Any Tips for getting on the exercise bandwagon?



  • georgie304
    Find something you like or go with a friend. If I had Zumba classes that were available every day when it was convenient to me I would go every day! Also if your finances allow, buy some cute workout clothes that make you feel good. Good luck!

    Youtube is whenever you want...

    Check these girls out... My favorites from youtube:

    Free and whenever you's there.... They are also producing their very first video right now and being released in January. Can can preorder it.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    once you start and exercise regularly, you will find it to be addictive. turn it into a good habit.
  • jess393
    jess393 Posts: 220 Member
    Every morning when my alarm goes off at the buttcrack of dawn, I fight with myself a little, haha. "I don't need to go today, I'll work extra hard tomorrow; I need the sleep; no energy." And evvvvery morning, I make it to the gym. As soon as I'm there, I realize WHY I want to be there- I like it! I need it! :smile: Like everyone has said, just go. That's the hardest part.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    it is all to do with the mind. more often than not, our mind tells us what it THINKS our bodies are capable of, and believe me, our bodies are capable of doing far more than our minds should give it credit for!

    Try and start real simple,and above all, keep your exercises fun and enjoyable..when exercise becomes a chore, that's when the mind will start telling you not to workout. t

    he thought of exercise is a lot worse than actually doing it...and reward yourself for reaching goals to keep yourself motivated!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I just suffered through it until I stopped hating it.

    It's not fun to force your body to do something it's not used to doing, but yeah, fake it till you make it. It helps to have something like a class or a structured routine to keep your motivation up.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I had to roll onto the "exercise Bandwagon" because I couldn't run yet. Now I'm running, lifting, pushing, swimming...........

    Most days I find a dozen excusses not to exercise but as soon as I make myself start I'm fine.
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I have 2 babies and a husband on shift work so going to the gym is not possible for me.
    I walk in my 1/2 hour break at work
    I walk after work - with the kids and dog so its not a great workout but im moving
    Invest in a good dvd - i have 30 day shred and I put it on each day. my toddler does the first round with me and then sits on the couch and yells "you can do it" lol. Its a 20 min workout so no excuses for not doing it!

    Its really just a matter of making yourself do it. I once saw a motivational talk by a marathjon runner and he said he exercises everyday and writes it in his diary so he can keep accountable. Even if its midnight and all he does is a 10min walk, he does it and writes it down. I have a calander up on the wall and i write my exercise plan for the month on it, and then tick it off once done so i can see how i am doing.
  • joe_d
    joe_d Posts: 73 Member
    Music! Get your music player of choice, and put some thought into creating some playlists for your workouts that include things you really like and maybe don't the get chance to listen to often. Make it part high energy, part inspirational, part calming (for your cool down)--whatever works for you.

    Good music makes the time go by faster and gives you something to look forward to. Good luck!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    cliched but true!
    Once you start, it becomes something you sugar, only it has no calories :)
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    You really just have to find what's right for you! I tried doing work out DVDs at home, but that alone I couldn't commit to. I got a gym membership and knowing that I'm paying for it is my motivation to go. Now the question is do I do it after work or before? I tried that after work thing for a while and I'm just so tired on my way home that I would often find myself in the frickin parking lot (!!) and still not going inside. I've found that I'm more likely to continue to go if I do it in the morning, then it's done and out of the way and I don't have to worry about it for the rest of the day. Plus it feels kind of nice to be able to say "oh, I went for a run this morning." or "My arms feel like jelly from this morning's workout!"

    But it's all trial and error, what works for everyone else may not work for you. Don't let yourself get discouraged if you lose your momentum a couple of times, just try something different and get back at it! You'll eventually find your way, and then it becomes part of your life instead of something you have to do.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Don't do too much all at once start for at least 10 mins a day you can work up from there :)
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    start with the basics, WALKING, if you do not have time so here is some suggestion, mornings " i personally so sleepy to do it" , in lunch break you can walk for 3 min easily and eat in the other 30 min, after work walk to a bus station etc

    if you commute to your work with public transport walk to the stop or next stop and take the bus from there

    if u r so damn busy and cant do any of the above

    when u reach home, dont get inside call you kids or wife or your room mate or even by ur self and have a walk out side

    the trick is have a habit :)
  • mercymarque
    Just do it. Get a partner. Start off walking. Exercise is not only good for getting the pounds off but giving u piece of mind. It's a huge stress reliever. Get a DVD u like. Exercise with ur favorite music.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Lots of great advice. You could also exercise at the office. You might not get a long stretch at a time but you could break it into chunks. I've got apps on my phone for Squats, Sit-ups and Push-ups that are designed to take me through a routine so I will eventually build up to be doing 250 squats/day (I don't recall what the # goal is for the others off-hand). Each one maybe takes 5-10 minutes and there are little 90-second breaks built-in so you could do a short bit of work and come back to do the next set. And you could take longer than 90-second breaks, if needed.

    Personally, I only use these on days that I am not going to be able to lift weights, run, whatever, but it would be a good way for you to start out.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    walking was how I got into it too. I was definitely a couch potato for many many years.
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    Last year I started mine by walking... First night I could only walk a mile, but as the summer ended I found I could walk more than 5 miles a night easily, it was just taking up too much time, when the nights were getting darker. Hubby suggested I tried a gym, where I was set up with a decent (for me) beginners program... a bit of cardio, a strength/resistance circuit, and a bit more cardio... I was finally getting somewhere. I could feel myself getting fitter and start to see the changes too. Due to injury (not gym related) I had almost 6 months off and have now started again, but its easier this time. I have more energy, and I'm more willing to try different things. I've added swimming and aqua aerobics to the gym and I have to say I am now really enjoying the workout time...
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I don't think there is anything we could say that would matter. We can't do this for you. Just do it.
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member

    its not easy but it is doable. I have tried to up my general activity i.e. walking. Consider a pedometer I find my fitbit keeps me accountable. See how much you currently do then build up - set yourself weekly goals - for most people building up by additonal daily 500 steps each week is doable. Tips include - building into your commute, pacing during telephone calls, walking on the spot while waiting for a bus, in the lift anytime its not too embarrassing - I find in the winter people assume I am doing it to keep warm. In fact I started an epidemic at my bus stop yesterday - and I was warm. Offer to go get coffee. Walk over to the next building /office etc to speak to them rather than phone, at home if watching tv commit to walking on the spot in the ad breaks. Try to do active outings with friends and family.

    I started exercising using wiifit and other wii titles these can be done for 20 minutes in the morning and can be a good starter. I did these for a month or so prior to joining a gym. i do find it hard to fit the gym in but as others have said I don't make it optional. I now do a minimum of 3 sessions of swimming or gym. Oh and I no longer feel like I am going to die at the end of each session. that is an achievement believe me!

    Best of luck. Feel free to friend me if you want some mutual support and encouragement.
  • ssl444
    ssl444 Posts: 88 Member
    You need to add some more friends to your profile then everyday they log exercise it will come up on your news feed what they did how many calories they burnt, I find this motivates me to shift my *kitten* and do something, plus exercise when you log it gives you more calories to eat and still lose weight. I have also just bought a heart rate monitor which allows me to see how many calories I'm burning I find that quite motivating as I think if I do another five mins etc ill burn this much more.