Which calories do I count?

Hi All,

As you may or may not know, I use the bodybugg to track daily calories. Well today was my first day back in the gym and I burned per the machines, 410 calories on four different machines. When I got home I uploaded my BB and it says in the period of time I was working out I burned 638 calories. So which do I count? Any idea's?


  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I would go with the lower, simply because it may give you bonus weight loss and it's not enough of a difference to starve you.
  • dclarsh1
    I had to look up this bodybugg contraption of yours to see what it was. From what I read, I think you can count the calories it gave you over the machines, as it seems to take into account a great deal more factors than the machines at the gym ever could.
  • kingnatalie
    I think part of the point of having the Body Bug is to be able to more accurately record calories burned. I would use what the Body Bug has told you. Many of the machines in gyms or at home give us a more generic calories burned calculations while each of us as an individual will be different from what the machine tells us - either higher or lower.
  • BigdaddyJ
    Always go as per your HRM, it's the most accurate way to know how many calories you've burned, and the calories counters on the machines are known to be innacurate.
  • Mommy08
    Mommy08 Posts: 73 Member
    Absolutely invest in a HRM, they are such an asset to you if you truly want to know how many calories you burned. I am getting one! LOL
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Definitely use the Body Bugg. It uses 4 dif measures to get a much more accurate level of calories burned. Let me know how you like the body bugg. If I ever start to plateau, I think I may invest in one.
  • polyesterchesters
    polyesterchesters Posts: 81 Member
    I always use the calories burned from my HRM, sadly, they are always lowers, but hey, a calorie gone is a calorie gone, right?
  • Questfor250
    I already have the HRM. It is a BodyBugg and I will use that data because it does have more individual settings than the generic readings on the cardio equipment. Thank you all for helping me out. It is appreciated.