener to get you started and back towards that same mindset from earlier. Go to the gym with a friend, go food shopping so you have healthy foods, make food for the week on a Sunday so all you have to do is heat it up
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    This is very common. Its so discouraging to have to start from square one after you worked so hard. BUT..... you did it once and you can do it again. Start by CUTTING OUT SODA. Drink your water. Work towards those small changes till you get back your motivation. Don't try to rush it, you need to enjoy the steps along the way. As you see the weight coming off your motivation will return. Good luck!
  • amm703
    amm703 Posts: 111 Member
    I understand sometimes life gets in the way, been there done that and I am back on my way to losing the weight again. All you can do is what I did, take it 1 day at a time until you get back into the rhythm.

    Put the pop down, pick up the water and get back into the can do this and maybe the gym will help with the stress of the school.
  • lnkwatcher
    I would like to make some suggestions. Make sure you have a scales with you at school and weigh yourself every single day. That way, you know where you stand each day. You will have up and down days, but this will help you stay on track. The times I was heaviest in my life, like you, I was afraid to look, so stayed away from the scales. Now, I religiously weight (same time each day with no clothes on).
    Second, I would like to suggest exercise. Most college students walk a lot and get exercise that way, but do something on a regular schedule, like a daily walk/run or a fitness class of some sort. Zumba is a fun and rigorous exercise class that you can tailor to your fitness level, and it's not just for females.
    You can do this!
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I do this all the time.
    I start out really motivated and make the weight loss happen. Then something happens and I lose my motivation and something else is more important. I then get lazy with the weight loss.

    I did the whole "I need motivation" thing, and would ask people to motivate me.

    Well they all said the same thing other people are saying to you. You are the only one who can motivate you.

    What helps me, is to see other people doing well. Also, finding someone with similar build and weight as you and watching them work it off is very motivating. Because it's like, "hey they are the same as me! Wait, how come they are losing and I'm not?" Then I get my butt in gear.

    Its hard when you're in college. But start small and make the changes stick. Cut out the soda and drink water. Make healthier choices when you eat out and limit your eating out to maybe once a week. Try to get in walks as much as possible. It helps wake the brain up if you go for a walk outside and its better than reaching for that sugar filled soda....

    You did it before, and you can do it again. And like others have said... get on that scale. Know where you are, decide where you want to be, and do what you need to do to make it happen.
  • tnloser1970
    I don't know if this will help. But, maybe it will give you a little motivation. The first thing you need to do is determine why you really want to lose weight. I don't know you so I can't tell you what that is. But, maybe it is so you feel confident in dating someone or feeling sexy for your significant other. Maybe you have a pair of jeans you just have to get into. Maybe you have a big event coming up that you need to lose it for. Maybe it is for health reasons. Or it could be that you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. You have to become crystal clear on your "Why". This is the first step to even thinking about your goal of losing weight. Without this understanding, you will fail.

    Then, you need to take action. If you are not feeling compelled to get off the couch or go out and excercize and try to eat healthy, then you probably don't know your true why and you need to look into it deeper. In other words, you have to give yourself purpose. Maybe it is for pleasure. Maybe it is for health. But, your true reason for wanting to lose weight is the only thing that will motivate you.

    Then, you need to give yourself purpose. How is your life going to be better? What are going to be able to do that you can't do now? What clothes are you going to be wearing that you can't now? Build that picture up in your mind.

    And you also need to think about the negative picture of yourself. What is going to happen if you don't lose the weight? how miserable are you going to be? Are you ready to spend a lot of time in the hospital? Are you willing to risk losing a limb to diabetes or ending up on dialysis? Those are questions you need to ask yourself.

    Use both of these to get a clear picture of what you are doing.

    Also, you need to think of the eating as a lifestyle change - not a diet. You must think about everything that goes into your mouth. And, you need to find healthier alternatives. For example, if you want some cheese fries you can always go with a baked potato with no butter and some cheese. Sure, not totally healthy. But, it is a healthier choice. You need to make your eating work for you and not against you.

    Of course, you also need exercise. But, there is an approach you should take to it. First, it needs to be something that you think you can enjoy. For example, I hate cardio in aerobics and such. But, I love to swim. So, find what you like. The next thing is important. Do not pour your entire soul, heart, and being into the exercise and go at it full force. Take it slow. Do not try to go in like an athlete unless you are one. If you do, then you will get frustrated and give up quicker. As you get more into it, you can build yourself up. But, do it at your pace. Don't let anyone push you to do more than you can do. But, do push yourself to do better each week. This is not a race - this is a lifestyle.

    I hope this helps you a little and good luck in your journey
  • getyourmoveon
    Timwiz13! I would love to help if you would like to friend and message me so we could chat!
  • getyourmoveon
    Also do not wait for motivation to come knocking on your door...........PUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!