somewhat discouraged

*( i meant for this to go under the motivation tab) I am feeling a little discouraged with myself. In my first 7 months using MFP and eating somewhat normal and exercising 3-4 days a week, i lost around 40 inches and 32 pounds! But for the past 2 months, i have been at a standstill. I have lost most of my motivation, even though i am still going to the gym, i am not eating great. I have cut out all meat, fish and that has helped.
What helps you most when you are feeling discouraged and unmotivated?


  • alisonjj
    You are on a plateau. Exercise through it, change your workout to jumpstart your metabolism again and record every bite you eat and weigh portion sizes to check you are on goal eating wise. I have been the same at points. Measure yourself, sometimes the scale stays in place but inches are lost! Don't despair!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    take pictures. Review them and compare to your before pictures.

    Look through your food diary from months before, remember how motivated you were
    Change things up a bit (have supper for breakfast!! lol no reasoning behind it, other than it's different)

    What is your reasoning for cutting out meat? What is your source of protein?
  • xscarletXbegoniasx
    Whenever I'm feeling discouraged i start a new diet/exercise plan. It gives me new hope and motivation.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Eating enough food with balanced macros and lots of protein. (Like maybe some meat and fish.)
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    I'm concerned about your eating. Cutting out meat and fish is fine, as long as you keep your protein levels high. Keeping my protein levels high makes a big difference in how I feel, so that might be something to watch. And a good assortment of veggies helps keep a good supply of micronutrients that also helps me keep my mood up. (Haven't been doing so well on that myself, lately.)
    Congrats on your 32 pound loss! That's great! Maybe your body needed a bit of a break.
  • BeccaLevine
    BeccaLevine Posts: 315 Member
    I'm sorry you're feeling discouraged! We all have "rough patches" and that's okay! When I am feeling unmotivated whether it be to eat right or work out, I try to change things up. Try a new healthy recipe! Try out a new fitness class! Make mini realistic goals for yourself weekly, so that way when you achieve them it motivates you to make a harder goal for the next week! Like one week make it a goal to for example drink no sodas (if you drink a lot) or something like that. Hope that helps :)
  • ShaeLovelyy
    Watch some kind of video or tv show or something that has to do with working out! Or just people being in shape..this might sound so stupid haha but whenever i see the movie Step Up or Step Up makes me wanna workout! Being a dancer and seeing the dancers on tv and their bodies im like..IM GONNA BE LIKE THEM! haha dont be upset cause you did so well..the trick is to trick your body! your body got used to the same that your at a lower weight things will get harder and you will hit that dreaded plateau! im sure you will see other people write to you...its time to change up your routine girl! shock your body..get some sore muscles again! Order a workout DVD like insanity or just change themachines your doing in the gym..drink lots of water and get back to eating healthy! you got this..weight is not an easy thing to get rid of! but once its gone you feel like a million bucks!!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I am feeling a little discouraged with myself. In my first 7 months using MFP and eating somewhat normal and exercising 3-4 days a week, i lost around 40 inches and 32 pounds! But for the past 2 months, i have been at a standstill. I have lost most of my motivation, even though i am still going to the gym, i am not eating great. I have cut out all meat, fish and that has helped.
    What helps you most when you are feeling discouraged and unmotivated?

    I understand how you feel...

    It took me 3 months to lose the first 7 lbs...then I lost like 22 lbs in 4 months...then like 3 pounds in the last 4 months :(

    However, the last 2 months I have been working with heavy weights. Today I hit a new personal record for barbell squats--100 lbs-- 2 weeks before my goal of Christmas :D I can also leg press 238 lbs.

    Guys at the gym, young and old, are checking out my squats--I know because they have TOLD me, or I have seen them. That definitely makes this obese old lady smile!

    I also look at the little changes in my body...I have bicep definition that I did not have a year my booty a little more shapely?
  • brittany103
    brittany103 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you, (seriously just finished eating a cookie :smile: ) I've been trying to stay motivated but food just tastes so good. I think it's even harder with the holidays, Thanksgiving thru New Years, I have the mindset of well my diet is already ruined and I keep indulging. Just take every day as a new day, try not to use one bad day as an excuse to have another bad day (it's what I do all the time and how I stay off track).
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    More protein.

    Walking damages cells. Breathing damages cells. Exercising REALLY damages cells.

