Just a little confused.



  • LosingWeightKate
    LosingWeightKate Posts: 39 Member
    I followed the advice of some in this topic (thanks for all the responses everyone) and bought a fancy, digital, weight-tracking scale. I bought my current dial scale for 7 bucks when I was first moving and couldn't afford much else and haven't been convinced of it's accuracy recently.

    So I just tried out the new scale and I've actually lost weight. :)

    Thanks again for all your thoughtful replies everyone! Sorry that this was such a silly thing that I was freaking out about. Silly technology.
  • Samantha0517
    My scale started to fluctuate like crazy and it didn't make sense. It went up 8 pounds then would go back. I knew it wasnt sodium, or a girl issue.... it was however time for a new scale I discovered! I weighed myself at my moms and had lost that week. Maybe try weighing yourself on a friends or family members scale to see.
  • Samantha0517
    Oh I see we posted within a couple mins of eachother. Glad you figured it out!! :)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Everyone else commented on the gain issue... but I want to point out something else. Why would you care if it was after 8? Meal timing and frequency have no impact on weight loss. You can eat right before bed as long as you don't have issues sleeping or issues with heartburn.
  • LosingWeightKate
    LosingWeightKate Posts: 39 Member
    Everyone else commented on the gain issue... but I want to point out something else. Why would you care if it was after 8? Meal timing and frequency have no impact on weight loss. You can eat right before bed as long as you don't have issues sleeping or issues with heartburn.

    I do have serious trouble sleeping. I haven't eaten after 8 (except on the rare occasion) in years because it's keeps me awake. I am already a troubled sleeper, but food within two hours of sleep makes it worse. It's like drinking caffeine right before bed. At least for me.
  • TexanThom
    No matter what you weigh.....If they are in Walmart, they are no better then you are!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ... but I want to point out something else. Why would you care if it was after 8? Meal timing and frequency have no impact on weight loss. You can eat right before bed as long as you don't have issues sleeping or issues with heartburn.
    That's an excellent secondary point in this thread - I was thinking the same thing as I read the OP's initial post.

    OP - if you're going to weigh yourself every day, learn to expect fluctuations regardless of how good your scale is. Fluid retention, hormonal issues, etc. will cause you to bounce up and down almost constantly from day to day.

    Example - I ate sushi for dinner last night....lots of rice and lots of sodium (in the soy sauce, soup, etc.). I was slightly over my calorie goal for the day, but still in a deficit from TDEE. When I weighed this morning, the scale registered almost a three-pound increase over yesterday's weigh-in. No big deal, as I know I haven't eaten to a 21,000 calorie surplus, so I just shrug it off and move on knowing it will balance out in a day or three.
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    I'm glad you figured out the scale issue. :) The dial scale in the fitness room at the hotel I stayed in last week said I weighed 284 pounds. I WISH. Those things are easy to knock off-kilter. Hooray for digital!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I probably have the oldest scale in the world. I have the one that my parent's received as a wedding gift in 1962. When I moved out and got my own place, my mom gave it to me so she could get a new one, lol. I still have it. It is wonderful. I check it every now and then to test for accuracy and it's always right on.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Everyone else commented on the gain issue... but I want to point out something else. Why would you care if it was after 8? Meal timing and frequency have no impact on weight loss. You can eat right before bed as long as you don't have issues sleeping or issues with heartburn.

    I do have serious trouble sleeping. I haven't eaten after 8 (except on the rare occasion) in years because it's keeps me awake. I am already a troubled sleeper, but food within two hours of sleep makes it worse. It's like drinking caffeine right before bed. At least for me.

    Then I understand totally. I just didn't want to be one of those situations where it was thought you "couldn't eat after whatever time or you would get fat" things. Sadly, a lot of people still believe that junk. But if it actually impacts your ability to sleep then it is perfectly reasonable to set a time.