INSANE schedule, no time for sleep or exercise... HELP!

I have put on 15 pounds since I have started my current job as a nanny for a 17 month old little girl. I have barely any time, and NO energy, and all I am constantly craving is sweets and carbs. That is ALL I want. I noticed that after I got a week-long vacation and I wasn't dying of exhaustion, I didn't crave those things at all. I know it is related to my body being tired, but here is my dilemma:

I work 11 hour shifts, plus I take the ferry and have a very long commute on either end, 5 days a week. From the moment I wake up to the moment I get home Monday-Friday, I am gone 17 hours. I wake up at 315am and get home at 815pm. I can usually be in bed and asleep by 10pm, allowing me 5 hours of sleep.

Please do not give advice about changing anything in my work schedule, as that I cannot do. I have to keep this job, end of story. What I am hoping you can help me with is any ways to live this lifestyle and stop gaining weight. I actually want to LOS what I've gained, plus a few pounds that I wanted to lose BEFORE I gained the weight.

Some other problems I'm running into:

- It is hard to eat every few hours because the toddler wants everything I'm eating instead of her own food (her parents also don't want her eating things I have like low calorie yogurt because of artificial sweeteners, even if I wanted to share). I usually have to cram down as much food as I can during her 2 hour afternoon nap, which so far starts and finishes sometime between 1pm and 430pm (we're still trying to establish a routine because she's had to do some transitioning).

- I am so tired by the weekend that I can't get off the couch, and if I do its a huge event to just go to the grocery store.

- I have NES (Night Eating Syndrome - its a real disorder) so even if I do my best to fight through cravings all day, I get up and make up for it at night. This also means I do not get sound rest because of the disorder.

Writing all this out makes me feel like I am just destined in stone to be obese... :/

Facts to take into consideration before you answer:

- What I pack for my lunch is all healthy - fruits, veggies, fat free dairy, healthy protein - but I start eating my employers food, because they are always stocked up on cookies and carbs that are staring at me when I'm trying to pack snacks for the little girl for our daily outings. Then when shes sleeping I try to fill up on MY food, but I end up eating my food and then still getting into theirs.

- I take a multi-vitamin, vitamin C, vitamin D, B complex, omega 3, iron, calcium, zinc and make sure I get 40-60 grams of protein per day, and 20-30 grams of fiber. I am actually quite conscious of my health, other than forcing my body into this tiring work schedule.

I can't get more sleep during the work week. How can I change this path I'm going down? PLEASE, anything you can give me is better than what I have. I just am panicking about having lost control of my own actions. This has to STOP.


  • MMark2012
    MMark2012 Posts: 143 Member
    I really do understand and sympathize! I do not have a crazy schedule right now, but did for a few years! I used to work 2 jobs, one full time and another part time. I really did take care of my elderly mom also(God rest her soul, she has passed)
    Failure at my jobs was out of the question! I used to be so tired during the work week that I fell asleep with my clothes on!
    My weekends I was the same way as you, and could barely get going to go to the grocery store!!!

    What I did(not perfectly)
    1-I would jog during my lunch break from work-only 2 miles/day. I literally went outside and ran around the block! Maybe you could start with that before eating during the nap-time of the toddler you are watching. Or you could do Jillian Michaels on youtube or another cardio you like. Then eat your meal you brought with you! I know the temptation will be there!

    2. on Saturday of Weekends I made myself get to the grocerystore at 7am or whatever time they opened. I got it over with as soon as possible! I also made myself do a bigger workout than I had done any other day of the week! My reward would be realxing all afternoon with movies, or eating something special(within calorie goal), or taking a relaxing bath- you should have those special things that you do-all figured out!

    Doing these things did not make me any less tired, but I felt rested, and I had peace of mind that I accomplished them, and also did not gain weight!:smile:

    You could do tubling gymnastics with the toddler(teaching while doing) also while she is awake!
    You can do it!

    from a sympathisizer
  • Thank you for your understanding! I felt like everyone was just going to tell me to stop being stupid and quit my job, or change the situation somehow! That just isn't an option for me, but I feel like it shouldn't be inevitable that I gain weight because of it. Running two miles at work isn't possible, since I have to be home with the toddler while she sleeps and that is my only "break." I could possibly do something like your Jillian Michaels youtube suggestion, but by the time she takes a nap I feel like passing out. I am so tired that everything feels impossible! Plus when she's down for her nap I have to clean up her toys, do her dishes and laundry, stock up her baby supplies, change her crib and changing table sheets and clean up her room (if she falls asleep in her stroller or elsewhere), wash her binkies and high chair, etc. I probably have an hour left after all that, but I feel like I can't take another step! *Sigh*
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Could you put the toddler in a stroller and walk or jog with her?
    I would just eat your own food when with the toddler. Kids can't always have what they want!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Since you have a two-hour 'window' while the kid is napping, I'd suggest you utilize that time. Have you looked into Intermittent Fasting? It involves having a "feeding window", maybe 10-8pm for females, and you eat your allotted calories during that time. You could have a pretty substantial meal for lunch, and then snacks when you can. As far as the toddler wanting the things you eat - I might be biased, but tell her "no"? Can't always have what you want, kid.

    What do you usually do while she is sleeping? You could use that time to prep meals for the coming week or do a Jillian Michaels' DVD - the workouts are about 20 minutes long, so it's not like you'd spend a very long time on it. Though, if it comes down to either/or, use the time you have to prepare food.

