body pump class

So I was wondering if anyone has done this class or knows about it? I personally love it but I'm not sure how to fit it into my workout regime. Right now I just do random cardio/weights here and there but I want to write myself a proper exercise schedule. I was thinking of (roughly) 3x a week doing strength training, each time focussing on different muscle groups. On these days I will also do 20 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill. 3 days a week I will do longer cardio (1hr to 1.5hrs) and no strength training. And then one day off.
So my question is how should I fit bodypump into this since its of course weights/strength training but it focusses on all muscle groups. I was thinking of doing it once a week on one of my cardio days and still keeping 3 days for specific muscle groups? Or should I somehow fit it into my 3days of strength training? I hope this all akes sense! I don't want to stop doing the class because I really enjoy it but know its more of an all round workout rather than targeting specific areas.


  • nfrewin
    nfrewin Posts: 73 Member
    LOVE bopypump!! Personally i'd give up a cardio day for it (but that's because i hate cardio hehehe)
    play around with your routine and you'll find what works for you :smile:
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    Glad to hear you're loving body pump! It is definitely one of my favourite classes.

    To be honest I haven't quite worked out how to fit it into my schedule alongside more traditional weight lifting. For the past year I've been doing Body Pump 3x a week and seen good results from that, personally I do better in a class situation than lifting weights on my own and I like the music and structure. I guess it would depend on what your ultimate aims are. If you want to develop endurance (and increasingly cardio with the new releases :)) then I would do more than one class a week so you can make progress in that area, but then if you are lifting heavier outside the class then that can only be beneficial to pump. Also you just have to do what you will enjoy and what you will want to keep doing. Does your gym offer other Les Mills classes? Classes like Body Attack and Combat are a really good complement to Pump, I feel the strongest and fittest after I've done a Pump/Attack combo. Hard work but totally worth it!
  • hey!! yep I do attack too..but again im not completely sure how to fit that in!! Can i include that as my cardio or does cardio just includie running/cycling etc?? I don't want to build loads of muscle but be more toned. Need to sit down and sort this all out properly haha
  • Attack definitely counts as cardio! I love it. Only do it once a week, but wish I could fit it into my schedule at least one more time a week to replace other more "boring" cardio. But sadly the times that its offered near me don't work with my schedule.

    As for Body Pump, like that a lot too. I do it 3x a week.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I take group power, which is similar...
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    I substituted my weight training for my body pump class....