Protein Shake and/or Breakfast Substitute?

Hi there!
Quick question,
What would be a good protein shake?
When I go to the gym...If I eat I feel sick, if I don't...I'm lightheaded.
Would you recommend a protein shake before?

I love breakfast food,
however I really don't like eating right when I wake up.
Should I just drink a shake instead???

Is it possible to use one drink as both?
Should I not drink either?


  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    A whey protein shake would work - there are scores of brands to choose from.

    Many health food stores offer sample packs of various flavors.

    The first few days might be tough (gastrointestinal) but it does not take long to adjust.
  • fearless_
    A whey protein shake would work - there are scores of brands to choose from.

    Many health food stores offer sample packs of various flavors.

    The first few days might be tough (gastrointestinal) but it does not take long to adjust.

    awesome, thanks
  • RevCO30
    RevCO30 Posts: 176 Member
    I like Ensure High Protein shakes for a quick-on-the-go breakfast. I have tried a number of whey protein shakes and this has the best flavor(chocolate) IMHO. About 210 calories, if I remember correctly.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Whey protein powder + frozen berries/banana/greek yogurt/etc. + a healthy fat (flax see oil, ground flax seeds, peanut butter, etc.) = healthy meal replacement protein shake.
  • fearless_
    Thanks so much!
    I usually like chocolate everything. haha
  • kapoorpk
    kapoorpk Posts: 244 Member
    If the goal is to lose weight, a work out about an hour after your meal works. If the goal is to gain muscle while losing weight, do the same can be done + a protien shake after the work out to help your muscles recover. If keeping pounds off is a goal as well, the best protien shake available is the Zero Carb Isopure that gets you the protein without the carbs. Be careful not to consume too much of protein as it can damage your kidneys.

    You can learn more under "find a plan" at on how much to have etc.

    Hope that helps.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Be sure you get a balanced meal/ snack, if you don't start with your fruits and veggies at breakfast it is very difficult to hit your nine servings a day. Frozen berries are great blended into protein powder, or just served with plain live yoghurt for a light snack.
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    I usually mix 1 scoop (your choice of flavor) chocolate whey powder, 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 cup frozen fruit (your choice here as well, I use strawberries)

    I love it!

    edit: Keep an eye on the protien powder if you are watching carbs, sugars, or anything of that nature. Some carry more sugars/carbs/etc. So go with what you are looking for nutritionally. I have the cvs brand and it's low in both carb and sugars
  • snowbike
    snowbike Posts: 153 Member
    . Be careful not to consume too much of protein as it can damage your kidneys.

    More info on this please?
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    I use Designer Whey in Chocolate. Mix it with 8oz of almond milk 1 frozen banana, some maca root powder (this is totally optional) and sometimes some peanut butter (1-2 tablespoons).

    I usually drink that after my workout being that you need to replenish and get some protein in 30min-1 hour after your workout.

    if you want something light before you workout you could just do whey protein mixed with water or milk and a slice of toast , since it's always best to mix your protein and complex carbs together. That will give you the most energy for your workout without weighing you down :)
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    . Be careful not to consume too much of protein as it can damage your kidneys.

    Unless you have past problems with your kidneys, kidney stones, utis and whatnot protein will not harm your kidneys if you are drinking sufficient water.