DDRMax Dance Dance Revolution?

I was just wondering does anyone use DDRMax Dance Dance Revolution for Cardio?? I used it a long time ago when it first came out on the Playstation 2 because it was well super fun.. Now I've started using it again because it has a "workout" mode on it that keeps track of your wieght and the calories burned while dancing to the beat of the music. Anyone else out there use something similar? I think of it as the origional "Wii Fit" ;P
Playstation FTW


  • irismoon
    I do, and I love it! I lost 10lbs playing it after I first got it. Makes me wonder why I forget I have it. I've got several of the DDR games including DDR Extreme, DDR Extreme 2, DDR SuperNOVA, and dance factory. So far all the DDR games I own have the workout mode, but I'm only able to play for so long without pain medication (leg injury). I've also learned you don't need to be on workout mode for it to keep track of the calorie count. I'm glad they have those figures. The dance factory, though, I'm yet to play. I bought it because you can have it play to your own music cd and you can make up your own step movements to your favorite songs. According to the booklet it also has a fitness setting, but it doesn't say if it keep counting. Sounds like it just gives you a total at the end of each song for the calories or something. I'll have to play it and let you know.

    Oh and you might like to look into getting Wii Fit if you don't have it. The Wii Fit Plus game counts calories and lets you design workouts too. I'm loving it and I've seen somewhere that you can get DDR for the Wii. I know they have all sorts of exercise related games for the Wii. I've looked into several, but can't afford them at the time being. I'm wanting to get the Wii Active set up and game. It looks fun. I do have the Cardio Gym and My Weightloss Coach for Wii. The Cardio Gym is only boxing games really, but still fun. The Weightloss Coach is like a game version of exercise dvd's. The Weightloss Coach seems boring at first, but the work outs are fun.

    If you can't tell most of my exercise comes from my game systems. lol.

    *edited in* I also forgot to mention that I recently bought a game called Kinetic for playstation 2. It comes with the eye toy camera and is designed with 4 fitness zones (combat, cardio, toning, and mind & body). I got it for $10 when it was orginally $50. I am also yet to try it. Got it when I bought the dance factory game. From what I can tell from the box it looks like it uses the camera to make sure you are doing things right. I got it because it reminded me of the way the wii worked and how the game "Your Shape" works.
  • EmeraldLily
    EmeraldLily Posts: 5 Member
    At one point I was using the DDR for Wii and it was so much fun. I wasn't using it to work out but when I got into it I realized I could spend 1 or 2 hours playing. I need to get the mat so I can get back into it and DDR for at least an hour a day. That way I can forget about the gym lol If you do a search you will see that people have lost a lot of weight playing the game, without it being their intention.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    My husband and I love DDR! We have it for the Wii and we can get really competitive which makes it more of a "workout" but so much fun. We use the Wii to tell us how much time we played it since we almost always loose track of time when playing it lol! Usually don't do the workout mode tho and instead do the 3-5 song sets and choose fun/hard ones :)

    @irismoon - how did you figure out how to view calories burned without doing the workout mode?
  • irismoon
    Hey Emerald, you were saying that people have lost a lot of weight playing the game without that being their intention, well that's how I actually found out about the game! I was reading a magazine and read about a boy who bought it and lost 50 lbs from playing it. I bought it a few months after I read that article.

    *edited in* I realized there was a workout mode and added a profile on it. After that it just seemed to count them for me without going on to the workout mode and it saves them for you. You just have to go to the workout mode to check the count. If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll set up mine and figure it out for you.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My daughter got it for Christmas, and I'd played with it some. It's a great workout, and I love the workout mode because you can't fail. :) I think it overestimates the calories burned though.