Life amidst the dying.



  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I have just gone through this with my mother, and I'm so sorry that you and and your family have to face this. I am proud of you for continuing to do what's best for all of you during this time. It's *so* hard. And there's no words that I can share that will make it easier - but I can offer a shoulder.

    My mom was diagnosed with small-cell lung cancer on October 19th, and it was already stage 4. We were able to bring her home to do in-home hospice care and she passed away at 4am on November 11th, at home, and with me by her side. Those three weeks were among the hardest of my entire life, but I wouldn't trade them for all the world. Not even the 10 pounds I've gained because I let everything else fall by the curbside. I got to share some of the most special moments my mom and I ever shared in our really tough relationship - and I will cherish those memories all of my days. Especially sharing with her a surprise of blue fin tuna sashimi just a week before she passed.

    I can only offer that you have GOT to take care of yourself while caring for your sister - you will still be here. I have had a really difficult time because it all happened so fast - my mom went from being as healthy as a moose to bedridden in 3 days flat - sadly, it took me the first 10 days to even comprehend that she was sick, let alone that she was dying in front of my eyes. But trying to keep up with my own life, my gym time and my work responsibilities helped me realize that I have to keep going. I did the best I could for her and for myself, and sometimes, it still seems like it wasn't enough.

    But I can tell you, you can do this. It will be so hard, but you can do it. And if you need or want someone to talk to, I can offer an ear anytime. I am thinking of you and your family and sending you all the love and support and positive thoughts I can muster.