Weight Loss and Size...



  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    At 272 I was a sort of tight size 20. I wore those until probably 25 lbs down and then at 37 lbs I got into a size 14 and those are comfortable. My work pants are scrubs and the larges are now getting loose but not sure if I could go down a size in them cause my theighs are pretty big still. My husband thinks I have lost a lot of it from my mid section.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I started off at size 20/22 and it took about 2 weeks before I got to a size 18, then about a month to size 16, another 3 months to size 14 & now 10 months later I'm a size 12 going onto a size 10. 10 months in total. Just depends on how hard you work at it I think. I push hard, my friends on here know that. They know I have no limits & don't know how to quit.
  • I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one. Thank you for this post. I started here in September of 2012 at 168 pounds. I've lost 22 pounds and only one pants size. Ugh!!!! Hope to maybe fit in one size smaller in another five pounds or so. Good luck!
  • Nikipowpez
    Nikipowpez Posts: 60 Member
    I have an hourglass shape. Right now at 215lbs, I wear a size 18 pants, and an XL or XXL top. I have a large chest and it never goes away. When I was about 160lbs, I fit into a size 12 pants, and it was a little loose in the waist, but snug in the thighs and bottom. My top will be a L/XL. Now, when I get down to 150, I know that a size 10 would be tight, but manageable. I would definitely be a large in the top. I think I may have been an early teen the last time I wore single digit number clothing bottoms. I can lose 30 pounds and will probably one drop one pant size. It is rather frustrating at times.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    The sizes will change more quickly as you get smaller, meaning you have to lose more lbs to get from a 24 to a 22 than you will to get from a 14 to a 12.
  • I'm 5'6 started out around 215 (give or take a few) I was wearing 18 pants and either an EX LG or 1x top..I'm busty and always have been and I'm never going to wear a small or med shirt comfortably....I carry most of my weight in my belly..some of my 18's were tight in the waist...I'm down 15 my 18's felt comfortable after 5lbs..I can still wear them and I can get into some of my old size 16's comfortably but I have a VERY long way to go to get into a 14...Best size recollection I have is that I was wearing a 12 when I was around 160...I've never been a tiny person so I have no grand illusions of getting into a size 5...even when I weighed around 125lbs i wore a size 9/10 and a large shirt..
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    i'm 5'1, so far i've gone down 3 pants sizes after losing 46 lbs.
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member
    I'm 5'11 and hourglass, "big boned" if you will. It takes literally a 30 pounds loss/gain to notice a difference, even in the way my clothes fit. At 250 lbs I'm wearing a somewhat loose size 18, and at 180 lbs I wore a comfy 14.

    Nobody is big boned. But congrats on the loss anyway. Just please don't ever say 'big boned' again.... nobody is.

    I typically can't wear women's watches... and if I can wear them at all, they usually pinch. I have wrists that I would consider bony.. I can see the dents between the bones and see the tendons when I flex them, so I don't have fat wrists or wrists that are retaining water. I can't wear toe rings because my toes are too big. I have a big head, and I usually have to buy men's gloves. I'm 5'7".

    What is it if it isn't bones? I'm not being difficult or snarky... I believe it is totally possible it isn't something as cliche as "big bones" and I hate that term. But is it larger muscles, or tendons, or extra something else? I'm open to possibilities.
  • LadySylvanas
    LadySylvanas Posts: 133 Member
    I'm 5'6 and "spoon" shaped (lol?) :blushing:
    Lost 52 lbs and only 2.5 (not quite 3 yet) pant sizes :grumble:
    edit: my wrists and ankles are tiny, all my fingers (except pinky) overlap by a mile around my wrist. so I'm not really "big boned" or anything..
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Anyone else have this issue, I started Nov 2010 at 289 lbs and a 4 - 5X shirt and TIGHT 26 pants, through a lot a hard work I made it down to 212 (this past sunday) I know I still have a ways to go, but it took me losing the first 40 lbs before I even went down "1" size in pants and for anyone else to notice. Over the next 35 lb loss I am at a comfortable size 20 (1X maybe 2X shirts). I am very proud of what I have done, I am hoping in the next 2 years to be around my ultimate goal of 160 and size 12!! Anyone else have to lose a ton of weight before fitting into smaller clothes???

    I started in a size 24, with many of my pants getting tight on me. After losing the first 40 pounds, I finally made it to a size 22. After 10 more pounds, my size 20 pants still won't button, but they are finally making it over my hips. So, yes, fifty pounds and only one size down so far. My goal has been to get to size 20 by the end of December, but it looks like it may be Januaryish.
  • The first lot took ages and many pounds, but since then, about 20-25 lbs is a dress size for me. I started at 380 and lost 100 lbs prior to MFP.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm 5'11 and hourglass, "big boned" if you will. It takes literally a 30 pounds loss/gain to notice a difference, even in the way my clothes fit. At 250 lbs I'm wearing a somewhat loose size 18, and at 180 lbs I wore a comfy 14.

    Nobody is big boned. But congrats on the loss anyway. Just please don't ever say 'big boned' again.... nobody is.

    When people say "big-boned," it is in reference to their frame. Especially for women, yes, our body frame can be much larger than other women at the same height and weight. It is also referred to as waist-to-hip ratio, but that's not the common way to say it. When I was a BMI of 22, back in high school, I was wearing a size 16 when other friends of the same height and weight were wearing a size 6 or 8. (same brand jeans; these are friends I went to the mall with regularly)

    Now some people will try to claim that they are overweight because of big bones. These are the ones fooling themselves. Everyone's bones will weigh roughly the same, but the structure our bones varies. And those with wider-set hips will always wear a larger size than those with narrower hips, thus we have a larger frame, which makes the term big-boned to be accurate.
  • bohdanko
    bohdanko Posts: 16 Member
    I started off at size 20/22 and it took about 2 weeks before I got to a size 18, then about a month to size 16, another 3 months to size 14 & now 10 months later I'm a size 12 going onto a size 10. 10 months in total. Just depends on how hard you work at it I think. I push hard, my friends on here know that. They know I have no limits & don't know how to quit.

    I don't think you can blame how hard you work at it when the weight HAS come off. How hard you worked to lose it is irrelevant in how many sizes you drop. Our bodies are just all different in how they adjust to pounds lost. It's a little condescending to say she didn't work as hard as you.

    OP - I had the same issue (and yes, that's probably why I'm a little sensitive to the above reply). I started at 264 and lost close to 50 before really needing to go down a size. Of course, I was really stuffing myself into my clothes when I started, and they were pretty loose before I went looking for more clothes. Over the next 30-40 pounds, though, I've dropped a couple of sizes. Now after losing about 80 pounds (82 to be precise), I'm in a comfortable size 16, having started at a super-tight 22 or 24 (I can't remember anymore!). Between 210 and 200, for me, suddenly my body shed A LOT of the inches. I'm not sure where it went before that!