thoughts on skinnyfat--men specifically but all welcome



  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I think walking and yoga are great. The only reason I would suggest lifting is because as we age, our bone density decreases, and lifting helps fight that.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    guys are scared of women who are too fit. i know this for fact.

    I know for a fact this does not apply to all guys because it doesn't apply to me.

    go to the back of the line

    This ^^

    Most important to me is "can you, do you want, will you try to keep up" because the weak get eaten. And if you are more able than me, so much the better.

    Endurance, fitness, flexibility, capability, skills and desire to do always win over weight, bf% or skinny/fat perception. I call it the "can dance" attitude.

    BUT if your routine/diet/exercise is more important than living and having some fun....
    go to the back of the line.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    You are going to get all sorts of answers here. What's important is that you've reached your goals and you should be very proud of that fact. Very. If you want to change yourself further, go at it, but know that its for you.

    Yep, totally this. Everyone likes something different, everyone orders their Starbucks a different way.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    You are going to get all sorts of answers here. What's important is that you've reached your goals and you should be very proud of that fact. Very. If you want to change yourself further, go at it, but know that its for you.


    i personally used to say things like "i don't like girls that lift weights because they get bulky." when i came here, i realized how much that is not true, and the a girl that lifts weights usually has the type of body that i'm attracted to.
  • Nice
    Nice Posts: 84
    i love this quote

    "You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches."
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    You are going to get all sorts of answers here. What's important is that you've reached your goals and you should be very proud of that fact. Very. If you want to change yourself further, go at it, but know that its for you.


    i personally used to say things like "i don't like girls that lift weights because they get bulky." when i came here, i realized how much that is not true, and the a girl that lifts weights usually has the type of body that i'm attracted to.

    How you doin'? j/k
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    I would say something in the middle. That being said, you could do some workouts at home that would help. You could get a work out DVD to follow or search for routines you can do at home. Sets of push-ups, dips, squats, planks, and sit-ups to improve the tightness. Check out the 100 push up challenge or the 200 situp challenge online for ideas.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Congrats on your success.--you really do look great right now!! :drinker:

    I'm sure most people would rather be "skinny-fat" than just plain "fat" any day of the week! However, if it bothers you, it wouldn't hurt to incorporate some weights into your routine. You don't have to get rock-hard abs to look great...just start small and you will very likely see improvements.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Would YOU be upset if you met a great guy and discovered he didn't have True Blood worthy abs? Then give guys the same benefit of the doubt. Any guy who expects a ~40 year old woman to have the body of a 20 year old needs his attitude adjusted.

    That's not stopping me from trying :wink: but I'm doing it for me, because I like pushing myself and finding out just what I'm capable of accomplishing. If you want to tighten up, weights are the way to do it. If you don't, you already look fabulous.
  • dsimmons107
    dsimmons107 Posts: 387 Member
    Whatever you do you need to do for yourself. If you are happy with you then it does not matter what anyone else thinks or wants. If you have a guy or find a guy that does not accept you for who you are he is not worthy of you. All guys will not just do any vagina. There are some guys that a mud hole will due. There are some you could have an absolute perfect body but have mole on your butt and they would leave you. There are women that don't have a perfect body and can't beat the guys off with a stick. It is all about you. If you don't like what you have change it. If you can't change it figure out how to get happy with it. It is you that you have to please. A happy and healthy you at your best will be the best for all of those around you.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Would YOU be upset if you met a great guy and discovered he didn't have True Blood worthy abs? Then give guys the same benefit of the doubt. Any guy who expects a ~40 year old woman to have the body of a 20 year old needs his attitude adjusted.

    That's not stopping me from trying :wink: but I'm doing it for me, because I like pushing myself and finding out just what I'm capable of accomplishing. If you want to tighten up, weights are the way to do it. If you don't, you already look fabulous.

    I have to agree with this! I personally have no interest in weight lifting and luckily my hubby likes a little softness to cuddle. I'm also 40 and have been with my hubby for 23 years (and he's liked it all! LOL). Weight training is "hard work" and a big commitment (hats off to the ladies who do it!). So do what you want for you and the right guy will find that attractive!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    My exercise routine is mostly limited to walking (I live in NYC, its what we do), and yoga. No weights, no gym membership at all.


    ::looks around to double check what city i live in::

    no it's not.

    sure, we walk in new york.

    but we also run in new york.

    we lift in new york.

    we swim and bike and climb in new york.

    we even do a little yoga in new york.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I'm not sure I would call you "skinny-fat." I've always understood that term to be someone who has absolutely no muscle tone, who looks like loose skin and fat hanging off bones. I've seen that before, and that's different than what I see in your great photos. You look nice and healthy, and your calves are nicely defined. If you're walking everywhere, you're getting aerobic exercise, and that is going to help with maintaining some lean body mass and fat burning. There are so many levels of "toned," and being happy on that spectrum is what matters. But for the record, I think you look fantastic.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    it's all fine when you stood up but it all hangs when ur on top

    Im so glad I went slow and focused on strength, i would die if I couldn't be on top and happy with how I looked up there...

