Is 1x a week enough for results?

So, currently I take a yoga/Pilates combo class 3x a week and I work out with weights and machines 2-3x a week as well. Class is Tues, Thurs and Sat. So I generally try to do my weight routine on Mon, Wed, Fri, although it's pretty common for me to only make it to the gym only 2 days instead of all 3 of those. I focus on upper body one day, then do lower body whenever I next go, trying to give my body time to recover and work all things equally.

My question is, if I only do weights 2x a week then each section of the body is only getting worked once. Is that enough to show real results? I don't worry so much about lower body because we work our legs, butt, abs etc in the yoga/Pilates class (even though it's just body weight we're working with there). I'm more concerned with only working my arms, back, shoulders etc only 1x a week. Should I try to consistently do weights 3x a week and focus on upper body 2 of those days? This just puts me at the gym 6x a week if you count the classes, which is starting to feel like a bit much to me.

I'm mainly focused on trying to bulk a bit and get nicely defined muscles. I know heavy lifting would probably be best for this but I really love my class and find I benefit in that type of setting as far as motivation and not getting bored. Just wanted advice on whether 1x a week for upper body is even worth it or if I need to step it up in that area. Not trying to lose weight at all, was previously skinny fat, lol.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Generally speaking, hitting each body part 1x per week is not enough for "results". It is usually enough to keep from losing gains during an off cycle or a cycle where your energy is used on some other type of training.

    I recommend that find a good whole body routine and do it 2x per week, if that's all the time you have. 2x per week can produce some measurable results. Not nearly as much as 3x times, but if that's all your schedule allows, so be it.