Chocolate Covered Katie's Voluminous Vanilla Ice Cream

Well, there's a website I think many chocolate lovers will appreciate. Well, it's a blog, but the owner makes recipes fit for a healthy lifestyle - but at first look you'd think it's all unhealthy.

But it's not! The website has some really cool recipes that are actually quite good. Most come with nutritional details, which is also helpful.

I just had to share it, in case some people were depriving themselves of food they didn't need too.

And I'm just going to share a recipe that I've tried to make, and it was pretty good: Voluminous Vanilla Ice Cream

(the link is here: )

(Makes 1 huge serving)

1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract (or about 1/4 of a vanilla bean, sliced lengthwise and scraped out)
1/16 tsp salt (trust me)
sweetener (such as 1-2 stevia packets or 1-2 tbsp sugar)
1 cup almond milk (I used unsweetened Silk. See below for substitution notes.)
optional: add-ins such as fruit, peanut butter, or extracts

Mix the ingredients together in 1 or 2 shallow plastic containers. Freeze. (You could also use an ice cube tray.) Once frozen, pop the blocks out of the container (I thaw for 30 seconds in the microwave first) and blend in your Vita-Mix. (If you don’t have a vita-mix, you’ll probably have to thaw longer, but you can still get a yummy ice milk.)

Calories: 40
Fat grams: 3
Sugar grams: 0


I added Cherries and Dark Chocolate to mine and it was great *_* Just remember when adding extras to account for the calories
