Pregnancy 2010 - Week 7

Hello everyone!

For those of you just finding us, this is a group that is trying to be healthier and/or lose weight while:

a)wanting to drop some weight before TTC
b) TTC
c) Pregnant

Wednesdays are our days to weigh in, and we have started having weekly challenges.

The challenge for this week is.... staying accountable through the weekend. Most of us disappear over the weekend. This week, don't! Log your food, do your activity, and stay accountable!

How did everyone fare for the last challenge - stretching every day?

Welcome! The more the merrier!


  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    What an absolutly horrible week for me. Sorry to start out on a bad note, but man was it aweful!

    I have been sick with strep, a sinus infection and the flu. I haven't worked out, and laid in bed for about 6 days straight. I ate very little, but somehow managed to gain 2.5 lbs?!?!?!?! I am really upset, considering there is NO WAY that I ate more than my 1200 calories a day while I was sick.

    I am still struggeling with the sickness, but hopefully I will be able to focus a bit more on my food intake. I don't think the gym is a great idea right now as I get seriously out of breath just going up 1 flight of stairs. Hoping if I slam the water the next few days the 2.5 lbs will dissapear!

    On a side note, I ordered a book my friend recommended abou the best baby products, and how to save a lot of money when buying everything you need. If its any good, I will let you know.
  • kimmie0627
    kimmie0627 Posts: 111 Member
    I am not part of this but I have to say Amanda. You might just have water weight. Keep you head up.

  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member

    Rushing out the door, TTYL!
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Last week's weight - 162
    CW: 160.6 :bigsmile:
  • Mommy08
    Mommy08 Posts: 73 Member
    Why would you want or try to lose weight while you are pregnant?? Have you talked to your doctors?? Because this isn't recommended and not really safe either :(
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Why would you want or try to lose weight while you are pregnant?? Have you talked to your doctors?? Because this isn't recommended and not really safe either :(

    Mommy08 - If you look back through all of our posts and threads, you will see that all persons here know what they are doing for their own personal circumstances, most of who are under doctor supervision. Thanks for your concern though.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member

    I popped in here a few weeks ago, but have been MIA since. I have a question for Angela, or anyone else who has experience with the BBT method. I have begun taking my basal body temp every morning but am a little confused as to when the best time is to TTC. Is it before my temp spikes up or the day it does? Also, was your temp really low in the mornings? This was only my 3rd morning, but yesterday my temp was 96.8 - seemed awfully low to me....although I wasn't feeling the greatest either. The day before and today it was at 97.1 & 97.3. Thanks so much! :flowerforyou:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member

    I popped in here a few weeks ago, but have been MIA since. I have a question for Angela, or anyone else who has experience with the BBT method. I have begun taking my basal body temp every morning but am a little confused as to when the best time is to TTC. Is it before my temp spikes up or the day it does? Also, was your temp really low in the mornings? This was only my 3rd morning, but yesterday my temp was 96.8 - seemed awfully low to me....although I wasn't feeling the greatest either. The day before and today it was at 97.1 & 97.3. Thanks so much! :flowerforyou:

    The basal body temperature will almost ALWAYS show your temp as lower than a regular thermometer will, the two weeks or so befor ovulating your temp will be low and then will spike after ovulation and remain high until your period ... or if you're pregnant will continue to raise.

    The hard thing with only doing BBT method is that you are usually fertile UNTIL you ovulate, which means you don't really know your fertile period just by taking temperatures ... there's still hope though! What you do is check your cervical fluid as well, take your finger swipe your finger around your vaginal lips. During your non-fertile time you'll mostly be dry, when you approach fertile period you'll notice you get more wet, early on you'll have creamy, lotiony, or milky discharge and consistancy usually white or creamy colored, as you get more fertile it will become mucus like and really stretchy and clear. The most fertile period is very stretchy, very wet, and clearish. When you approach your fertile stage you should have sex daily if your husband has a good sperm count or every other day if he has a low sperm count ... then while taking your basal body temperature you'll know when you ovulate so you'll know when you're fertile time is over.

    I have lots more information if you need it ... and FYI you're egg only lasts 24 hours!
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    Yesterday was my weigh in day and I haven't lost anything. I have only been doing this for about 1 week though so, I'm not too concerned about that. :o)

    I am hoping to see some results next week though :o)

    SW - 232
    CW - 232
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    The hard thing with only doing BBT method is that you are usually fertile UNTIL you ovulate, which means you don't really know your fertile period just by taking temperatures ... there's still hope though! What you do is check your cervical fluid as well, take your finger swipe your finger around your vaginal lips. During your non-fertile time you'll mostly be dry, when you approach fertile period you'll notice you get more wet, early on you'll have creamy, lotiony, or milky discharge and consistancy usually white or creamy colored, as you get more fertile it will become mucus like and really stretchy and clear. The most fertile period is very stretchy, very wet, and clearish. When you approach your fertile stage you should have sex daily if your husband has a good sperm count or every other day if he has a low sperm count ... then while taking your basal body temperature you'll know when you ovulate so you'll know when you're fertile time is over.

