Body image/husband advice!

I sort of feel like I'm being a little bit ridiculous here but I wanted to see what other people thought. My husband and I are very close and we are both very comfortable with each other. I have always had pretty good self esteem, especially since losing weight on here (although like everyone else I still have my moments where I'm just like.. ugh!) lol.

We are not afraid to joke around and say silly things like hey there's your girlfriend/boyfriend when watching a TV show where one of us thinks the person is good looking, stuff like that. It's all just in fun and I'm fine with it. However the other day we were watching this show on Netflix called Fight Factory and in the opening credits there is a ring girl walking around and of course the camera does a close up of her behind. My husband then says "Why the hell do they bother showing her *kitten*, its full of cellulite! I don't want to see that.". Now before I go on let me say that he really isn't that kind of guy (or so I thought) that is overly concerned with that kind of stuff. He's more of a hey if she's naked and cares about her body who cares kind of guy. What made me feel bad about it is I HAVE cellulite on my *kitten*! It's not bad or anything and it has improved with my weight loss but I just felt like hey, does he think that about me?? I didn't want to say anything though because I don;t want to make a big deal about it. He was just being honest, and I don't want to ruin that between us. But I still kind of feel yucky about the whole thing.. Am I being ridiculous? Should I say anything? Or just let it go?


  • ChaoticMum
    ChaoticMum Posts: 115 Member
    My hubby andi have the same joking relationship. I would say something like " know when you said that ring chick had cellulite and you didn't want to see it? Was that just hers or do you think mine is gross too?" it's possible that it's kinda like my baby stretch mark belly is not unattractive to my hubby, but he doesn't necessarily get turned on by anyone's stretch mark belly...kwim?
  • BuffedMan
    BuffedMan Posts: 6 Member
    From a guy's perspective, and based on what you described, I'd say let it go. The two of you are comfortable making comments about other people's bodies in a jesting way, so you've set an agreement that voicing your opinions is acceptable. His criticism of someone else should not be taken as a reflection of how he views you -- that cellulite on your butt is attached to you, and that makes it loveable to him. Besides, have you ever made a negative comment about another guy in front of him that might actually apply to him? Chances are, he didn't take it personally. More importantly, was his objection that the ring girl had cellulite, or rather that the camera was doing a close up on her butt? Personally, I hate it when the camera turns people into body parts. You also have the option of asking him directly, "Honey, what do you think of my butt?" If he has any brain cells and two ounces of common sense, he's going to let you know that your butt -- cellulite and all -- is just as loved as the rest of you.
  • rachf2013
    My boyfriend and I joke the same way, but sometimes when a really hot girl comes on screen he'll find a flaw in her. I think in his head he's doing it to make me feel better- finding flaws in those perfect looking women.
    I bet your husband doesnt think of your butt as having cellulite. I wouldnt worry about it, good men dont see the flaws in the women they love.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Definitely let it go. Buffed man has it right! I would make fun of someone built like me in a movie. We are there for entertainment, not reality.
  • Phoenixchichima
    may be a case of "if you're showing it on national tv, it better be perfect & it aint"
    as in "dont flaunt what you dont got" it may be a comment on her vanity not being sustained by reality and that may be the difference.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Let it go.

    He loved you obviously and he didn't say it about you so just let it go.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you are being ridiculous... he was talking about HER ar*e, not yours.... that is all...
  • b1essed
    Let it know he loves YOU!!!!
  • al369
    al369 Posts: 170 Member
    From a guy's perspective, and based on what you described, I'd say let it go. The two of you are comfortable making comments about other people's bodies in a jesting way, so you've set an agreement that voicing your opinions is acceptable. His criticism of someone else should not be taken as a reflection of how he views you -- that cellulite on your butt is attached to you, and that makes it loveable to him. Besides, have you ever made a negative comment about another guy in front of him that might actually apply to him? Chances are, he didn't take it personally. More importantly, was his objection that the ring girl had cellulite, or rather that the camera was doing a close up on her butt? Personally, I hate it when the camera turns people into body parts. You also have the option of asking him directly, "Honey, what do you think of my butt?" If he has any brain cells and two ounces of common sense, he's going to let you know that your butt -- cellulite and all -- is just as loved as the rest of you.

