Women and weights...

VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So last night in my master's class called "Sport and Society"... we were talking about gender differences and my teacher brought up the point about how women don't lift weights because they are scared to get big! Then we were all thinking about where the heck that started and WHY would people think that?! I guess its cause of women body builders who are on roids!!!! So my point being, girls, ladies, moms, daughters, sisters, ect.... LIFT WEIGHTS... it will not make you big but rather it will help make you lean PLUS you will burn more calories since muscle burns more than fat, and by the way my teacher has been teaching in the field for I wanna say at least 30 years probably more... she knows her stuff! We were laughing cause women go to a trainer and say "I wanna get toned but NOT BIG." haha Heck I thought this myself before I knew any better but now I do and now you guys do too... have a fabulous day!

~Leash :heart:


  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 315 Member
    Oh, I don't get why women think this so much! :huh: I have always included weight lifting into my routine & have never gotten bulky! Thanks for posting!:smile:
  • bostonmia
    bostonmia Posts: 15 Member
    Also, just a side bar, most women don't have the amount of Testosterone flowing naturally in our bodies to be jacked up so quickly from lifting weights. Also, taking Birth Control with higher estrogen and lower androgens makes it harder for us to just pack on the muscles lbs. I would say most women who train don't even take in enough Protein at the right times and ratios to make it happen. Ladies don't be scared of the weights, they only make you stronger inside and out! Woo hoo :)
  • I took at class called the same thing during my undergrad for my BS in Exercise Physiology. I hope women all over read your post. It's a huge misconception that lifting weights will turn them into bulky, freaky built women. The bodybuilding women they are thinking of (and no disrespect to them, their dedication is amazing) HGH and testosterone because otherwise they would not be that big. Our bodies do not produce the same hormones that men's bodies do to support that type of muscle growth/muscle mass.

    A pound of muscle burns at least 3 times more calories than a pound of fat.

    Thanks for the post. .
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I took at class called the same thing during my undergrad for my BS in Exercise Physiology. I hope women all over read your post. It's a huge misconception that lifting weights will turn them into bulky, freaky built women. The bodybuilding women they are thinking of (and no disrespect to them, their dedication is amazing) HGH and testosterone because otherwise they would not be that big. Our bodies do not produce the same hormones that men's bodies do to support that type of muscle growth/muscle mass.

    A pound of muscle burns at least 3 times more calories than a pound of fat.

    Thanks for the post. .

    Yup! I forgot to put the part about testosterone.. thanks! We just DON'T have the physiology!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Well, there is that...and it's HOW you lift the weights that will determine if you add bulk or not. If you want to tone your muscles, do lower weights and higher reps. Trust me even a little 3lb weight gets heavy for anybody if you do enough reps. If you want bigger muscles, lift more weight with lower reps. Here's the real kicker though. Women can reep a larger, long term benifit from lifting weights than men. The stresses placed on your skeleton by weight bearing exercises will significantly increase bone density and delay or prevent osteoperosis. The more muscle burning more calories and providing better stablization and etc, etc, etc are all even so you all have the trump card. I guess it's a trade-off though..:)

    P.S. Muscle burns an infinite ammount more calories than fat, since fat burns 0.
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