Starting Paleo diet

I think that when I complete my VLCD I'm going to eat a Paleo diet. I've found now that with very low carbs I've been eating that the horrible craving I used to have (I literally could eat straigh up a tub of frosting compulsively) are gone. It was these cravings that got me up to 355 lbs. Also diet soda, which is out of my diet entirely. Right now I'm eating no sugar or sweeteners beyond the "treat" of the occasional packet of truvia. Anyone have any Paleo resources? I don't have any problem sticking to a meal plan as long as I HAVE a plan. If I don't then I end up eating whatever and its usually sugar. It's just GETTING a meal plan. I don't have insurance so I can't see a nutritionist again or else I would.


  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Check out the Mark's Daily Apple, Everyday Paleo and Whole 30 websites.

    If you message me, I can send you links to some cookbooks so you have plenty of variety.

    Try new fruits and vegetables that you aren't used to eating. Your tastes buds change so much that you will find that you like foods you didn't like before.
  • mommycordillia
    I did paleo a couple years ago..its amazing! I loved it! good luck hun!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Thats awesome, it's so rewarding!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Jumping from one fad to another?
    At least with Paleo you will presumably be out of the VLCD problem. Hope you didn't do too much damage while you were doing that.
  • plaingirly
    I keep seeing Paleo mentioned on here - might have to look into it!

    At the moment I am cutting out fizzy pop and most white carbs, calorie counting and trying to eat more protein and less carbs.
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    you will get lots of hate on the general boards... search the paleo/primal support group.

    ive been paleo for 6 months now. i haven't lost weight as i am eating at maintenance with my workouts, but i FEEL so much better! less cravings, less pain in my joints, nicer skin, plus i learned to cook!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    All these years I thought VLCD stood for "very low calorie diet".

    Paleo is good but its not a low carbohydrate diet.

    You also won't lose weight if you don't moderate your food intake. I was able to gain weight on paleo (intentionally) extremely easily.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    All these years I thought VLCD stood for "very low calorie diet".

    It does.

    Fad diets are often the reason people gain weight back and ultimately fail.

    Just saying.

    VLCD makes sense under a doctor's care and recommendation otherwise it's not much better then the "Pro Ana" diets teens are going on. I think Paleo is different than VLCD tho...but do you really see yourself maintaining this for life? Paleo is difficult to maintain there are a lot of limit to the foods you can and can't eat.

    Anyway I don't know it just concerns me when I see people jumping from one fad to another. It shouldn't be a diet it should be a life style change. Many people who do Paleo don't do it as a diet, they do it as a life style, often because of gluten intolerance. but not always.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Jumping from one fad to another?
    At least with Paleo you will presumably be out of the VLCD problem. Hope you didn't do too much damage while you were doing that.

    My VLCD was doctor prescribed. When you are over 300 lbs your body can handle losing some bulk quickly so its physically possible to move to exercise.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Jumping from one fad to another?
    At least with Paleo you will presumably be out of the VLCD problem. Hope you didn't do too much damage while you were doing that.

    This was the first thought I had also, although I think I think VLCD means Very Low Carb Diet. Paleo is a healthy diet but too restrictive for most. I think the OP has to ask themself 2 things: 1) Can I eat like this long terms and be ok with it? 2) Is there significant enough advantage eating Paleo over a balanced nutrient dense diet with properly set macros?

    For me the answer would be no to both. The OP has to decide for themself but the bouncing from one somewhat extreme method to another can be an indicator of looking for the "silver bullet" or "magic pill'.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    All these years I thought VLCD stood for "very low calorie diet".

    It does.

    Fad diets are often the reason people gain weight back and ultimately fail.

    Just saying.

    VLCD makes sense under a doctor's care and recommendation otherwise it's not much better then the "Pro Ana" diets teens are going on. I think Paleo is different than VLCD tho...but do you really see yourself maintaining this for life? Paleo is difficult to maintain there are a lot of limit to the foods you can and can't eat.

    Anyway I don't know it just concerns me when I see people jumping from one fad to another. It shouldn't be a diet it should be a life style change. Many people who do Paleo don't do it as a diet, they do it as a life style, often because of gluten intolerance. but not always.

    It isnt really difficult for a person who can cook. I'd say its probably just as difficult as being a vegetarian maybe. Both of which arent difficult if you're someone who can cook and take care of yourself.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Jumping from one fad to another?
    At least with Paleo you will presumably be out of the VLCD problem. Hope you didn't do too much damage while you were doing that.

    This was the first thought I had also, although I think I think VLCD means Very Low Carb Diet. Paleo is a healthy diet but too restrictive for most. I think the OP has to ask themself 2 things: 1) Can I eat like this long terms and be ok with it? 2) Is there significant enough advantage eating Paleo over a balanced nutrient dense diet with properly set macros?

    For me the answer would be no to both. The OP has to decide for themself but the bouncing from one somewhat extreme method to another can be an indicator of looking for the "silver bullet" or "magic pill'.

    I'm actually looking for a way of eating where I'm not sick all the time. I have a lot of stomach issues and found out relatively recently that it is lactose intolerance. Beyond that, I get sick when I eat breads and was thinking it could be a sensitivity to grains. If I was looking for a magic pill I'd go back to puking like I did in middle school, I was much thinner.
  • girlfabulous10
    girlfabulous10 Posts: 13 Member
    My two favorite blog sites for paleo recipes are and Food Lover's Kitchen
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I've never tried the Paleo diet, but I've heard of people who've been on it from a few months to years, and it has done a lot of postive things for them. I agree with the other poster saying that transitioning to a Paleo diet is no harder than transitioning to vegetarian or vegan diet. So long as you get positive results, in both weight loss and overall health, I say go for it.

    I wouldn't do it just because I love pasta and toast too much though!
  • Quaid36
    It works. Less sore anything and more energy as everything is all natural.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I've never tried the Paleo diet, but I've heard of people who've been on it from a few months to years, and it has done a lot of postive things for them. I agree with the other poster saying that transitioning to a Paleo diet is no harder than transitioning to vegetarian or vegan diet. So long as you get positive results, in both weight loss and overall health, I say go for it.

    I wouldn't do it just because I love pasta and toast too much though!

    I was a vegetarian for many years and had no problem sticking with it, but I felt like it adversely affected my health. I felt gross all the time, it seemed like I was always hungry. I don't have a problem sticking to an eating plan as long as I have one, its not having any plan where I fall to pieces.
  • gracesway
    gracesway Posts: 9 Member
    I have been on the paleo diet for 3 weeks, and I don't think I will ever go back. I have never had more energy or slept better. . . not to mention is so easy to loose weight!

    The best piece of advice I got, was that on day 3-5 you will have a pounding headache... and not feel great. That is your body adapting to the change (and going through caffeine/ sugar withdraw)

    Good luck!