Late Night Gluttony...It's GOTTA' Stop!!!!



  • TwentyTreize
    try eating slow digesting protein in the evening, my favourite is low fat cottage cheese with cinnamon, high in protein, low calorie and filling... and surprisingly tasty.
  • HeidibooJB
    HeidibooJB Posts: 62 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking. Your body will thank you in the future, although it may be pretty pissed at you right now ;).
    Try a cup or so of frozen blueberries mixed with some low fat lemon (or vanilla) yogurt. The yogurt freezes on to the berries, and it's almost like eating ice cream, and at only slightly above 100 cals, is a great snack.
  • Kathrynaline
    No one else mentioned the fact that you quit smoking! It changes things. I quit in july so I know where your standing right now. The cravings will get ....better...a little. If you can.... go to bed! If your sleeping your not fighting any urges! Have sex and crash! Then your burning calories too!
  • Kathrynaline
    you're smart. and absolutely correct.
  • kshaw5501
    kshaw5501 Posts: 390 Member
    100 calorie pack of almonds and an apple or pear
    peanut butter and jelly on 1/2 slice of healthy bread
    Laughing Cow cheese wedge and an apple or pear
    popcorn - air popped sprinkled with parmesan cheese
    hard boiled egg
    diet hot chocolate

    Congrats on changing your lifestyle to a healthier one! Good luck with making your late night munching healthier.
  • nerchk
    nerchk Posts: 136 Member
    i have the same problem. I also tried balancing my calories though out the day, tried eating less, working out and the only time that i didnt binge was when i did the 4 hour body diet. I had beans for lunch and in the evening with my meals and they really kept me full for longer. Problem is, it is kinda hard to eat so much lentils. Maybe i should go back to that
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Save calories for the end of your day, work out in the evening (this kills my appetite) and when you eat in the evening don't eat anything that will spike your blood sugar. Stick to proteins and if you have enough calories left, some nuts. You can also try drinking water when you think you're hungry. It's hard to tell the difference between thirst and hunger.

    Congrats on your life-style change.
  • Aleph13
    Aleph13 Posts: 83 Member
    Maybe you need to snack more during the day so you're not as hungry at night. Nuts, particularly almonds are a really healthy filling snack and they actually stabilise blood sugar levels which is really good if you're diabetic. You don't have to just snack on rabbit style stuff... nuts, dates and even prawns or avacado are really healthy and more likely to keep you satisfied as opposed to celery sticks yuk :-)
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    You've done great to stop smoking but that was only very recent and will have messed with your blood sugar levels, hunger signals and sleep patterns - these all interact to cause cravings. Look at what and when you are eating during the day, little and often from breakfast, always protein, fibre and healthy fats (oily fish, nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, coconut, cocoa), switch to small servings of the lowest glycaemic index carbs (barley, beans, lentils) if you have not already. Eat way more low sugar fruits and non starchy vegetables with your evening meal - at least nine servings a day - really stuff yourself so you can't eat any more.

    Be sure also to practice good sleep hygiene, a proper wind down routine with no TV or computer. You may find you have been artificially keeping yourself awake with nicotine and food, and you need to go to bed earlier rather than continue this habit. Sleep deprivation or low sleep quality puts the body into a state of stress which can cause the body to hold onto fat and crave unhealthy foods.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    First of all, congrats on stopping smoking! That is awesome! Secondly, I found that it takes your body and mind a few weeks to get used to the new food intake. Be patient with yourself!:flowerforyou:

    I haven't read all the respinses but a few things that may help-

    -Go to bed earlier
    - air popped or light popcorn and a big glass of ice water
    - tea
    - string cheese and an apple
    -greek yogurt with a little frozen blueberries thrown in

    remember to try and slloooow down your eating too. That was one of my problems, I like to scarf food down!!!:laugh:

    Best of luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • elizabethannerussell
    I like: Almonds (about ten), dates and or prunes, (2-3 total i find really helps, especially dates), greek or regular yogurt with peanut butter or almond butter mixed in, or a tiny splash of real maple syrup, cottage cheese (I add half a persimmon to my cottage cheese or yogurt and i find it makes it more dessert-like), almond or peanut butter on some really healthy whole grain crackers, or some almond/peanut butter on apples. :smile:
  • grouchoguy
    Thank y'all so much!! Everyone of your post will help me immensely!! :smile:
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    Forgot to mention something that helps with the cravings. Some of the late night stuff may be that your body is seeking any kind of satisfaction from either food or nicotine. When my hubby quit smoking, we asked for advice from a natural health store and they suggested sucking on licorice root.. Licorice tends to help with nicotine cravings and you have a hand-to-mouth thing to do too! The root is basically just like sucking on a sweet twig but no calories.. and they are cheap, cheap cheap! Licorice tea may work too!
    Just a few thoughts that may help!
    You are doing splendidly! Congrats!
  • sesamebutterfly
    sesamebutterfly Posts: 11 Member
    I too have this problem and have gotten some great suggestions from several responses, so thanks for posting this!
    Congrats on quitting smoking and making the healthy changes in your diet!
  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    I have the Same problem! I don't really have a food problem during the day.. it's after 10 pm and i want to eat the fridge and maybe the dog! I take something like melatonin to help me get to sleep. But, the best thing I've done is actually figure in some nighttime eating into my food diary. It's usually protein and fruit..... peanut butter and banana, apple and cheese, ...Drinking a hot beverage with it REALLY helps! I drink hot tea (uncaffinated of course). but you could do hot chocolate or decaf coffee. Hope that helps.

    Congrats on everything else! :)
  • stacey062909
    stacey062909 Posts: 27 Member
    Oatmeal is my saving grace.
    Honestly I eat three packages of oatmeal a day.
    They range from 100 cal per serving up to 170 cal per serving.
    I eat a packet and drink a glass of water.
    This way, it's a low calorie option.
    It fills you up when it expands with water.
    And it helps you meet you fiber intake for the day.

    Hope this helps!
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    What works for me is to stick to high protein and lo carb snacks...nuts, cheese, maybe some peanut butter...the higher protein actually keeps me full longer. I know the more carbs I eat, the more of them I crave. As a diabetic myself I know the difficulties that too many carbs can cause. I try to stick to to the more complex carbs, whole grains, etc. Congrats on quitting smoking. It was hard I know. I literally wanted to stab everyone I talked to in the eye for a couple of weeks, but we all survived it! Good job :flowerforyou:
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    Congrats on the change in your lifestyle!

    I never eat carrots or celery. And I also eat the bulk of my calories in the evening. I have found a breakfast that keeps me full and eat it every week day. I also have a couple of go to lunches. This keeps things pretty mindless for me and then I can concentrate on dinner/after dinner with plenty of calories left. I like the beef jerky idea posted earlier and am going to add those. Why not make your evening snack more of a meal than a snack. Make an omelet with an egg and egg white, throw in a bit of cheese and sauteed onions/peppers, yummo.

    Good luck on the smoking cessation and weight loss, you have a great start. Hopefully with the weight loss will also come and end to your diabetes.
  • grouchoguy
    Just caught up reading the other post added here since I last checked. All these tips will help so much!! Thanks so much to each of you!! :smile:
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I go to bed early, so that eliminates too many problems at night, but from looking at my own diary, I can see the following things eaten regularly after dinner:

    sugar free jello with Cool Whip LIght
    baked pumpkin custard
    string cheese
    air-popped popcorn
    an apple sliced and microwaved with Splenda, cinnamon and nutmeg
    hard boiled egg
    hot tea
    sandwich slender with low sugar orange marmalade

    Not all on the same night though!