Looking for cyclists

I'm really loving cycling. I just started this past May and am really loving it.
I would like to add other cyclists to my friends list to share tips, stories, or just whatever.

I ride a 20 mile course with about 500 feet of ascent during lunch a few days a week and when I started out I was averaging maybe 13 to 15 mph. I'm up to 20 mph now and want to get even faster.

Add me if you share the same passion for cycling.


  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    Bump... No cyclists out there?
  • Aish30
    Aish30 Posts: 43
    I am a keen cyclist. I cycle 6 days a week for longer than I remember.
    I cycle between 40-50 miles during the week and 40 miles over the weekend.
    My bicycle is my lifeline and my most indulgent expensive purchase to date.
    Started as a passion; soon grew into a passionate love affair hehe.
    Shame you are on the other side of the continent; otherwise we could have race days ;-)
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I am a keen cyclist. I cycle 6 days a week for longer than I remember.
    I cycle between 40-50 miles during the week and 40 miles over the weekend.
    My bicycle is my lifeline and my most indulgent expensive purchase to date.
    Started as a passion; soon grew into a passionate love affair hehe.
    Shame you are on the other side of the continent; otherwise we could have race days ;-)

    What pace do you average?
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
  • i teach cycle at LA Fitness. In class we got 20 miles and i teach it 3 days a week.
    I have not had time to cycle outside of teaching but I will be setting that up as a goal after the new yr.
  • mandiam
    mandiam Posts: 109
    i race bicycles...
  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    I've been racing off and on since 2003 (mostly time trials, but a few crits and road races here and there. Enough to get my Cat 4 upgrade).

    For the 2013 season, my main goal is getting in a 40K (24.8 miles) in under an hour. My previous best on the course was 1:02:58.

    This time of year, I'm doing most of my training on a Computrainer, but sometimes I get out for an hour or so with some guys from work. We usually average 18 to 19 mph over 16 to 22 miles with anywhere from 800 to 1800 feet of climbing. Obviously if we do 1800 feet of climbing, it's a bit slower :-)
  • jhalsey205
    jhalsey205 Posts: 91 Member
    I've been riding about a year and a half and have 8 century rides to date. The toughest of the rides include Cheaha Challenge (AL); Blue Ridge Brutal (NC) and 6 Gap (GA). My fastest century (Tuscaloosa AL) was approximately 19 mph. I have logged just over 4400 miles for the year. I am probably averaging 16 to 17 mph on my training rides (approx 2,000 to 4,000 ft of elevation gain). MFP friends are a very supportive group.
  • CyclingAddict
    I ride a little bit. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    I ride a little bit. Feel free to add me if you'd like.

    Me too :)
  • katozdad
    katozdad Posts: 298 Member
    I mainly commute 20 miles a day. Loving the ride and sometimes pick up a bit extra leisure cycling at weekends. Hoping to do more in the new year when I get some new wheels and want to enter a few local events in my build up to doing 100 miles in a day.

    Anyone into biking is free to add me.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    I ride the bike a bit...

    2012 to Date

    Distance: 7,468.36 mi
    Time: 520:03:41 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain: 118,509 m
    Avg Speed: 14.4 mph
    Calories: 414,277 C
    Avg Ride Duration: 1:47:14 h:m:s
    Max Ride Duration: 5:13:05 h:m:s
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member

    I do a bit of cycling. Final push now to ge the 296 miles required to hit my 2012 target of 15000 miles

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member

    I do a bit of cycling. Final push now to ge the 296 miles required to hit my 2012 target of 15000 miles


  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member

    I do a bit of cycling. Final push now to ge the 296 miles required to hit my 2012 target of 15000 miles


    15,000 MILES??? Wow! Congratulations!
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    I took up cycling in the autumn, had only gotten as far as the 10 mile each way commute to work before I got knocked off by a car. Haven't been back on the bike since, hope to in Spring, if not before.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I took up cycling in the autumn, had only gotten as far as the 10 mile each way commute to work before I got knocked off by a car. Haven't been back on the bike since, hope to in Spring, if not before.

    Before I started riding, cyclists used to get on my nerves. How dare they slow me down and make me take an extra minute or 2 to get where I have to be. Now that I'm a cyclist, I have the utmost respect when I pass other cyclists in my car.
    So many drivers are complete idiots and a-holes when it comes to bikes.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I cycle, but tough to get out very often. There are a couple of groups on here. Add me if you wish. 20 mile TT in less than an hour on a road bike is pretty good. That is the best I've ever gotten, but there were some pretty good hills on my course and a couple of stop signs.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    Supposed to be sunny and 60 here today and a little warmer tomorrow. Great 2 days to ride. After that I think it's supposed to cool off. Looks like I'll be on the trainer for a few days after that.
    I plan to do a metric century polar bear ride in the middle of January. That should be nice and cold.