5k every day?

jlking Posts: 29 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I recently ran into my former boss. He is 5'7" tall. The last time I saw him he weighed 330 pounds and had been diagnosed as a diabetic. When I saw him last week he looked so different! He has lost 100 pounds and now weighs 227. I asked him how he did it, and he said the formula was simple: eating no more than 1600 calories per day and doing a "5K" every day. He has been doing this for a year and has lost the 100.

I asked him about getting sore from doing this every day. He said that he runs when he can (he can run 3/4 of it now), and walks when he has to. The only rule is that he gets it in every single day. He is now off of his diabetes medicine and high blood pressure medicine. It truly is remarkable.

What are your thoughts about this?


  • I would think that it would take a toll on his knees at some point. I know my body couldn't take it, but I have met many people that run every day for quite a few miles.......I'm not really sure.
  • exez
    exez Posts: 2 Member
    I do something very similar. About 1500 cals a day and run/jog on the treadmill 2.5 miles. I do it almost everyday, average 5 days a week. I have lost 30lbs since November. In the begining I could only run 10-15 minutes then walked for 20 more, my calfs shins and knees hurt. However the more I did it the less it hurt. I don't think it's the best thing for the knees, but carrying extra weight is not good for your knees either. I start the day burning 300 calories and feel good. If I am sore I take it easy that day and walk/run.
    I don't know if it's good for everyone, but like your friend it's working for me. Good Luck.
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