Feel like jacking it in till January...

Hello all,

Think I need a bit of a kick up the backside! :embarassed:

My weight-loss was good through September and October, then slowly but surely the pounds have crept back on due to eating the wrong things and eating FAR too much of everything.

Plus Christmas is looming, which means that spare time which would normally be spent in the gym is instead spent working overtime, dashing around shops, cleaning like a woman possessed and being buried in wrapping paper! :explode: After which, a salad is far less appealing than a pizza!!! :embarassed:

I have a Christmas party tonight, then I'm away for the weekend with friends, a party next week then my mother arrives and I tend to comfort eat to cope!

I'm already annoyed with myself for having gained back 4 or the 8lb I had lost and I'm quite tempted to jack in the whole logging idea until my head is vaguely in the right place, as I'll just feel guilty for eating the wrong things, (but not guilty enough to stop, obviously!) However, I know me and every time i stop taking control of what I eat, I gain all the weight back and more! Then get depressed because nothing fits and my belly is demanding its own postcode....!

Any words of wisdom and motivation? or should I just pull my finger out and get on with it?!!


  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    Wow! Guilt, anger, low self esteem, and mom's visits are all getting to you big time!! Take a step back, take a deep breathe and try to "chunk" all the things you need to to. BUT FIRST stop being so hard on yourself! If you read these threads, many of us are struggling with the holidays, in many of the same way you are.

    Ideas: Maybe try and take only a taste of food thats offered at the party, not the whole thing :laugh: If drinking is part of the weekend away, cut it with seltzer or tonic, or alternate one drink, one water! as for cleaning and wrapping, can you pay for or enlist help? sometimes a friend daughter may be looking for extra cash, to clean or wrap. and oh yeah, once slice of pizza won't kill you :drinker:

    As for Mom visiting, yeah, I totally get that one, thats when I get my clean freak on and panic:noway: But this last go round, I kept to my mantra that it's my house, my way, and that went for what food I brought in, how often I vacuumed (she actually did it once or twice!)

    bottom line I'd suggest just trying to maintain. If you try to lose weight and "fail" you will be harder on yourself. If you throw in the towel, the pounds will pack on and you'll be that much further behind and more depressed (been there done that!) good luck and know that you are not alone :flowerforyou:
  • Ditchy69
    Ditchy69 Posts: 14 Member
    If it makes you feel any better I am dreading december lol

    It was my Base christmas dinner yesterday, and I didnt drink anything - I was getting a lot of stick of the lads but all I could picture was me regretting it.

    Im probably not as wise as a lot of people on here, but I would say deffo treat yourself...but have a plan on what days. I think deep down people will respect you for decling that slice of random cake, or that extra pint of beer (so to speak), and in the long run you will be checking out your ideal body in the mirror thinking "worth it".

    My indulgence is Christmas day and New years...thats it. :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    don't be so hard on yourself - if you're anything like me, the more you beast yourself up the more you feel like rebelling and just giving up.

    The festive season is going to be HARD. Maybe as the previous poster said, work on maintaining. Don't overindulge, be aware of what you are eating and perhaps eat a little less. Log it, but don't sweat over it.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    How many calories does jacking it burn?
  • Kris1997
    Kris1997 Posts: 241
    Hello all,

    Think I need a bit of a kick up the backside! :embarassed:

    My weight-loss was good through September and October, then slowly but surely the pounds have crept back on due to eating the wrong things and eating FAR too much of everything.

    Plus Christmas is looming, which means that spare time which would normally be spent in the gym is instead spent working overtime, dashing around shops, cleaning like a woman possessed and being buried in wrapping paper! :explode: After which, a salad is far less appealing than a pizza!!! :embarassed:

    I have a Christmas party tonight, then I'm away for the weekend with friends, a party next week then my mother arrives and I tend to comfort eat to cope!

    I'm already annoyed with myself for having gained back 4 or the 8lb I had lost and I'm quite tempted to jack in the whole logging idea until my head is vaguely in the right place, as I'll just feel guilty for eating the wrong things, (but not guilty enough to stop, obviously!) However, I know me and every time i stop taking control of what I eat, I gain all the weight back and more! Then get depressed because nothing fits and my belly is demanding its own postcode....!

    Any words of wisdom and motivation? or should I just pull my finger out and get on with it?!!

