running shoes

Time to buy new shoes. I have knee pain(slightly torn acl and pcl) and lately I have developed ankle pain. I think my shoes might b partially to blame. I wear mazunos. I heard that there are places that record how u run etc that tell you what kind of shoesa to get. How do I go about doing this. How much does it cost and do u have to buy shoes from that place?


  • egust01
    I have terrible knee pain and water in my knees as well. I wear Nike Shox and they help TREMENDOUSLY. I honestly don't think you need to pay all that money for that technological stuff with shoes, unless your pains are that bad. Otherwise, I think trial and error would work. I recommend my Nikes!
  • anward1
    Not sure if you have a Fleet Feet where you live, but I know that they will do the testing for free.
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    not really a help but i just ordered some nike shox also and can't WAIT for them to get here! but i did custom colors so im stuck with my old pumas for a few weeks til theyre made.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I am thinking about trying barefoot running shoes because i hear they really help with injuries (but you need to work to gain foot strength in them)
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I was going to suggest Fleet Feet also. However, there are other mom and pop places that will do it too. Call first. None that I have ever been to have charged for this and I have not had to buy the shoes there. But I like to support local business so I tend to. That is how I found out that if I put in inserts, I stopped pronating and my knee pain went away.

    Good Luck.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Getting fitted for your shoes is an absolute must. Most places make you walk/run on a treadmill and figure out if you over-pronate, under-pronate, etc... Then you can try out types of shoes that fit your category and see what you like. You don't have to buy shoes from them, you can make note of sneaker models you like and shop around. Just say that you're tight on money right now, but will save up and come back (or something like that). As far as places to go to get fitted, any store geared towards running should have the service available. You're not going to be able to go to ****'s, Modell's, Sports Authority, etc...

    Here's a bit more info getting fitted:

    Once you get fitted, unless you suffer an injury, you'll know how you strike your foot down and won't need to get fitted again. It's definitely a sound move, if you're suffering from an injury.