NON Judgemental FRIENDS needed.


Looking for MFp's who are more supportive and less judgemental.I just started right before Thanksgiving and I'm down 8lbs.I have 100+ to lose.At the moment,my focus is on counting my calories.There will be a time when I am eating 80% clean,drinking 12 cups of water,and exercising 90 minutes a day but this is not that time.I never go over my calories.I drink my water everyday but I dont track it on here and I dont exercise regularly.I eat SNICKERS bars!

This is my journey and I know what I can handle right now.I plan on eating more clean foods gradually.I rarely go over my sodium and I do eat my fruits and veggies everyday but I don't eat a certain amount..just the amount that I want.

Just looking for supportive people..NOT the food Police.

I'm always open to suggestions like "Maybe you should try XYZ." Not- "That SNickers is how you got fat in the first place."


  • Hi - your post made me grin so here's a smiley for you: :happy:

    Just want to say nothing wrong with the Snickers... and the occasional treat. I am struggling... I'm not try to lose as much as you but it's hard for me to lose no matter what I do. I think I'd have to stop eating or something (and that isn't about to happen). I think there are three things (if you just look at the food and not the exercise component of dieting) that one needs to keep in mind.

    #1) quantity.
    #2) fats
    #3) sugars

    if you can control those three things, you will do great. Keeping a journal is very helpful but what it does is it makes you look back (well, this is what I did) and say "now why did I have to eat three donuts, I could have stopped at two" ha ha ha... something like that and then you reprioritize your food intake and start making healthier choices... so it helps beceause you review your food intake with a log. And you can chart your exercise and try to set new goals like another 10 minutes of cardio, that sort of thing. That week I did weight training and look how the lbs dropped off (if that would work for me I'd look like Ms. Universe or something like that but anyhow, you get the basic thrust of what I'm saying): I hope you stay encouraged! stay blessed
  • Lauralee119
    I dont care what you eat as long as you stay under calories! :)
  • chelery04
    chelery04 Posts: 16 Member
    I refuse to give people advice on what they should or shouldn't be eating simply because what works for me doesn't mean it will work for you :smile:

    All that really matters is that you know what you want, you know how to get there, and you are doing what works for you to be able to achieve that goal.

    Good luck, add me if you like
  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    THAT would be me! Friend me if you'd like! :)
  • girlofsun26
    girlofsun26 Posts: 140 Member
    HAHA tell those police to kick rocks! I lost 81lbs so far yes eating candy and ice cream and can be done..and I'm a strong believer you cant deprive your body of what it here here! To the snickers bars! Yes they are terrible for us..but hey all in moderation...You still have to enjoy life!! :)
  • Lake_Po
    Lake_Po Posts: 228 Member
    Feel free to add me!! :) I'm not judgmental, only give opinions when asked!
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I had a friend like what you described once. She was indeed a food nazi. She was so annoying whenever I decided to get some fast food here and there, or have a cookie or something. That relationship ended rather quickly. I mean I could see someone being a stickler about the food you eat, but ONLY if you were complaining about not losing weight or saying how fat you are, which I did not.

    So, non judgemental supportive person right here! Feel free to add me!
  • chasfound
    chasfound Posts: 22 Member
    Also just starting (yesterday) and looking for the same thing :) Friend me, i dont know how to friend you
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    Hi - your post made me grin so here's a smiley for you: :happy:

    Just want to say nothing wrong with the Snickers... and the occasional treat. I am struggling... I'm not try to lose as much as you but it's hard for me to lose no matter what I do. I think I'd have to stop eating or something (and that isn't about to happen). I think there are three things (if you just look at the food and not the exercise component of dieting) that one needs to keep in mind.

    #1) quantity.
    #2) fats
    #3) sugars

    if you can control those three things, you will do great. Keeping a journal is very helpful but what it does is it makes you look back (well, this is what I did) and say "now why did I have to eat three donuts, I could have stopped at two" ha ha ha... something like that and then you reprioritize your food intake and start making healthier choices... so it helps beceause you review your food intake with a log. And you can chart your exercise and try to set new goals like another 10 minutes of cardio, that sort of thing. That week I did weight training and look how the lbs dropped off (if that would work for me I'd look like Ms. Universe or something like that but anyhow, you get the basic thrust of what I'm saying): I hope you stay encouraged! stay blessed

    Thanks! I'm usually good with Fats and servings..but those darn sugars ;( I plan on focusing on the nutrients better later.Trying to get used to tracking for a good month or 2 first...
  • californiahome
    californiahome Posts: 4 Member
    Me too, add me if you like. I'm in California
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    I eat bacon and drink wine, and I've lost weight. Feel free to send a friend request. I am not judgmental and try to be supportive always. If it works for you, it's worth celebrating. :drinker:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    friend me if you want. i'm not a food police, in fact i fully understand that some day those candy bars need to be shown who's da boss :laugh: in fact i have a once a month planned terrordome style showdown with gummi bears.

    the way i see it i'm in this for the long haul. i'm not going to completely stop eating foods i love - even the ones that have no nutritional value - because i'm losing weight .i'd rather learn to fit it in to my diet. after all, i'm going to have to be in maintenance mode longer than i'm in losing mode
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    HAHA tell those police to kick rocks! I lost 81lbs so far yes eating candy and ice cream and can be done..and I'm a strong believer you cant deprive your body of what it here here! To the snickers bars! Yes they are terrible for us..but hey all in moderation...You still have to enjoy life!! :)

    O.K. Now I want cake lol!!!! Yes! I'm all about enjoying life. I'm eating whatever I want,stopping when I'm full,and tracking it all.The ONLY thing that I gave up is alcohol because I won't stop at a few drinks,then I'd end up at Denny's for a "4th meal."

    Congrats on your Weight loss!!!
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I'm a good friend but I'll probably judge you
  • Shrinking_Stacey
    I'm all about the love! Add me;))
  • WorkoutWarrior76
    WorkoutWarrior76 Posts: 179 Member
    **** any mother****ers that judge peopel. Thats why this world sucks so much. Yeah and I relize I am judgeing you judgemental mother****ers.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    since u are on a site, remember that this is public and any FRIEND can comment on your status. Now say u work out-COOL!! But then u eat crap all day and never drink water. That kind of defeats the purpose of this site, ya know??
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I'm a good friend but I'll probably judge you

    but it's ok because he is so dreamy.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I never comment on people's diaries because I hate when they comment on mine :happy: Running over to friend you...
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    I had a friend like what you described once. She was indeed a food nazi. She was so annoying whenever I decided to get some fast food here and there, or have a cookie or something. That relationship ended rather quickly. I mean I could see someone being a stickler about the food you eat, but ONLY if you were complaining about not losing weight or saying how fat you are, which I did not.

    So, non judgemental supportive person right here! Feel free to add me!

    Yes exactly! I could understand if I was not losing or lacking energy,but I'm doing fine.Down 13lbs in 3 1/2 weeks,8 while on here.I also know that junk is not good for me,but this is where my journey is at the moment.Nice to meet you hun!