Anyone with hypothyroid/hashimoto's???



  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    I have been on meds for 25yrs and have always used generic. Never had any probs. My numbers stay the same all the time but I have felt off a little in recent years so I started using a thyroid supplement from the health food store. That really helps. My weight issues have never been about thyroid. Est less move more and more and more
  • tarakizer
    I've had hypothyroidism for about 20 years. I'm on 225 mcg per day of synthroid. They don't even make a dosage that high, so I have to take 2 112 mcg instead. So that puts me at 224 mcg per day, lol.

    Anyway, I've always had problems losing weight no matter how strict I was. I mean I could lose weight, but it was very slowly. So slow that eventually I gave up.

    After years of struggling with various diets, I turned to the HMR diet as it promised fast weight loss. I was told I wouldn't lose weight as fast as the other people in the program because I wasn't as obese as them, but I did lose weight as fast as most. My average was 2.5 pounds per week for the entire phase 1. 've been in phase 2 since August 1st. I actually switched to maintenance mode about a month ago, but technically I'm in phase 2. I'll continue going to support group meetings for about a year and then will graduate and be on my own.

    I do not work for HMR. I am just a happy patient. If you lose weight very, very slowly because of your thyroid issues, you may want to take a look at that diet.
  • LoveLiveLifeXo
    LoveLiveLifeXo Posts: 8 Member
    I am under 18.
    But, I was diagnosed in the year of 2009.
    I always would wonder why I had such a hard time losing weight. I always struggled with my weight, since I was little.
    But, I can't blame it all on hypothyroidism. I lose motivation fairly quickly.
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    I had my thyroid taken out 10 years ago and it is a struggle to lose weight. At my check up in Oct. the Dr. said I was a little hypo but we will leave your meds the way they are...meanwhile he also said I should lose weight???????????? yeah easier said than done...but Im trying. My daughter was just diagnose with hashimoto and she did some research on it and they say a glutten free diet can really help. add me to your friends and we can chat
  • wrkout2bfit
    wrkout2bfit Posts: 41 Member
    I have Hashimoto's Thyroid too. I was diagnosed about five years ago by Cleveland Clinic. Went there because of severe hairless. I have a really hard time losing weight..... between that and my age! Best of luck, feel free to add me as a friend if you like. :smile:
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    I'm focusing on two things right now:
    calories burned > calories consumed = weight loss
    natural, clean food with minimal (to no) processed food will allow the body to heal itself

    I was diagnosed just this past year with hashimoto and like the others have's slow going..but not impossible to lose synthroid dosage has just been increased since the first prescription dosage did minimal improvement ..I have NOT been referred to a I appreciate reading that bit of info... feel free to add me as a friend...
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    I just started on a low dose of Synthroid after my Dr found thyroid antibodies in my blood work. They have been testing TSH, and both free t3 and t4 and the numbers jump around quite a bit.

    This past year I've had a lot of brain fog, inability to lose weight, brittle nails, fatigue...just not feeling great. I go back for a retest after 8 weeks on Synthroid to see where my numbers are. So far I can't tell a difference, it's been about 4 weeks.
  • jcfitnesspal
    I am so excited to read someone having success dealing with Hashimoto, and even without a thyroid. I am really totally frustrated with the fatigue but need some help and clarity. Nothing seem to work, but I just need to figure out how my body works now. I am looking to start the C25k along with MFP. I was doing very well and meds were adjusted and I gained 12 lbs last month. I can just scream. :sad: :brokenheart: Anyway, thanks for sharing and I hope you continue to lose.
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    Ironically you JUST reminded me of my hypothyroid which might be part of why I've flat lined on my weight this past month. I suspect I've also lost enough weight that I need to decrease my daily intake in order to continue losing. I've increased my exercise the past couple weeks but haven't weighed in yet. I'm sick now so no gym today, hardly any food either. I'll probably get that dreaded warning about not eating enough when I complete my diary today. Anyway, mine isn't too bad but I decided back in June to not let my thyroid be an excuse for weight gain any more and I'm working towards my goal slowly but surely.