January 2013 Whole30 challenge anyone?

pryncessleah23 Posts: 9
edited January 6 in Food and Nutrition
Hey everyone! I am not a fan of dieting but rather changing my eating habits for the better. I have read a lot about Whole30 and am going to complete it January 2-31, 2013. It is FREE and I would love to get a group of people from MFP together so we could support each other and have people who understand what we are going through lol There are no grains, no sugar (natural or artificial), no soda, no dairy (except grass fed butter), etc... it's eating clean to the extreme but by no means starving yourself.

If you are interested check out http://whole9life.com/2012/08/the-whole30-program/ and add me as a friend :)

Thanks :)


  • bahlena
    bahlena Posts: 3 Member
    I'm with you! I've been researching this program for several weeks and am very excited about it. I have a 2 month old and I am determined to have my eating habits under control by the time he starts eating real foods so he grows up with a good example. It will be so hard to get through the first 2 weeks but we can do it! Will you be purchasing the approved emergency pack they have on the website?
  • Hey! Thanks for the link, this looks very interesting. I've been wanting to start a similar type diet. I suffer from IBS (possible undiagnosed Coeliac Disease) and some recommend a similar nutrition plan thing as this site. I may try it, perhaps for new year

    D x
  • @bahlena, no I am not buying an emergency pack from them!! I have a few co-workers on board and have started pinning healthy recipes and ideas. The first 1-2 weeks will be the toughest but on the bright side, SO many people try to get healthy in the new year so tempation should be scarce. I am going through my house this upcoming weekend and tossing all the bad from the fridge, freezer, and cabinet so that nothing bad is here. I do fine as long as nothing is in my house!!! I will add you so we can keep up with each other :)

    @darellecourtn, it's worth a shot to see if it helps your situation. I will add you, too :)

    The one thing I keep explaining to the people who know I am doing it is that this is NOT a starvation diet! You eat a LOT of stuff it's just natural, fresh things. I will probably struggle to reach my calories in January :/
  • I agree about changing habits rather than dieting, that's been key for me in having success this time around.

    I've been researching the Whole30 and am very curious about it. I'd love to try it but to be honest I've taken a lot of time to get my diet where it is now and I'd have to revamp. Cutting dairy, grains and legumes would take a bit more prep-work for me... not sure I'm ready for it.

    However I'd like to add you as an MFP and see how it goes for you, maybe get some tips. I'll likely start trying to integrate more of that into my diet and might take the jump eventually.
  • Charlie175
    Charlie175 Posts: 232 Member
    Hey! How are you doing with the Whole30? I just started today and would love any tips you have since you're a little further in. Any good recipes you've come across?
  • danni_l
    danni_l Posts: 144 Member
    Hey Ive started this today, is anyone else doing it, what day are you on?
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