help to rid myself of the belly fat

I have been searching and searching for a good exercise to get rid of this belly fat. I just started working out doing a light speed walk on the treadmill to work myself up to a jog and then running, I have a knee that likes to act up every once and awhile so I need to work myself to a heavy workout. Does anyone know some good work outs that I could do at home and at work, I have a great work out room at work that I get to use during my lunch hour. We have treadmills, bicycles, elipticals, weights, work out balls, and that half ball looking thing, and a steping stairs thing. So any good ideas would help me out alot. I have about 30-40 minutes to work out at work and then of course as much time as I can fit in after I get my kids to bed. So please any help would be much appreciated.


  • Gunsentry
    Gunsentry Posts: 121 Member
    Fat is lost by diet exercise only speeds up your metabolic rate and improves general health.

    So check your diet and hope the fat decides to come off where you want it to as spot reduction is not possible it comes off where it wants.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    sounds like you have a Great workout room at work. Do they have any guidelines for a good routine? you can do a circuit, and try each item for a minute, and keep moving from one to the other. the 'half ball thing' can be used for burpee's, or planks, or probably lots of other things. A heavy ball is good for over the head and bring it down and throw to the ground. great arm exercise.

    Maybe have one day as full cardio using the bike or treadmill and the next doing circuit, or 15 minutes of each in a day. Either is great.