SOOO confued : (

AngelaRae23 Posts: 24
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been holding steady at 183lbs recently, and then I woundup sick. I kept to the diet, but put off the exercise for a couple days. Still sitting at 183. Yesterday i mustered up enough to get through a 1.5 hour workout (was incredibly sick afterwards) but nonetheless i got through, and ate as close to my calories as possible. I wokeup this morning and (with yesterday having been the same still the 183) this morning i'm ......186. How is it possible that i gained 3lbs in 1 day eating just under my 1200 calories and putting in 265 calories for exercise. I'm confused, and entirely frustrated.


  • Could you be retaining water since you were sick? I noticed when I'm sick my body tends to told onto water adding two or three pounds to the scale for a while. I'm not sure if thats whats going on but its a possibility? hope that helps :)
  • cana1
    cana1 Posts: 3
    your weight fluctuates about 3 pounds throughout the day. Also STOP weighing yourself everyday that's the worst thing you can do because you stress yourself out and you won't loose weight. I know this because i did it myself. Also if your sick don't work out because you will just hurt yourself more as you said you found out for yourself. Just keep up your good work and you will see results. I was stuck at 193 for about 2 weeks and I felt like giving up and then I just didn't weigh myself for about 3 days and then all of a sudden I got on the scale and had lost 3 pounds! Don't give up because you can't expect miracles over night. lossing weight is something that takes TIME and just be patient. Good luck :)
  • i would agree that it seems like water retention.
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    It is humanly impossible to gain 3 pounds of fat overnight. Well, I am not a doctor and I dont play one on t.v but I dont think it's possible.
    So with that being said.......
    To gain 1 pound of fat you would need to consume 3500 EXTRA calories times that by 3 (for your 3 pounds) = 10,500 additonal calories overnight.:huh:
    So, since you didnt do that. I would guess that it is fluid retention.
    First off I would advise you to stop weighing yourself every 12 hrs.
    There is no point . It serves no purpose. The female body flucuates so widely you will , no, you ARE driving yourself crazy!!
    Secondly, I would never weigh myself AFTER exercising. Banks would be better able to advise you on the scienentific facts, but something about your muscles retaining fluid after exercise.
    So stop weighing yourself more than once a week, eat your calories, DRINK your water and exercise.
    The weight will come off , just quit obsessing about it.
  • Thanks guys for all the advice! Weight loss can sure be unpredictable, and totally frustrating as I've found. Argh. I guess we can all only do so much. Here's to hoping it's water retention.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Try taking measurements once a month. That way when the scale doesn't move you'll see the inches melt away and still feel like you are making progress.
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