A few exercise related questions.

1- When ever i have been to the gym (mon-thurs, and every other fri), i get a horrible rash on my outer thighs. Is thi snormal or not?

2- can someone tell me how to do a crunch/sit up properly, as i always find they hurt my neck?? (also, whats the difference between a crunch and a sit up?).



  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    1- When ever i have been to the gym (mon-thurs, and every other fri), i get a horrible rash on my outer thighs. Is thi snormal or not?

    2- can someone tell me how to do a crunch/sit up properly, as i always find they hurt my neck?? (also, whats the difference between a crunch and a sit up?).


    For the crunch, stare at the same spot at the top of the wall or ceiling in front of you. Also, I hold my hands next to my ears rather than behind my head. As you're doing your crunch think of it as if you're trying to pull your belly button in so much that it touches your spine as you crunch up. Hope that helps :flowerforyou: I'm sure others will jump in with advice, too.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    ooops... double post :blushing:
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    #1, not sure about the rash. Seems like maybe it's a heat rash. You may want to try getting a powder, like gold bond and rubbing it on your thighs before you workout. Only if it's heat rash though. If you only get it when you are sweaty and working out, it might be heat rash. Or maybe wear lose fitting bottoms if you are not already

    #2 A crunch is just lifting your shoulder blades off the floor of course using your abs. A sit-up is sitting all the way up (like in a up-right or sitting position)

    If your neck is hurting you may be pulling your neck. Try to put your arms across your chest when you do ab workouts and this may help. Also one thing that really helped me was to really think about the muscle you are trying to work. Don't use your shoulders/neck to try to sit-up or crunch. Think about your abs pulling you up, do each one this way.

    Hope this helps you out alittle. I'd see a doctor if the rash thing is bad.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    1 - Any well run gym gets cleaned daily, including a good wipedown of all the equipment to keep the sweat-smell away. Your rash may be a reaction to the disenfectant. Try wearing sweatpants to keep your skin away from the equipment.

    2 - If your neck hurts you're probably pulling your head upward with your hands. Not good form, bad for your bod. Try gently cupping your hands over your ears as you crunch, but do not pull. You also might try the "Pharoah pose" with the hands crossed over the chest as Angel suggests.

    A crunch is great for the abs and way easier on your back than situps. Just raise the shoulders and shoulder blades off of the mat, hold for a sec, and lie back down. Repeat 'til sweaty :laugh: . Actually there are lots of different styles/types of crunches to target diff parts of your abdomen. Jillian's "30 day shred" will teach you 3 different types, and it's a great 20 minute workout. Walmart - $10.
  • marissa4354
    I break out in a rash when I exercise too and I get itchy. I once heard it's from sweating.
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    The rash can be caused by a couple of issues. Yes it is possible to get heat rash, powder can help. You also have to remember that when you sweat some of that is coming from your lymph system, Which helps filter the body. In other words you are sweating out toxins and bad stuff (too an extent). Try increasing the amount of water you are drinking to flush more in the urine. I used to get rashes and I had a funky smell, now that I am eating healthier ( I also drink at least 64 oz of water a day) this has does not happen as often. Also make sure that you shower sooner then later (after the workout), this will help get anything that has touched the skin (or sweat) off. :) Good luck
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    Thanks for thr replies you guys.
    I guess the rash is asmall price to pay for getting sweaty and healthy at the gym, so i will drink more water, wear looser jogging bottoms, and try a little powder.
    I already have the 30 day shread, and the sit ups are great!!