It's my first day...again...

It's my first time on MFP. My beautiful cousin, Alicia has been here for a month and has done so well. She has inspired me. But it's not my first diet rodeo. I could use some encouraging friends to help me through this process. I would like to lose 50-60 pounds and we just decided to work towards a 5K this summer. I don't know how I'm doing to do this...Yikes!


  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Welcome back You can do this. Positive thoughts sent your way. Peace and good luck on your journey. :smile:
  • glitterjam
    glitterjam Posts: 145 Member
    Good morning! Feel free to add me as a friend =)

    And if you never give up, you never have to start over!!!
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    Welcome and good luck!
  • Welcome and good luck. I joined up about 6 weeks ago and it has helped a lot. I also joined a group on here Called Biggest Losers 2012 and that also has helped me. I am 60 and have dieted my whole life to no avail hopeing this time it takes........ I like the fact I am writing down everything I eat and other people can see and comment on it....... It really seems to help... Good Luck and have a great day

  • Same here, starting over! Good luck and best wishes, you can do it! :)
  • aliciabeatty
    aliciabeatty Posts: 20 Member
    You my dear are one of the most determined women I know! We will be running that 5K next summer! Means we get to go shopping for some new running shoes :) xo