Question about Playstation Move / Wii

Hey, I am considering buying either Playstation Move or a Wii, for both fun/games and exercise. I already own a PS3 but tend to play more games on the PC, and mainly use my PS3 for console-only games and for watching films.

I thought about picking up Zumba, but realised Zumba is on both consoles but Zumba 2 is only on the Wii (I heard that only the 2nd one counts calories burned too). Wii also has games like Wii Fit, Sports and other games... I am trying to figure out which one is the best investment in the long run, as I can afford either, but for the Wii I have the option to buy more games in the future that isn't available for the PS3.

Playstation Move+Eye would be about £50, whereas the Wii (which comes with controllers, Wii Sports and Family pack) is £110.

Which one would you go for? I want to use it mainly for exercise but I also want to be able to use it to play other games, I want to get as much use out of it as possible but I am afraid I wont enjoy playing normal games on it as I have never tried the Wii. Any input or suggestions? Have you seen any good results from Wii Fit or Zumba?

Thanks in advance!!


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    My favorite games for Wii are EA Sports Active 2 and Gold's Gym Cardio workout. Wii Fit is more of a game than a workout. I haven't tried the Zumba one but I wouldn't recommend Gold's Gym Dance workout. I have a pile of other Wii fitness games that just sit in the drawer.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    I like my Wii Fit (and Wii Fit Plus).........I've got the Aerobic step items too that just came...........and Biggest Loser Challenge that i'm hoping to start this weekend.

    Some folks say it's not exercise, but I can feel it in my body the next day. Depends what ya put into it maybe.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I'm on my 3rd PS3 and I love them. I got the Move last Christmas and I loved it too; got my butt off the couch a few times a day while I was unemployed. We were constantly playing New Brunswick Bowling and Sports Champions... I schooled my nephew on bocce ball regularly. Unfortunately, my new living room is too small and we can't get the angles right with the camera, so you might want to check that out before making any purchases.

    Even though I LOVE my PS3, they really don't make many aerobic Move games. They've tried adding Move controls to other games like Heavy Rain and Little Big Planet but it feels like they're abandoning it.

    I would be worried about Nintendo doing the same with Wii now that they have introducted the WiiU. If you were going to make an investment in anything, I'd probably go ahead and get the WiiU, although you sound a lot like me (PC and PS3 game player) so you may not get much use out of it beyond the aerobic games, but if that's what you want it for, then go for it!

    Just my 2 cents...
  • Cheers guys. I decided to go for the Wii, because the market for motion sensor games, both fun and exercise wise seems much bigger. A big plus is the games are quite cheap too, not to mention the visual controller (you can play n64, sega games etc via their visual controller!)

    Pretty stoked about it. Thanks for all the feedback!