How far could you run when you started running?



  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    I have no idea how far, but it was about thirty seconds at MOST. Now I regularly run 6 miles and I have my first half marathon coming up in February! So excited and I will definitely be ready :)
  • xprettyreckless
    xprettyreckless Posts: 297 Member
    I've actually tracked every single run since I've started running and my first couple ranged between 5k to 14k
    (which is around 3 to 9 miles roughly).

    I remember I did the 9 miles way too early though, because while it didn't seem too hard running it, my body was just used to it at all, and I had to take a two weeks break immediately after because my knees hurt so much.

    But yeah, I guess I started at three miles and worked my way up:)
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    When I first started, I could run 1/2 a block before I had a terrible side ache. 14 months later... 13.1 miles has been my longest run. My regular run is 4-6.4 miles, 5x a week. Sometimes I'll pump out a 10 miler on a Sunday.

  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    When I began, about a quarter mile. (This past summer) Now I run 5 miles daily, sometimes when I have the time (like today) I'll do 10 or so just to prove to myself how far I've come.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    less than 2 blocks.

    13.1 miles.
  • AnitaS71
    AnitaS71 Posts: 25 Member
    I could run about a minute and a half without too much difficulty when I started running in May. Three minutes kicked my butt! My longest run in recent days was 6 miles. I usually "only" run 4 though.
  • kmoore02
    kmoore02 Posts: 167 Member
    I haven't been running a year yet, but when I first started, I couldn't run from light pole to light pole. I run at our NFL teams stadium around the parking lot and about 1 1/2 time around is about a mile. I ran 6.5 miles today and I weigh around 263lbs. When I ran my first 5k, I weighed 299lbs and finished in 40 minutes.
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    I'm still only at 30 seconds, its annoying and frustrating.
  • vabchloser
    vabchloser Posts: 223 Member
    I remember blogging a while back about being SO excited when I ran a mile in two 1/2 mile increments, then when I "ran" an entire mile in 14 minutes.

    Now, about 5 years later and a total of 90 lbs down, I can run 10.5 minute miles and can keep that up for 3 or 4 miles. If I slow down, I can do I'd say improvement noted.

    Good job everyone!
  • katiefridley
    katiefridley Posts: 151 Member
    About a minute, and that was HARD.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    1 block (light pole to light pole) Next month I'll complete my 3rd Goofy Challenge!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I could barely make it to the mailbox before calling the paramedics. I run 20-25 miles/week.
  • estrobabe
    estrobabe Posts: 337 Member
    Ran track from 6 years old to 18 years old. I use to do at least 10 miles or more with ease. After I stopped running and gained tons of weight at 20 years old when I try to run for the first time two years later I could barely finish a mile. Now at 22 I'm pushing about a 5k with ease and could do at 5 miles (I may struggle) but still can do it! I'm working on being that runner I use to be. :)
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    When I first started running, I could run a little over a mile. Now-- I dunno, I've never maxed out. I know I can run 15 pretty easily, but I've never tried farther.
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    When I started C25k this past September I felt like I was going to die on the initial 60 second run. I thought, How is one little minute so da*n long? Yesterday I ran my second 5k in 36:39.7 - an 11.49 pace. I ran the entire thing, no walk breaks. I am training for endurance, not speed. my long term goal is the runDisney Tower of terror 10 Miler in September 2013. My goal is to complete it in under two hours with the stretch goal of finishing about 90 minutes. We'll see where it goes from there.
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 392 Member
    I started running after already playing soccer for five years, so I guess I started with an advantage. My first run was 2 miles, and it felt pretty good. :) Now, I am up to 26.2 miles. I can
    t wait to up that!
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    About 3 minutes.

    But in the end I completed a Half Marathon and that's enough for me.

  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I started C25K in August and the 60 seconds had me totally out of breath. But as soon as I finished that first day, I knew I would finish the program. I'm up to 3.1 miles (35 mins) but I'm struggling with boredom. It's not my breathing or my legs. I do listen to music but I still get really, really bored. I want to do a 10K so if anyone has any suggestions (other then choose a destination as my goal), I'd really appreciate it.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Originally; less than half a mile.

    The longest I've run without having to stop (or slow down and walk) so far has been 8 miles.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Barely 60 seconds. Was day one of couch 2 5k.
    Now my longest is 11.5 miles.