    I have lots more information if you need it ... and FYI you're egg only lasts 24 hours!

    So, if I check my cervical fluid in the morning and I appear to be in the fertile period - should I have sex right away, or would it be ok to wait until the evening? How many days are you normally in your fertile period? Sorry if I'm asking to many questions - I have looked this stuff up online and it just confuses me :ohwell: You put it in layman's terms so it's easier for me to understand. :happy:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    The hard thing with only doing BBT method is that you are usually fertile UNTIL you ovulate, which means you don't really know your fertile period just by taking temperatures ... there's still hope though! What you do is check your cervical fluid as well, take your finger swipe your finger around your vaginal lips. During your non-fertile time you'll mostly be dry, when you approach fertile period you'll notice you get more wet, early on you'll have creamy, lotiony, or milky discharge and consistancy usually white or creamy colored, as you get more fertile it will become mucus like and really stretchy and clear. The most fertile period is very stretchy, very wet, and clearish. When you approach your fertile stage you should have sex daily if your husband has a good sperm count or every other day if he has a low sperm count ... then while taking your basal body temperature you'll know when you ovulate so you'll know when you're fertile time is over.

    I have lots more information if you need it ... and FYI you're egg only lasts 24 hours!

    So, if I check my cervical fluid in the morning and I appear to be in the fertile period - should I have sex right away, or would it be ok to wait until the evening? How many days are you normally in your fertile period? Sorry if I'm asking to many questions - I have looked this stuff up online and it just confuses me :ohwell: You put it in layman's terms so it's easier for me to understand. :happy:

    Your fertile period is usually about a week, sperm can servive up to 5 days, so you can have sex only once in your fertile period and still end up pregnant ... although your chances are higher to have sex more often ... remember this is the fun part! ;-) So what we did is tried to have sex every day starting the first day I started my fertile period ... near the end it ended up only being every other day, but we ended up pregnant on our first try! Hope this helps, i don't mind the questions at all, I read a lot on this and had a friend I also bombarded with questions haha
  • Lovinglife
    Hi all, just want to join the group if that's ok ?

    I'll post my weight later, just wanted to say hi - and hoping to leave you again soon, due to pregnancy (ha ha) !

  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I don't want to do this anymore. Nothing is happening! Nothing! the weight isn't going away and the measurements aren't changing. What's the point of this and all this work if it isn't making a difference? I won't be healthy being obese, so what's the point? I eat the right calories, I work out 6 days a week, and I eat those calories too! My thyroid is fine and my GP says there's nothing to be done. 7 weeks! This is retarded and I am so fed up with it! I see everyone else and you're losing the weight, so why can't I? It's supposed to be calories in vs. calories out.

    I'm so tired of this!
  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    Hi jalara48, Hang in there , it will happen.
    Maybe your not eating enough, sometimes they say your body goes into starvation mode. My weight loss was slow too, 1 kilo a month, please don't be too hard on yourself, your trying and you'll get there. If weighing is getting you down, maybe stop for a couple of weeks. Cheer up, Mel
  • Hopeful4757
    Hey Jalara,

    I know you mix your working out up. I am not sure what you are eating, but sometimes it works for me to switch that up a little too. I kind of get into a rut eating the same breakfasts, etc. I also have heard that letting yourself have a bad day can jolt the metabolism. I like smelmel's idea of not weighing yourself for a couple weeks. Focus on this main question: do you feel better? When you are working out, can you work out longer? If so, something is happening! You may have even gained a lot of muscle from working out so much.

    I don't always eat all of my exercise calories. I eat some, but leave a little at the end of the day. I don't know if that helps. Hang in there, and be proud of what you ARE accomplishing! Working out 6 days a week is no small task. :flowerforyou:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I agree with Hopeful, you are doing an awesome job and even if you aren't seeing the results now, you are being the healthiest you can be for yourself and your future baby! ... and a great example to your future hubby. All that being said STOP WEIGHING YOURSELF SO OFTEN! I can only imagine it adds to the frustration! Our bodies are strange and do weird things, so try switching things up like what's been said, try increasing your calories a little and see if you lose by exercise alone, or switch up the type of foods you eat. Try meeting with a nutritionist who specializes in weight loss and see what they recommend. I know it's frustrating because I've been there too, but please hang in there and don't let yourself get overwhelmed!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    ok Jalara, couldn't resist looking up some articles and website answers for you, always worth a shot right?:

    There are three things that might be helpful in getting the additional weight off. You mentioned two of them in your question - water and protein. You said that you don't drink enough water and you don't eat protein. Both are vital to fat-burning in the body.

    If you don't drink enough water, your liver is forced to take on some of the body cleansing tasks of the kidneys. One of the liver's main functions is to metabolize fat. If it's not working at capacity due to sharing part of the kidneys' load, fat is not burned as efficiently and ends up getting stored in the body. Try to drink at least half your bodyweight in fluid ounces of water every day. In your case, that would be about 75-80 ounces daily. You'll see a difference.

