Ladies - am I crazy to try and lose 5kg(10lb) ?

Well do you think I am crazy to try and lose 5kg (10lb) in the next 2-3 months (which will be very difficult cos I have been trying for months). Just to turn around and start trying to get pregnant again!

I am torn between being almost ready for my third and not having lost the weight from my second daughter yet (she is 20 months).

I am 5ft 6 and currently 69kg (151lb) and would like to get down to 63 (140lb) by March BUT have been struggling with will power to lose this weight....


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I'd say go ahead and give it a go, but don't fret on it.

    Make it your trial run to see what your limits are for dieting and exercise and to see what realistic goals you can set for yourself in the future.

    Remember though, Baby is #1. 9 months of ignoring your weight is well worth his/her lifetime of good health!
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    I say above all, try being healthy. Especially because you are trying to get pregnant, and will be pregnant, health is more important than the scale. If you eat healthy and exercise - you may or may not lose 10 lbs, but it is more important than the number!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Focus on what you can and should be eating for optimum health not what you cannot and should not. Ditto with exercise, it's best you and your children for you to be fit throughout the pregnancy. Are you consistently eating your nine servings of fruit and veg each day in the full rainbow of colours plus oily fish regularly? Are all your carbohydrates mineral rich whole foods or are you replacing them with loads of nuts and seeds?