Confusion - please help :(

Right, for quite a long time now I have been on 1330 calories and was hardly doing any exercise and wasn't seeing many results. Recently (as in the last week) I have been upping my time at the gym (around an hour class everyday - sometimes 2 classes). I have stayed at 1330 calories and have been losing inches in many places and 1lb or 2 in weight. Now I read this:

and see that my TDEE is 2243!!! and my BMR 1303... therefore according to this theory with a -20% defecit (1792 calories!) I should still lose weight.

Should I up my calories? I'm terrified of putting the weight on again and the little amount I have lost. If so how should I do it? add on 100 a week or so?


  • pixie_mills
    pixie_mills Posts: 103 Member
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    If you are feeling like what your doing isn't working you can certainly up your calories. Doing a few hundred a week or every two weeks can help you adjust to it and if it feels like to much go back down a smidgen so you feel comfortable. I recently upped mine from 1530 to 1730 and have been exercising more and I find I usually stay between those two numbers depending on my day I love it. In the end it is all about finding what works for you, if you feel happy and satisfied you will stick with it! If you feel deprived and miserable you are more likely to give up. I eat back a portion of my exercise calories most days but if I don't feel I need it I don't it is totally up to you and your comfort level.
    Good luck!
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    i lose faster when i eat 1500-1700 rather than 1200-1400. it just depends on how your body reacts
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
    yes up your calories by either adding all at once or slowly add 100 to it .i would just to get it done and over with your body may gain until it get use to you eating more cause you undereating you were probably in starvation mode.
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
    Right, for quite a long time now I have been on 1330 calories and was hardly doing any exercise and wasn't seeing many results. Recently (as in the last week) I have been upping my time at the gym (around an hour class everyday - sometimes 2 classes). I have stayed at 1330 calories and have been losing inches in many places and 1lb or 2 in weight. Now I read this:

    and see that my TDEE is 2243!!! and my BMR 1303... therefore according to this theory with a -20% defecit (1792 calories!) I should still lose weight.

    Should I up my calories? I'm terrified of putting the weight on again and the little amount I have lost. If so how should I do it? add on 100 a week or so?

    also be mindful if you look at your net calories if at the end of the week you net under bmr your starving yourself. So if your goal is 1700 example you can eat 1700 when you exercise eat back to net 1700 at the end of the day. by sunday add all your net calories up divide by 7 your average net should be 1700.
  • UsernameStillLoading
    Upping your caloric intake doesn't mean you will gain weight. You can up your caloric intake the days you workout and maintain your normal caloric intake for the days you rest. That way you can still maintain yourself in your comfort zone.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    invest the time in tweaking what your'e doing so you can find how your body will lose steady. Obviously it wasn't before..why not try eating more and see what happens.
  • pixie_mills
    pixie_mills Posts: 103 Member
    Yeah I'm gonna try upping I think. Patience is a virtue! lol.