Not sure why I am not seeing any results...



  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    The same thing happened to me about 6 years ago. You know what I did? i quit.

    Three years later I was still fat.

    So I tried again and stuck to it.

    Don't give up yet. Drink lots of water. Eat clean. Hit your macros best you can. Love the experience.

  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Way too many:

    1. High sodium days
    2. Entries that are missing sodium information (I suspect those are putting your sodium over the line though it doesn't show.)
    3. <1000 cal total days

    Sodium can and does make people hang onto water weight, particularly women. That will keep your scale from budging and keep you puffy. Also, you're not doing your metabolism any favors with the low calorie days.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I just started really logging again two weeks ago, and I do log everything I eat, so..I dont know what to do. I hear not to eat when im not hungry, eat every 3 hours, and a bunch of other stuff...I dont know what to do D:

    Ok. Two things:

    (1) you're only two weeks in? Dont' quit yet!!!!!!

    (2) I looked at your much processed food, McDonalds, etc. I understand if life is busy, etc, and sometimes it's hard, but it really would be beneficial to eat more vegetables and real food. I don't think you have had any fiber in like two days! :)

    ETA: (3) I agree with the others who say you are not eating enough. NEVER go below 1200 cals unless your puking. If you don't fuel your work outs, they can't be all that great. Your body need nutrition and love and TLC. You got this. You totally do!
  • daninicoleshreck
    Is about 1800 good or should I lower it?
    I'm just scared I'm going to gain even more upping my calories...
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    I just started really logging again two weeks ago, and I do log everything I eat, so..I dont know what to do. I hear not to eat when im not hungry, eat every 3 hours, and a bunch of other stuff...I dont know what to do D:

    Ok. Two things:

    (1) you're only two weeks in? Dont' quit yet!!!!!!

    (2) I looked at your much processed food, McDonalds, etc. I understand if life is busy, etc, and sometimes it's hard, but it really would be beneficial to eat more vegetables and real food. I don't think you have had any fiber in like two days! :)

    ETA: (3) I agree with the others who say you are not eating enough. NEVER go below 1200 cals unless your puking. If you don't fuel your work outs, they can't be all that great. Your body need nutrition and love and TLC. You got this. You totally do!


    and, unless you know you're going to have a dinner out or an insane lunch, throw away the weightloss shake. those things are notoriously all processed chemicals. try an egg w/ a peice of cheese, a cup of cereal and a half cup of unsweetened almond milk. you will be full and you will have real fuel for the day.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I have read of this thing happening before. When they started eating more they started losing weight.

  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member

    your body retains water for muscle growth....if you're actually working at it \m/
  • daninicoleshreck
    The shakes are usually before work/appointments and to get myself used to eating/drinking something for breakfast, and then im going to eat. :)
  • daninicoleshreck
    I was simply asking for advice...not the smartass picture to go along with it, since this is my first try at losing weight HEALTHILY so I dont know what to do. Not everyone knows everything...haha. We all have to learn.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member

    your body retains water for muscle growth....if you're actually working at it \m/

    Ok. I UNDERSTAND that people keep asking the same questions.

    I UNDERSTAND that there is a "search" feature.

    But i do NOT UNDERSTAND why people on MFP are rude to newbies. We were all newbies once. Asking a question and getting feedback specific to you is not only reassuring and specific advice, it's a great way for new members to MEET people on here.

    I really really wish the folks who have been around forever would stop being so rude to new folks. I remember when I first got here, I had a lot of questions and reading through other people's old forum posts just isn't the same as saying "hey, this is where I'm at, what do people think?" and being able to engage with people and respond to them.

    Seriously. Can people stop being so mean on here??? MFP is a great resource. We who have benefited from it should be WELCOMING to others. Not snobby about how many times we've seen the same question. If you don't want to answer, just move on. It's not hard.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Is about 1800 good or should I lower it?
    I'm just scared I'm going to gain even more upping my calories...

    I don't have an opinion either way. I did 1200 plus exercise cals and lost 30-40 lbs just doing that. I just want to make sure you understand that if you do the TDEE -20% thing, you are NOT eating back your exercise cals.

    For me, it evened out. I personally preferred to do 1200 plus exercise cals because it motivated me to exercise. But when it comes to weight lifting, it doesn't quite work right because you are't given enough calorie "credit" for lifting on MFP. Now I'm trying to do the TDEE minus 20% thing because I lift. It's your call on that. But if you do 1200 + and you are giving yourself credit for all your exercise you should be eating at least 1400, if not more, every day.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member


    It works. I am one of them.... !

    I rarely, if ever, eat less than 1700 calories a day.

    Then apparently you don't log everything you eat, because according to your open diary, during the first 3 weeks of december you were eating WAY less than 1700 cals, many days you were under 1000. Not attacking you, but just suggesting that if you are going to openly suggest the Eat More plan, then you should have your diary back it up. If you indeed are NOT eating more than you are logging, then you are claiming that a plan works for you, when you are not actually following the plan.
    If you want to jump on the bandwagon with the cool kids, you need to actually get on it.

    BTW, how many calories a day do you burn? If you are extremely active, then you are netting even lower than 20% below your TDEE.