    Cells do not magically get repaired. They require new supplies (proteins) and energy (calories) to do this. Much like when a house has a car drive through it, you usually need to buy new wood, plaster, insulation, etc. to make the repairs.

    If you do not supply enough protein, then the body will not use the energy it would have for the repairs. Why work when there is nothing to be done?

    Additionally, protein is more difficult for the body to process. Significantly so. Fats and carbohydrates are easier, with fats being super easy and carbs being easy. Protein is difficult. So, you burn more calories from processing protein than you do from fat or carbs. This is the thermogenesis effect of food.

    So, you've got a double wammy of reduce caloric expenditures. Sure, your calorie intake is down, but your caloric expenditure is way down too.

    TL;DR = Eat protein.
  • LinkousSara
    LinkousSara Posts: 29 Member
    i meant all meat, except fish. I am A blood type, and that type is discouaged from eating red meat and poultry. I am only trying it out for one month, it will be over at Christmas. i have been eating a lot of beans.
    I am also anemic, i have been for about 10 years. I take iron daily, but sometimes i am just too tired to go to the gym, i could sleep all day.
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    Setting a fitness goal helps me stay motivated to work hard and make every day about more than just weight loss. Like signing up for a 5K! Preparing and training for a new challenge gives you a reason to get up, work out, and eat right (well it does for me). Also, joining a group on MFP that has set a specific goal for the month, like lose 5 lbs. or walk 30 miles, is a great way to get motivated. A little friendly competition is fun and what could be better for your confidence than accomplishing a goal!
  • dantrick
    dantrick Posts: 369 Member
    This may sound weird to motivate myself, but i look in the mirror, get mad at what I did to myself. Then take that frustration and anger out on some weights in the gym.
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    Why are you cutting out meat and fish? If you would like to reduce, then cut back on carbs not protein.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Type A blood so avoiding red meat and poultry?

    What on earth? Who the hell told you this rubbish? Beatings should be in swift order...

    Anemic too? Really? While avoiding red meats? You don't say?

    Red meat = best source for iron.

    Iron supplements do not get absorbed nearly as well as from food sources sadly. More than half the supplement simply gets wasted.

    So yeah... eat meat. Animals are delicious. Sad but true. Just don't eat your pets. Cuz favoritism rules in the animal kingdom. Cuteness = alive. Smelly+ugly = dinner. DO NOT apply this formula to humans... please...
  • vancityduck
    a new workout and meal plan. Can i ask why you cut out all meat & fish? Protein plays a very important role in weight loss. Your body needs protein and it burns more fat in digesting same. Take a look at the Paleo diet. I started this summer and am amazed by the results.
  • kmakar
    kmakar Posts: 103
    I find reading through the success stories on a daily basis to be very motivating. I lost 30 lbs in 4 months and then only 2-3 lbs in the subsequent two months. Part of the slow down was a conscious change to increase my calories slightly and focus on lifting weights, but Thanksgiving and holiday baking did not help. I personally need short term goals to keep me on track for the long haul, including daily, weekly and monthly goals that are based on my actions, not outside measurements. Such as: have a healthy salad for lunch, work out at least 5 out of every 7 days, complete 30DS, run a 5K this month, etc.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    If it isn't your beliefs (vegetarian/vegan), I highly suggest that you go back to eating animal protein. Sustainability is what we're all reaching for. You need iron, so eat meat!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Oh, well you didn't tell us you were doing the Famous Blood Type Diet. Pssht. Of course. Now your lack of eating protein makes total sense....not.

    How much are you eating? Why don't you open your Food Diary so we can take a peek and maybe give you sopme ideas.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    i meant all meat, except fish. I am A blood type, and that type is discouaged from eating red meat and poultry. I am only trying it out for one month, it will be over at Christmas. i have been eating a lot of beans.
    I am also anemic, i have been for about 10 years. I take iron daily, but sometimes i am just too tired to go to the gym, i could sleep all day.

    Whoever thought of that diet should be shot. After several undergraduate and graduate level biochemistry classes, there is no way that a certain blood type would affect how you metabolize red meat or poultry. If you are anemic, cutting out red meat is one of the worst things you can do. Having low iron is a sign of being lethargic. You're throwing yourself into a vicious cycle by following a random fad diet. Why don't you try eating a balanced and whole food based diet?
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