    My exercise routine is mostly limited to walking (I live in NYC, its what we do), and yoga. No weights, no gym membership at all.


    ::looks around to double check what city i live in::

    no it's not.

    sure, we walk in new york.

    but we also run in new york.

    we lift in new york.

    we swim and bike and climb in new york.

    we even do a little yoga in new york.


    I live here too, I walk a minimum of 5-6 miles a day, which makes a 30 minute run in the pretty parks in the morning a no big deal no brainer, and every park has a jungle gym where you can practice pullups, do bodyweight circuits, hang from the monkey bars upside down from your knees and do crunches... there are entire highways built in honor of the fit-minded! promenades for walkers, cyclists, rollerbladers, runners... every street, every bridge, every sidewalk all mapped out so you can be the strongest you need to be.

    NYC parks and recreation weights gyms are $50 A YEAR.

    Being a NY Pedestrian is part of your lifestyle activity level, it's not your workout. If being a pedestrian didnt make you have a tight body before now, then it won't change what you have got going on.

    If you want to weigh under a certain number, cardio and diet are beautiful things. But so few people hear you when you tell them in the beginning - "You can get to your goal weight by dieting and doing cardio, but your body simply will not look like you dream it will in your head, unless you lift weights and build up your muscles."

    Don't forget that we are mammals, creatures living on this planet. The dominant one nonetheless. We have muscles on purpose that were designed to get stronger and more efficient (which is why they do), we have instincts, reflexes, response times, fight or flight... all of it....

    Reading a magazine on the stationary bike isnt going to wake up all those things in you and light you up from the inside.... Its just going to end up making you mad at the gym and frustrated with your body.

    Its the perfect time to jump in, go from... hmmmm I dont want to look like this naked... to *late for work cause snapping naked pics on phone*
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Sorry another female opinion ;P I think I know what you mean, for me my problems my belly so I intend to do a bit of heavy weights, planks, squats, lunges etc just to flatten it a bit and nip in my waist more, but I do not want a six pack or any defined muscles (although my calves are quite defined even when relaxed and when I tense them I can make out two muscles but that wasn't a purposeful objective and I don't like the look of them tensed), I also don't want to go below 125 pounds because of my build that's the lowest I can go without severley eating into my curves, (I've been lower and unlike your fab piccie, I can't pull it off, I start looking a bit flat and boyish 10 pounds lighter)

    I know I can speak for my fiance as I've asked his opinion and he doesn't want me getting too hard but then again even though he's slim he's not that toned either. I would guess that really hardcore muscley guys probably dig super toned gym bunnies more but that's total speculation.

    BTW I love the look of you super hot toned girls they look fab, just not for me, I like my squishy bits just want a little less layer of squish with some tone underneath :D

    So I guess just like us girls have different ideals for our own bodies, different guys will have different ideas of they're perfect ideal too. :)
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    For all of these women (and men) who are afraid of getting "hard". Have you ever touched someone with defined muscles?
  • Love2lift72
    Love2lift72 Posts: 157 Member
    I think you look wonderful and congratulations on meeting all your health goals! Thats amazing. Also, you will find an endless supply of men who are attracted to every type of woman...soft, hard, skinny, muscular, fat, short, tall, etc. And atleast a handful who think you are perfect!
    Men like vaginas...the packaging around it is just the cherry on top. Lol

    ^^^ I have found this to be so true!! The most important thing is to be happy with yourself.
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    Not a male, but I can say that not all men will like the same body type. Much like women do not like the same body on all men.

    You need to be happy with what you see in the mirror. If *you* feel squishy and you don't want to be...pick up some 5lb and 10lbs weights you can keep at home and do some strength training to tone up. If you lilke what you see - who cares what anyone else says. Some men like a woman to be more "soft" while there are men who like more musculare physique.

    BTW - congrats on your success - I think you look wonderful!
  • SHHitsKaty
    I know what the original poster means. First thing I said when I hired my trainer and met with him for the first time was, "I don't wanna be skinny fat." I'm 5'4", 131 lbs, my stomach is flat but I still think it just looks flabby. I wanted to tone up and the only way you're going to achieve that is by lifting weights. That's why I hired the trainer, I knew very basic weight lighting skills so I wanted him to spend a few weeks with me, showing me what to do, how to do it properly and then hopefully once he and I are finished I can do it all on my own when I go to the gym instead of just being a cardio nerd.

    I like how I feel after working with him too, I feel like I've actually done something, he pushes me and sometimes I hate him during it but I know it's going to have lasting results.

    AND hopefully I won't be 'skinny fat' anymore!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    For all of these women (and men) who are afraid of getting "hard". Have you ever touched someone with defined muscles?

    *closes eyes and goes to happy place*