Worried about how high my breakfast calories are, any help?



  • Kap10
    Kap10 Posts: 229 Member
    Some people have big breakfasts, some people have small breakfasts, some people have three meals a day, some people have lots of meals a day. it does not matter .. what matters is what are you trying to achieve and are you getting there. they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so if it one of your largest don't worry. Focus on your goals then on your overall calorie count and then worry about what to eat at which meal but having a big breakfast is never bad.

    If you want to add feel free.
  • InPieces3
    I see nothing wrong with having a big breakfast. You have all day to burn that off. I do the same thing... I eat a pretty decent breakfast and then taper off as I get to my dinner. I don't eat a huge dinner because I'm going to bed soon, so I eat my bigger meals during the day.
    Everyone is different though, so do what you feel is right for you.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Our gym trainer promotes......
    Eat Breakfast like a King
    Eat Lunch like a Prince
    Eat Dinner like a Pauper

    So make breakfast your largest and go down from there.

    I still haven't mastered this...

    Except meal timing and frequency have no impact on weight loss or metabolic rate over time. So, eat how you like. It's all personal preference. But the quote above is just a myth.
  • runrockclimb
    Read about an interesting study where they took a look at breakfast, one group ate a low calorie "good breakfast" the second group ate a high calorie breakfast and allowed themselves a splurge, chocolate in their shake, or some sugar in their cereal. They discovered that the group that ate a larger breakfast and allowed themselves an occasional "splurge" in the morning, rather than at night, lost more weight, and kept it off better. So don't worry about the breakfast you're eating. Sounds like you're right on track.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Your breakfast calories are not high and it is healthy but it is not the most balanced breakfast, high in carbs and low in protein and healthy fats. Looking at your food diary your fruit choice is one of the most sugar dense available - consider frozen berries instead, you could get four UK servings (320g) and still eat less sugar (~26g) than your one serving of raisins. Also in the UK a servings of dried fruit is 25g to 30g not 40g, If you prefer dried over fresh fruit a 30g serving of ready to eat prunes has half as much sugar (~10g) as your raisins (21g in 30g serving) yet more fibre.

    This is wonderful advice. I would definitely add more protein into your breakfast!!!!!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    As long as you're meeting your calorie goals, it really doesn't matter when in the day or at what meal you are consuming them. It looks like you usually have leftover cals at the end of the day. Eat an even bigger breakfast, it you want. You're good, carry on.