looking for...

im really trying here! i may have only lost 2 lbs, but this was just in 1 week. what im looking for is more community to help support, guide, teach me and help me be more accountable. but im not just looking for just anyone to add to my friend list. im specifically looking to add people who are interested in eating whole foods, vegan/vegetarian diets or other modalities.
I think its great that we are all on here to lose weight and everyone has a different idea of how to do that but what im interested in is learning how to do it the healthiest way possible and i need support and ideas from people who are already doing that and seeing great results.
if you are one of these people and feel like adding another friend to your list, please request me. i want to learn all i can about diet, whole foods, plant based diet and exercise that i can. i will succeed this time and im not going to do it alone!
