
I was considering purchasing b-complex tablets because I need more energy. For those of you taking b-complex did you notice a difference in your energy levels?


  • SmallBodyBigHeart
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    what do you want from the pills just more energy?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Yep. Aboslutely. :)
  • SmallBodyBigHeart
    what do you want from the pills just more energy?

  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    what do you want from the pills just more energy?

    like all day energy or workout energy?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Nope. I started taking one last year when I turned 50 on the advice of my doctor (apparently women over 50 produce less stomach acid making it harder to absorb B vitamins). I haven't noticed any difference except my urine is now bright yellow every morning until I p*** away those pricey supplements.
  • SmallBodyBigHeart
    what do you want from the pills just more energy?

    like all day energy or workout energy?
    All day
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I either take the B vitamin MiO or Pro-wellness B vitamin liquid. I think there's a huge difference when I don't get either of the in.
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    I've been taking the gummy B Complex by Vitafusion. I'm not sure if I really have more energy or I just think I do because they taste like candy. LOL.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    try caffeine for energy
  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    I notice a difference. When I regularly take it I find I don't need to nap as much. I feel more 'up'. As another poster said, the first pee after taking it is practically fluorescent yellow. I think from the riboflavin? They're water soluble, so what your body doesn't need, it just flushes.
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    yes i did, it didn't make me want to run 20 miles or anything, but it helps keep me going and getting up in the mornings to work out, and when i forget to take it, i really notice it...plus, I used to lose alot of hair, but that has slowed down too and my nails are nicer and don't split...so vitamin B is good for me in many ways...
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I take it so my pee is a neon color. True Story.
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    instead of a supplement try getting those b vitamins from other sources, i love cran-energy by ocean spray, but there are plenty of shakes, water additives, like mio, and even protein bars with b vitamins added to them. OH and green tea! Supplements can get pricey and like the OP mentioned many are flushed out anyways.

    Good luck finding what works for you... maybe more sleep if you need naps!! lol jk
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I take it because I have a B-deficiency.

    I'm not sure there's evidence that you really get much extra energy with a healthy baseline B-vitamin base, but they're water soluble so you pee out what you don't need. Give it a shot. Why not.

    Also, like Cmcollins said- it makes your pee neon. So that's cool.
  • Kellyeee2013
    I take a Vitamin B-Complex pill, salmon oil, Vitamin D, 5-HTP, and folic acid daily or every second day. I don't know what is doing what, but I notice a big difference. I think for me it is the Vitamin D.
  • joeq722
    joeq722 Posts: 86 Member
    You'll definitely get more energy, particularly if you can get them in powder capsule form.
    But for sure get at least 50 mg. capsules and take a couple after a meal.

    You'll also have pee the color of yellow highlighter ;)
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    no difference here
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I take them as my doctor told me to take them, but it hasn't increased my energy.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    No difference here just orange pee :s