    All of this. And to reiterate, his reaction to another person's body (on TV especially) is NOT the same as how he views your body.
  • CincinnatiDEIFan
    CincinnatiDEIFan Posts: 188 Member
    My boyfriend and I joke the same way, but sometimes when a really hot girl comes on screen he'll find a flaw in her. I think in his head he's doing it to make me feel better- finding flaws in those perfect looking women.
    I bet your husband doesnt think of your butt as having cellulite. I wouldnt worry about it, good men dont see the flaws in the women they love.

    I couldn't have said it better!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    There is AND SHOULD BE a different standard for what is on TV and what is real life.

    Don't worry about it.
  • johnny059qn
    johnny059qn Posts: 163 Member
    My wife and I do the same thing.

    It means nothing. As a guy, I would expect perfection of any hottie on TV. He was probably being over critical of her. He loves your *kitten* better. Trust me. My wife is not in perfect shape, we are both working on it. But I think she is the HOTTEST of any of the fantasy girls on TV, movies or what ever.

    Natalie Portman is my Girlfriend! :)
  • ChasingAmyLiz
    ChasingAmyLiz Posts: 145 Member
    From a guy's perspective, and based on what you described, I'd say let it go. The two of you are comfortable making comments about other people's bodies in a jesting way, so you've set an agreement that voicing your opinions is acceptable. His criticism of someone else should not be taken as a reflection of how he views you -- that cellulite on your butt is attached to you, and that makes it loveable to him. Besides, have you ever made a negative comment about another guy in front of him that might actually apply to him? Chances are, he didn't take it personally. More importantly, was his objection that the ring girl had cellulite, or rather that the camera was doing a close up on her butt? Personally, I hate it when the camera turns people into body parts. You also have the option of asking him directly, "Honey, what do you think of my butt?" If he has any brain cells and two ounces of common sense, he's going to let you know that your butt -- cellulite and all -- is just as loved as the rest of you.

    ^^THIS. End of story.
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    He may not see the cellulite on your *kitten*. He may just think his wife is smokin hot.
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    At least he finds something wrong with them.

    My fiance will literally drool. Sometimes i'll have to ask him if he wants a napkin.

    It's all in fun, he probably is just comfortable speaking his mind to you and probably doesn't even critique your body like that. She's in show business, that body better be right on point or someones' trainer/manager is getting the axe. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Tishy78
    Tishy78 Posts: 108 Member
    In the same situation, I would expect that my husband was only making the comment based on the fact that those girls are paid to look their best. It is their job.

    While my extra weight was sure not what his ideal would be, it never meant that he didn't still want me, flaws and all :) One of the benefits of love.

    Let it go and keep enjoying that relationship!
  • yokurio
    yokurio Posts: 116 Member
    I'd personally say that he's just used to the open talk from your relationship. He feels that he can say stuff to you that he wouldn't say if you guys weren't so free to say what you want. If he know's you are taking things the wrong way and that it could possibly hurt your feelings, he wouldn't say them. You can do one of two things, if the comments really do bother you, I'd say you should tell him and he will adjust, but that will change your relationship a bit. If you can handle it and not take things personal, then just suck it up cupcake... lol. He seems like the kind of guy that loves you for more than just your body, and you losing weight recently and not being "perfect" but close to it in his eyes, is like icing on the cake for him. My opinion, change your opinion of who needs to think you look good. It's nice to have others view you as attractive, but you should do what makes you feel happy with your body, no one else. Everyone else needs to like you for who you are.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Hey I have a joking relationship too, but there are things that you just don't touch - weight being one. You have to have some kind of common sense when insulting a women, if you want to live, or at least not want to join BBA
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    My boyfriend and I joke the same way, but sometimes when a really hot girl comes on screen he'll find a flaw in her. I think in his head he's doing it to make me feel better- finding flaws in those perfect looking women.
    I bet your husband doesnt think of your butt as having cellulite. I wouldnt worry about it, good men dont see the flaws in the women they love.

    Ding ding ding...that's exactly what he's doing.

    I do the same thing. I'll say things like, "her boobs are too big!", or "her butt is flat!" She's never asked me if I thought her boobs were too big. But that's probably because I don't see a flaw with her boobs.
  • wolfehound22
    Let it go for sure, for me I've made comments about different people, and my wife has taken them as some sort of a negative on her, but to me she's perfect, and what ever flaws she thinks she has, I am blind to them. So just because I make a comment about someone, and she feels she has the same thing or worse, doesn't mean I think she is any less desirable.

    Also, you don't want to ruin the joking relationship you guys have, you say something about this, and he's going to feel like he has to hold back, so it won't offend you.