    A previous poster suggested walking/jogging with the toddler in a stroller, I think this is a fantastic idea - good for both to get a little fresh air, too. Is there a park nearby?

    Utilize your weekends, too - shop for groceries, cut veggies, prep meals. It takes a little time, but if you prepared your meals for the week and logged them into MFP, it would save you precious time during the week.

    Remind yourself that you want this and that you deserve to better yourself. It isn't about having time - it's about making time.
  • That is a tricky one. I would say best bet is to try and incorporate more movement into your day. I think you can burn many calories just by playing with the toddler more actively. I like to throw and catch my toddler, he likes it and I get good exercise. Also generally running about with him works well, Going out on the stroller and doing a jog while you do it.

    Unfortunately it sounds like you may be stress eating because of the large work load that you have on, I would suggest some relaxation/medication music for the ferry.

    I don't think it makes sense to be limiting your intake during the day, it is only being counter productive anyway.
    Good luck.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I have put on 15 pounds since I have started my current job as a nanny for a 17 month old little girl. I have barely any time, and NO energy, and all I am constantly craving is sweets and carbs. That is ALL I want. I noticed that after I got a week-long vacation and I wasn't dying of exhaustion, I didn't crave those things at all. I know it is related to my body being tired, but here is my dilemma:

    I work 11 hour shifts, plus I take the ferry and have a very long commute on either end, 5 days a week. From the moment I wake up to the moment I get home Monday-Friday, I am gone 17 hours. I wake up at 315am and get home at 815pm. I can usually be in bed and asleep by 10pm, allowing me 5 hours of sleep.

    Please do not give advice about changing anything in my work schedule, as that I cannot do. I have to keep this job, end of story. What I am hoping you can help me with is any ways to live this lifestyle and stop gaining weight. I actually want to LOS what I've gained, plus a few pounds that I wanted to lose BEFORE I gained the weight.

    Some other problems I'm running into:

    - It is hard to eat every few hours because the toddler wants everything I'm eating instead of her own food (her parents also don't want her eating things I have like low calorie yogurt because of artificial sweeteners, even if I wanted to share). I usually have to cram down as much food as I can during her 2 hour afternoon nap, which so far starts and finishes sometime between 1pm and 430pm (we're still trying to establish a routine because she's had to do some transitioning).

    - I am so tired by the weekend that I can't get off the couch, and if I do its a huge event to just go to the grocery store.

    - I have NES (Night Eating Syndrome - its a real disorder) so even if I do my best to fight through cravings all day, I get up and make up for it at night. This also means I do not get sound rest because of the disorder.

    Writing all this out makes me feel like I am just destined in stone to be obese... :/

    Facts to take into consideration before you answer:

    - What I pack for my lunch is all healthy - fruits, veggies, fat free dairy, healthy protein - but I start eating my employers food, because they are always stocked up on cookies and carbs that are staring at me when I'm trying to pack snacks for the little girl for our daily outings. Then when shes sleeping I try to fill up on MY food, but I end up eating my food and then still getting into theirs.

    - I take a multi-vitamin, vitamin C, vitamin D, B complex, omega 3, iron, calcium, zinc and make sure I get 40-60 grams of protein per day, and 20-30 grams of fiber. I am actually quite conscious of my health, other than forcing my body into this tiring work schedule.

    I can't get more sleep during the work week. How can I change this path I'm going down? PLEASE, anything you can give me is better than what I have. I just am panicking about having lost control of my own actions. This has to STOP.

    How long did it take you to gain the 15lbs? I ask this because about 8-9 years ago I was trying to lose weight--following weight watchers and going to a women's only gym ( sorta like curves) and GAINED about 30lbs. I think I may have been the only one in the history of the place to gain pounds and inches instead of losing them :( I went to my doctor, explained the situation, and she ran a few tests. She called me a week later to tell me that I was pre-diabetic. She told me to cut my carbs down to 50g net per day and come back in 2 months. At the end of 2 months I went back 15-20 pounds lighter...and pregnant.

    I would try increasing your intake of B vitamins and maybe C vitamins to help with your energy levels.
  • Look into intermittent fasting. I haven't been diagnosed with NES but I've always felt that I fit the criteria. I do 20/4 IF and eat between 7pm-11pm. It's great fir a busy schedule because you don't need to worry about food during the day and you get to eat a big meal.
  • westcoastgrl21
    westcoastgrl21 Posts: 172 Member
    Well, I'm a stay-at-home mom, so my schedule sounds alot like yours! I've found that when I'm not getting enough sleep (out of my control when my kids are waking up throughout the night), the pounds come on at a terrifying rate. This happens no matter what I"m eating, and exercise is out of the question when I'm that exhausted.

    Things that will help- try to incorporate as much activity into your day as you can. Put the baby in a stroller and jog to the park, or just on a long walk. Staying busy with the baby will help you stay away from their food- just get out of the house: to the park, community classes, playgroups, go to the petstore to see animals, zoo, aquarium, baby gym classes! Toddlers are less demanding when entertained anyways LOL Go ahead and have your snacks, eating frequently will help your energy level and control cravings. Tell the baby "no"when she wants your food, and if she protests just let her fuss; kids have to learn the meaning of no. I find 3 days of anything new and the kids learn, so she'll adapt quickly.

    I'd bet the most helpful thing would be to figure out how to make sure you're getting enough hours of *quality* sleep. Can you call your insurance and see if you can get into a sleep expert to figure out your condition? Good luck!