What are some of the strangest things.....

That freak you out???? Such as what your strangest fears or phobias and why?

Mine is I hate looking under cabinets, behind toilets, and mascot costumes. When I was a kid we lived in a place where huge roaches roamed and mostly in our house so every time I would look under a cabinet I would find one so at 31 years old I'm still scared to look under. As far as the mascot costumes...those just freak me out.


  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member

    Because of Poltergeist.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    centipedes...hate those mother truckers...
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    Cats... no one understands it.
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    ...don't judge me.

    I hate crab claw movements with fingers.

    Like if someone puts their fingers to my face and makes a pinching movement (like a claw)...I just about freak out, fall off my chair, scream, shiver and have nightmares.

    No joke.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member


  • paintedlady77
    paintedlady77 Posts: 154 Member
    Sometimes I'm still afraid to hang my feet over the edge of the bed at night!
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Bath tubs...laying under water in the bath tub....the old movie "The Changeling" about the little boy who was drowned in the bathtub, then haunted the house......freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaked me out. lol

    But seriously hair in my food.........you want to see an Oscar nominated award winning hysterical flip out without cameras. let me get hair in my food.
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Grasshoppers. The way they can shoot straight up into the air and then divebomb people. Plus they have those gross gripper things on their legs that allow them to stick to anything *shiver*
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Being in a small boat near a dam (on the lake side, not below it) for whatever reason.

  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Not strange, but VERY REAL.

  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I fear society and what it may become.
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    Sometimes I'm still afraid to hang my feet over the edge of the bed at night!

    I cant stand by the bed with the lights out...somthing will touch my feet lol
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    driving near a cliff or steep hill

    grates over a street (like the kind you can see down)
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    Bees, because I'm allergic. And because they invade the common hallway of my apartment and swarm near my doorway, and the landlord won't do anything about it. I've been spraying (or my neighbor does for me). But I have a fear of being attacked and going into a severe allergic reaction.
  • centipedes...hate those mother truckers...

    OMG!!! Me too, got the chills with just reading your post!!!!
  • BriskaPacojame
    BriskaPacojame Posts: 195 Member
    Hairball spiders! They freak me the F out!:noway:
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    Anything with more than four legs, but I think that's a common thing.

    Certain words really freak me out.

    and I have a MASSIVE problem with cotton balls. I can't touch them, I can't talk about them. Right now I literally have goosebumps and my mouth feels all fuzzy oh god I hate them so much
  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 193 Member
    Tendon's.. like your achilles, the big one on the underside of your wrist. I hate seeing them. they creep me out.
  • I can deal with reptiles. But bug, Bugs especially Caterpillars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will seriously cry if I see one!!!
    Grasshoppers, Centipedes, Butterfliies, any big bug ewwww.

    I can't hear people talking about popping pimples or even worse blackheads. <<<<just writing that grossed me out!!
  • Tishy78
    Tishy78 Posts: 108 Member
    Driving in too confined of an area. Work zones with the barriers right on the lines, or driving in a middle lane with a semi truck on both sides nearly throws me into a panic attack.