Gun owner's



  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    I grew up in Northern Ontario. Everybody had guns and almost everybody, including our family, hunted. It was practically a rite of passage to "get your moose". I remember one boy bringing his dead moose (in the back of his pickup) to school, to show it off to all his friends. Gun safety was paramount in our household, with eight kids. They were always kept locked away, we never touched them without permission, and we all learned how to shoot and hunt very early. We all had to take the hunter's safety course before getting our licenses as well.

    I currently do not have guns in my home because we don't get many hunting opportunities here in Toronto (though it's tempting to try keep down the squirrel population! LOL) My eldest son, who is an Army Cadet, has an air-soft rifle (which is not much more than a fancy toy) and he abides very conscientiously by the safety rules--both mine and his Army Cadets marksmanship team rules.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    This is ****ed up.
  • amyloooo
    amyloooo Posts: 28 Member
    Safest bet: Don't have guns around.
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