Time related weight loss goals

I know to each their own, and it's great to have something to motivate and inspire you. However, I personally think that trying to put your weight loss on a time table is a recipe for disaster. You know, I will lose x number of pounds by such and such a date. So that date comes and goes and you didn't lose that many pounds. Isn't that just going to make you feel like a failure?

I think that all I can do is my best every day. I can eat the right way, I can exercise, but honestly, I can not tell the future. My body is going to let go of weight at its own pace, not some arbitrary date on a calendar.

What do you think?


  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    I set goals so that I have something to strive for!
    I dont punish myself if I dont suceed, but I will change some of my attitudes so I can meet my next goal

    I also dont see nothing wrong with setting goals as long as they are realistic!
  • gym_rat
    I think that everyone has their own ways of motivating themselves. For some, simply eating well and exercising regularly isn't enough of a motivation. I'm a numbers person and have always done well with deadlines so I like having a date in mind to keep myself focused. That date isn't always about weight - sometimes it's a race I have entered and it's a way to keep me motivated to run the miles I'm supposed to run for training, etc.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Now it doesn't bother me like it did years ago... but now, if I miss a goal I go back and say - okay, what did I have that hendered my loss... did I have too much sodium or maybe I over-ate and the blame comes onto me, no longer time to get upset and give up... just time to re-evaluate and adjust. You've heard of "Cotinual Improvement"... well, I'm practicing it in my life - not working anywhere so I have to utilize it somewhere... LOL... :laugh:
  • kritinc
    kritinc Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you...that is so true. When we don't meet our goals "on time", we just throw in the towel. This is supposed to be a journey to change our habits, not a race. Ineeded that reminder. :-):flowerforyou: P.S. This photo is from '89...
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    I set my goals in the amount of pounds to lose with no date to get it done. When I hit the goal no matter how long or short it's a success:smile: and today I hit my second goal of 10lbs:bigsmile: What I have found is that as I have gotten older it takes longer :grumble: to lose the weight...and this time I'm working on the LAST time to lose it.

  • ractayjon
    I found this out about myself the hard way - I would say I want to lsoe five ponds by Xdate and that date would come and Ididnt make the 5 pounds Id throw in the towel and wind up worse off.
    I guess it is to each his own though - some people are motivated by that....its sort of like the scale thing some people can be movitvated by getting on the scale everyday (if its up they push harder if its down they are happy) but others will give up for an up day....
  • acakeforawife
    I 100% agree with this! Though I also agree with gym_rat that it's helpful to have non-weight related goals that have a time base. So I make a lot of goals like to try 2 new recipes by the end of the week, or to workout 20x this month, or to run 100 miles by my birthday. Those ones are fun, and you have much more immediate control over them than you do over a number on the scale.