calories burned question

I did an 80 minute work-out this morning on the treadmill. The entire time, I had an incline of 7.0. Here is pretty much what I did:

3.5 mph warm up : 5 mins
4.5 mph workout: 55 mins
3.5 mph start to cool down :15 mins
3.0 mph cool down : 5 mins

7.0 incline the entire time

At the end of the workout, according to the treadmill, I burned 1008 calories

After logging in all my exercise under walking for all of the different speeds, it is under 500 calories burned. But on here, I assume walking is considered on a flat surface. So how much did I burn? The full 1000 that the treadmill stated, or somewhere in the middle (700-ish maybe?)


  • Jenna423
    Jenna423 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't know about anyone else but from my experiences, machines like that never estimate calories burned accurately. They always estimate WAY too much! My elliptical is ridiculous, I could be on it for 15 minutes and it'll tell me I burned 300 calories. I wish. The best way to figure it out is to buy a heart rate monitor. It'll be the most accurate.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    A question for you. Do you hold on to the treadmill, with one or both hands, at that incline?
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    Not for the entire time.... maybe half the time I will hold on with one hand, then the rest, not at all.