    WOW, I could have wrote this my self!!!!! I am RIGHT THERE with ya!
  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
    Why not begin the new year with healthy habits already started instead of waiting til then to resolve to develp them? Good luck.
  • Ditchy69
    Ditchy69 Posts: 14 Member
    I see what you did there

  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Don't give up don't give in, after Christmas will be new years parties then valentines day, easter, labor day, then summer and countless special occasions between now and then. Oh no! Dreaded summer, the beach or the pool and swim suits. You need to take control of your life, your eating and your exercise. I love the MFP way because nothing is off limits. You can eat whatever you want.

    The holidays are going to be tough if you don't take control this Christmas will you next? I plan to continue to lose right into the new year. I've come to far, I feel to good to stall now. You need to find your motivation and then do it or give in and make a new years resolution to do better next year because that's nearly guaranteed not to fail. It's up to you, this month next month, the month after that...
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Don't give up don't give in, after Christmas will be new years parties then valentines day, easter, labor day, then summer and countless special occasions between now and then.

    Very good point!!

    I've decided to not log this weekend, as I'm away with the girls. But I have also planned to go for a run and we are usually a fairly healthy bunch so it shouldn't be too much of a disaster.

    I'll start logging again on Monday and try to enter the festive season feeling a bit healthier!

    Thanks everyone!
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    Ive decided to maintain. Being super healthy when i can but not too bothered if i eat more at parties. I hear you its hard to exercise with everything happening.
  • hinzee4
    hinzee4 Posts: 155 Member
    I know how you feel! My usual thing, when it comes to losing weight, is from Thanksgiving till Jan. 1st I just let go. But this year I'm at least going to try. Every time I let myself go I just gain it all back and start from scratch. Someone I heard once said it's a holi-day. Not a holiweek or month. I'm going to try to stick with that! How about you! Good luck no matter what and have a great Christmas and New Years season!
  • Hmm, I feel your pain, it is such a stressful time for many of us. Ok, a couple of thoughts which helped me last year:

    # Being healthy is a life style not just a diet. it is sustainable. Some days you will treat yourself. Take smaller portions but don't always deny yourself. Sometimes you will be able to say no, but not every time, and you don't need to say no every time!

    #Don't throw in the towel, you will feel really low in the New Year if you do. Set your calories to 'maintenance' if you don't feel you can eat at a deficit over the holidays.

    # Get in a good brisk walk as often as you can. When my Mum visits I take myself out for an hours stress busting walk every day! Also, do a few squats, push ups, crunches and a plank a day...check out the exercise board for ideas

    # Track as often as possible and journal in your 'food notes' any emotions around eating....it will help you plan better next time : )

    and most importantly

  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Ok, had my weekend off and really enjoyed it - needed to get away from everything!

    I'm back to logging now, but I've set the calories to maintain so I don't feel too restricted/guilty for not sticking to it.

    I'd rather at least try to stay a bit healthier since 2 weeks of eating bad things is bad for my immune system, as well as my waistline!

    Thanks all - some great words of advice and encouragement given. :smile:
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I feel you! I'm basically "trying" to be good most days and not worry so much on the party days, reckon I'll maintain at best this month (if I manage to counteract the naughty weekends and christmas fun with some low cal days) but there's too much going on to expect a loss, for me I'll just try and hardcore it in Jan with the rest of the new years resolutioners :/

    However I wouldn't totally give up just exercise some damage control on days you're not doing christmassy stuff if you don't wanna gain.
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    I'm maintaining anyway as I've reached my goal, but I think it's definitely worth doing over Christmas if you are still trying to lose. I did it through July and August as I had a holiday and some festivals to go to, then I came back and carried on. I didn't worry too much about it - I'd lost 14lbs by then so I knew I could do and lose the rest, and they have indeed gone now, with help from MFP logging this time around.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    I'm taking time out until the New Year......I need a break and I think it will do my body good to stop stressing about eveything, (not just food) and enjoy myself.....after all it is Christmas!! :happy:

    Sorry I don't have the answer for you or anything particularly constructive to say, just know you're not the only one feeling this way.

    I'm actually now feeling more motivated about starting again after the New Year, like a weight has been lifted, since I made this decision and told my MFP friends, all of whom have been supportive and understanding (big hugs to them :smile: )

    Do what will work for you and don't let anyone make you feel bad for your decisions. x
  • If you're eating things like salads constantly that might be part of the problem. Eat foods that are high in protein and low in carbs - you'll be fuller and have more energy. Salad can be tasty but shouldn't really be something you eat regularly as a meal!

    And keep it going over Christmas. I know it's hard at this time of year, but there will always be reasons to let it slide. It's no fun, I know, but if you can even just shave a few calories off what you'd normally eat this time of year, you'll be doing really well! Maybe you could must skip logging Christmas day?

    Stick at it and good luck! xx