    It's also important to get enough protein. Your body burns carbohydrates first, then proteins including your muscles, and finally fats. You need to give the body plenty of protein to enable it to burn the stored fats instead of your muscle tissue.

    The third thing to look at is timing of meals. Try to eat 5-6 meals per day instead of the three standard meals. Keep your daily calorie consumption the same but break it up into mini-meals with snacks. This method keeps your metabolism at a constant level.

    These three items together should break your weight gain problem and get your body moving in the direction that you want. All these points are part of an 8-week online class that I teach called 'The Answer's Right Under Your Nose.' You can find out more about it on my website at
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member

    Exercising But Not Losing Weight
    You’re walking every day and hitting the gym, but the scale hasn’t budged. What gives?
    By Julie Weingarden Dubin

    For every 3,500 calories you burn, you’ll lose a pound. It turns out that slimming down is more complex than that golden rule preached by fitness pros.

    Shedding pounds isn’t so precise, according to Ralph La Forge, a physiologist and managing director of the Duke Lipid and Metabolic Disorder Training Program at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C.

    Although weight loss does, indeed, depend upon the “calories-in, calories-out” equation, you may at times exercise without losing weight. For example, a brisk 30-minute walk burns 200 calories – only about half the amount in that bagel you ate this morning (minus the cream cheese).

    In addition, gender and genes matter. Women, who store fat differently than men and have a harder time losing fat around the abdomen, tend to lose weight more slowly. And some people are just born with a faster resting metabolism, so they burn calories more quickly.

    So what can you do to nudge the scale down? Keep these tips in mind:

    Do exercise a little more. Gradually increase the time and intensity of your workouts to burn more calories. Just walking 15 minutes more, for example, will help you shed an additional 100 calories.

    Work more muscles. The more muscle groups you work, the more energy your body uses. Thirty minutes of weight-bearing exercise, such as walking, hiking, dancing, tai chi and some forms of yoga, burns more calories than 30 minutes of stationary cycling or some kinds of resis­tance training. It also builds strong bones.

    Aim to burn about 1,500 calories per week through exercise. That’s the average amount recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine. Walking 3 miles per day over five days will do it; or call your local Arthritis Foundation chapter for information on exercise programs.

    Don’t reach for a post-workout snack, or you could add back as many calories as you just burned off. Drink a glass – or two – of water instead; you actually may be more thirsty than hungry.

    Don’t trust the numbers. If you walk on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike, the number of calories you actually burn is often 10 to 15 percent lower than what’s displayed on the screen. That’s because the mechanical assistance of the machine allows your body to do less work – and most calorie-counters don’t take that into account.

    Don’t collapse on the couch when you get home. If you rest after a workout more than you would normally, your body slows down and doesn’t burn as many calories as it usually does.

    Everyday activities and how many calories they burn (in a 150-pound person):

    Mopping floors (1/2 hour) 140 calories
    Vacuuming (1/2 hour) 140 calories
    Ironing (1/2 hour) 75 calories
    Pulling weeds (1/2 hour) 177 calories
    Washing the car (1 hour) 300 calories
    Bagging leaves (1/2 hour) 136 calories
    Washing dishes (1 hour) 152 calories
    Rearranging furniture (1 hour) 450 calories
    Indoor painting (1 hour) 204 calories
    Grocery shopping (1/2 hour) 130 calories
    Walking (1/2 hour) 100 calories
    Sleeping (8 hours) 50 calories
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Jalara - You can do it! I know it is very dissapointing. I know this is much easier to say, but just the food you are putting in your body is probably better than it used to be. You are going to the gym and getting your heart pumping. Even if you aren't seeing the weight loss, you have to believe that you are making a difference on the inside. I know that people don't see the inside of you, they only see the stuff on the outside, but you really are making the inside of you healthier...especially your heart (from all that working out).

    I know it is hard. I know that people look at me and are girl needs to loose some weight. The thing they don't know is that...I am trying, and I am trying really hard. You have to have faith in yourself. One thing I figured out is that I honestly have to love myself, and believe in myself...before the weight falls off. Knkow that we are here to support you!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Jalara - You can do it! I know it is very dissapointing. I know this is much easier to say, but just the food you are putting in your body is probably better than it used to be. You are going to the gym and getting your heart pumping. Even if you aren't seeing the weight loss, you have to believe that you are making a difference on the inside. I know that people don't see the inside of you, they only see the stuff on the outside, but you really are making the inside of you healthier...especially your heart (from all that working out).

    I know it is hard. I know that people look at me and are girl needs to loose some weight. The thing they don't know is that...I am trying, and I am trying really hard. You have to have faith in yourself. One thing I figured out is that I honestly have to love myself, and believe in myself...before the weight falls off. Knkow that we are here to support you!