Grocery List



  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    1 Bell pepper contains as much Vit. C as - I think - a lb. of oranges, and I *think* it's way super high in A (betakerotene) as well. Dunno about cals - haven't checked yet.

    Any suggestions for a hummus alternative? I'm not a hummus fan at all. Don't like tofu either. People *say* it absorbs the flavor of whatever you're cooking with - I have yet to find that to be the case no matter what. However, what I have discovered is super yummy seafood (crab, shrimp, clam, fish... ) are all FAR lower in cals than I would have ever guessed. I LOOOVVVEEEE scrimpies (hehehe), and my other half is the one that got me to eat fish, period. So, I think I'll be investigating those recipes far more actively.

    I do a ton of experimental cooking and tonight, I'm going to attempt a home-made tomatoe based vegetable soup with wheat rotini. Contents: whole tomatoes (fresh) to get my base, water, spices (no idea what yet), red potatoes (few), carrots, lima beans (dry) split green and yellow peas (dry - beans are in a bean soup mix bag which we'll never use for a soup - but I'll be happy to ADD to another soup that I like better!), onion I'm iffy on, canned corn (too much of a pain to deal with fresh)... I think that's it. I may need a little bit of sugar to cut the acid level of the tomatos, but if I do, I generally cook with brown sugar, so its a *little* better - and I don't use alot - just enough to cut the bite.

    If this works, I'll post a general recipe. I've heard alot of people mention sodium as a concern. I don't do ANYTHING with salt. If I have to use butter, I use real sweet cream unsalted. Generally, I try to stick with olive oil. But.. what I * am * really really really bad about is snacking.. I am a carb addict, I think. I have tried soooo hard to avoid major carbs today and I've done pretty darn well, generally, until about 4:30..... then broke down and had a 250 cal bagel with 90 cal cream cheese. DOH!!!!

    I need a replacement!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I don't like hummus OR cottage cheese (love cream cheese and sour cream). :-( So.. any additional suggestions on that one??
  • irismoon
    How about if you are going to eat cream cheese at least getting the low-fat kind or fat free? Fat free cream cheese though tastes funny on it's own. Heard it isn't bad when used in cooking or mixed with something else. I get the 1/3 less fat cream cheese and just watch the amount I eat with my snack crackers. I've been trying to measure everything so I don't eat too much of anything.
  • irismoon
    Oh, almost forgot that if you like sour cream they have a low-fat version of that too, I really like the light sour cream. I can't tell the difference. I'm yet to try the completely fat free sour cream though.
  • becabunny
    I LOVE hardboiled eggs, esp since I only like the white. Thanks for mentioning that because I forgot about that for a snack!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Oooh - thank you for sharing that the light sour cream doesn't taste any different to you! My tastebuds are soooo picky - I generally avoid "light", "fat free" and fake sweeteners. I just don't dig artificial, much. Which is why I've been trying to avoid these kinds of things since I've started all this. I figure, once I get where I want to be, my overall habits and health will be ingrained enough that I can splurge a little more... but until then, I've got to keep myself in serious check. I gain 5 lbs driving by the bakery.... going in the opposite direction!!!!

    So any TRUE "tastes just like the real thing" I'm all for. :-) Especially when it comes to the beloved high fat, high calorie heavy duty creamy yummy gooey sloppy droolie things that we all just don't really want to live without!!! LOL
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I LOVE hardboiled eggs, esp since I only like the white. Thanks for mentioning that because I forgot about that for a snack!

    I love eggs (not all the time because I forget how much I like them!) AND they are just not the same w/o the yolk. I tried the eggs in a carton (you know.. the egg white stuff...) and yeah.. can't quite get into those either. But, I have high cholesterol AND I've set my daily calorie count pretty dang low because of my sedentary life-style (for now - it'll be better when my heart & lung health has improved)... do you have any ideas or suggestions on this? I don't think the once a week I have them is too bad but they sure do kill my calorie count awful early!

  • kimhurt
    kimhurt Posts: 313 Member